
Any one have any suggestions for the weekends? I do great through the week and have lost 12 lbs last month but the weekends are SO hard as we eat out alot. Anybody else struggle with this? And if so, how do you plan; ..overcome?


  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    Others may or may not agree with me, but this works FOR ME, I have one day, usually Sunday, that I don't track. The reality is that one day isn't going to make me fat or not lose weight. So, one free day helps me a lot. I've also noticed on these days, without really thinking about it I've started to eat less or better. It's the whole life change thing- it happens with time.

    However, I get the going out to eat thing, it's not easy!! Are you going out to chains? Can you look at the menu ahead of time? I know that has helped me a lot in the past!
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Going out to eat definitely makes it hard. On Friday night I had the "Lighter Choice" Santa Fe chicken wrap with a side of broccoli...680 cals!!!!! :noway:
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    If you know you will be eating out you can eat a little less during the week, that way you'll have additional calories left over. Also, before you go out look up the nutritional info and choose your meal before you go. Have water only, and don't look at the menu, just order what you know will work within your calories for the day.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Others may or may not agree with me, but this works FOR ME, I have one day, usually Sunday, that I don't track. The reality is that one day isn't going to make me fat or not lose weight. So, one free day helps me a lot. I've also noticed on these days, without really thinking about it I've started to eat less or better. It's the whole life change thing- it happens with time.

    However, I get the going out to eat thing, it's not easy!! Are you going out to chains? Can you look at the menu ahead of time? I know that has helped me a lot in the past!

    I agree to a point treating yourself/rewarding yourself one day a week is not bad at all because I feel it curves your appetite and cures your sweet tooth on that day then you go back and hit the rest of the days hard
  • comet_wow
    comet_wow Posts: 180 Member
    What about upping your exercise on the days you go out to eat? You'll have more calories to play with and can enjoy your meal without worrting about going over.
  • myshell67
    myshell67 Posts: 64 Member
    This fits me to a T! I do really good all week, but come Friday night, it seems like all my hard work & good intentions go out the window. I agree with one of the above posters about checking out the menu ahead of time, if you know where you'll be going out to eat. Otherwise, try to make healthier choices & box up 1/2 of your meal as soon as you get it to avoid the temptation of cleaning your plate. Good Luck!
  • tharve2
    tharve2 Posts: 8 Member
    Sometimes I eat 'light meals' and make the meal that I will have when I'm out the heaviest meal. So for example if I'm going out with friends in the evening I would eat fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, a small snack and save the rest of my calories for dinner. I would also look at the menu before I go and make a mental plan of what to eat.

    I will try not to track as well...
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    If you know you will be eating out you can eat a little less during the week, that way you'll have additional calories left over. Also, before you go out look up the nutritional info and choose your meal before you go. Have water only, and don't look at the menu, just order what you know will work within your calories for the day.

    This! I do this as well, so that I know what will work.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Others may or may not agree with me, but this works FOR ME, I have one day, usually Sunday, that I don't track. The reality is that one day isn't going to make me fat or not lose weight. So, one free day helps me a lot. I've also noticed on these days, without really thinking about it I've started to eat less or better. It's the whole life change thing- it happens with time.

    However, I get the going out to eat thing, it's not easy!! Are you going out to chains? Can you look at the menu ahead of time? I know that has helped me a lot in the past!

    I don't log Saturdays or Sundays myself. I live in the city, so I'm usually not eating out at chains, and it's too much work to try to figure out an accurate calorie count. I'm also a lot more active on the weekends and it's hard to track that activity. I think it ends up balancing out because I burn a lot running around doing things, and don't eat as often because I'm busy, but when I do eat it's a big meal out and/or there's alcohol involved. It's different than during the week when I'm sitting at a desk all day and eating regular meals that are lighter and homemade.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    On weekends I usually eat a late breakfast/early lunch and then go out to dinner with my husband or friends. Eating less during the day means I can afford a few more calories at dinner. I also do my best to skip appetizers (unless it is a salad) and say no to dessert while I'm out to eat. I can always have a safer dessert at home... something I can control. :)

    Pre-shopping menus online before you go out is a great idea to help you understand portions and calories. Most chains have their nutritional information readily available and most independent restaurants have their menus online. Just plan ahead! :)
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    research menus online
    ask about healthier options/ ask for things like butter, dressing, etc on the side
    tell your bf that you cant eat there! lol
    excercise extra that day
    eat lighter that day
    share a plate
    order a salad before your main meal
    skip bread/chips first
    dont worry so much about it!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I don't eat back my exercise calories so that I can play on the weekends and still be within my weekly net goal.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I'm right there with you!! Yesterday, I was stuck with fast food (Arby's) so I got a kid"s meal and drank my own water. It was about 450 calories give or take. Not horrible but not great.

    If they will let you get a kids meal without a bunch of grief, I usually do that. Or order your entree and a box then put half the entree in the box as soon as you get it.

    Also at the restaurants that give out bread, I eat ONE of the cheese rolls/ biscuits whatever. That way I really don't feel deprived. One won't ruin your weekly work, but seven will..haha.

    Good luck!
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I just eat what I want when we go out...AND...I track it! It keeps me honest with myself. As someone else said...one day isn't gonna make or break you. I don't normally eat back my exercise points either, so I typically stay withing my goal range. I am also more active on weekend, (I have more time)...it's a balancing act! There are some good suggestions already here I won't repeat. I'll just say 12 pounds in a month is AWESOME!!! Keep doing what you're doing!
  • canadakim17
    canadakim17 Posts: 24 Member
    I also struggle with this :( I just try to eat even better through the week becuase I know how hard the weekend is going to be! I also try to move more during the weekends!!!
  • shelbiejo
    shelbiejo Posts: 283 Member
    Others may or may not agree with me, but this works FOR ME, I have one day, usually Sunday, that I don't track. The reality is that one day isn't going to make me fat or not lose weight. So, one free day helps me a lot. I've also noticed on these days, without really thinking about it I've started to eat less or better. It's the whole life change thing- it happens with time.

    However, I get the going out to eat thing, it's not easy!! Are you going out to chains? Can you look at the menu ahead of time? I know that has helped me a lot in the past!

    ^^^ I agree with this! I don't track my Sunday's because that is the day I spend with my boyfriend and it is just easier to relax for the day instead of spending the day adding up calories. And from what I've been told you need to have one "cheat" day to trick you metabolism.
  • mlbrowninsc
    Weekends are my free time with Saturday being a completely free day. I track my calories even on the weekends, but they will not be completely accurate as it is hard to find counts for locally owned restaurants. This has worked well for me, but might not for everyone. It has taken me several months to get mine right where it's consistently working. Even with the weekends, I'm generally within my calorie limits for the week overall.
  • MrsHyland
    MrsHyland Posts: 87 Member
    The weekend is a huge struggle for me as well. It's easy to eat healthy at work because I don't have bad food to eat. But at home there is tons of temptation everywhere. Saturday nights are family nights centered around food. My mom and my aunt are now on this weight loss journey with me, so we try to choose healthier options for dinner. I don't stress about my calories on the weekend as much. I have already lost 17 lbs doing things this way. I'm sure I could have lost more if I had been better, but I want to live my life and be happy, not diet and be miserable. My advice to you is to be conscious of every food choice you make, even if it's a bad one. The only way to change is to admit that you need to. Rather than beat yourself up over the hamburger and fries you ate, make a better choice later. Skip dessert or have fruit. Do better tomorrow. One day won't derail your weight loss. Good luck on your journey. I hope that weekends get easier to deal with. I'm sorry I don't have better advice for you.
  • beccapink
    beccapink Posts: 28
    The only issue i have is my husband is home on the weekends so its harder for me to eat heathly cause all he eats is junk food. but lately Im proud of myself I have stayed on my diet :drinker:
  • beccapink
    beccapink Posts: 28
    I agree ! one day a week from not tracking what i eat has helped me , on whatever day i choose i dont track what Im eating and i dont exercise on that day either, i find that it has helped me .