need friends for motivation to lose 100 pounds,

hello every one! i am starting my 100 pound lost journey , and i need support! and help, and motivation!

I live in Nova Scotia.


I love music, walking, and will love a new life style to a new me, a better me.

I do not own a computer..... But i swear i will come as oftern as i can, when i visit friends who have some, or when i catch up on bill and get my own... So please add me.

Starting at 255 wanna be 155.

So today is the day i give up pop, late unhealthy snacks, lazy habits, and i am planning to do 30 minutes or cardio a day for every day exept sunday.
i know it seems not alot, but for me, to only quit bad food, and move 30 minutes a day full cardio, is what i need to do. Of course, i will increase weights, and more cardio as i go.
So Wish me luck, cuz here i go!


  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    Hi! It sounds like you´re very motivated to change your life. That´s strong! It´s a big step. It´s a lot of weigt to loose, but I will chear for you. Way to go! :happy:

    Feel free to add me if you like. I try to keep the amount of friends on a low, so I have time for each and to comment. I´m new, started yesterday, but I feel like this is a very friendly and supporting site. I´m sure you´re gonna like it. I do. :smile:

    I´m from denmark, trying to loose 30 pounds. I know, that sounds probably like nothing to you.... I gained 40 pounds in a year when I started my intidepressive medication.

    Anyway, I hope you will reach your goal. With the right amount of mativation and support, I´m sure you will! You just go for it! :happy:
  • hayescat
    hayescat Posts: 1 Member
    The hardest part is taking that first step and reaching out for help. You can do it!! One small step at a time, one small change at a time. The more you check back, the better it will be for you. It is not an easy journey but it is a worthwhile one. There will be days when you mess up and that's ok as long as you get right back up and get back on track!!
  • hcyndy
    hcyndy Posts: 51
    Begin with the end in mind. ~ Steven Covey

    Its great you have decided to start your journey for weight loss. I know you can do it :smile: I just sent you a friend request.
    I am on everyday and with a little motivation I am sure we can both accomplish anything :happy:
    Best Wishes
  • tdtl07
    tdtl07 Posts: 33
    Hi! I am in the same boat as you! I need to lose about 100 lbs also. I always start something and then stop. I have problems staying motivated. I want to get healthy for my kids so they can be healthy as well!
  • HausOfTina
    HausOfTina Posts: 92
    feel free to add me! I am on every day and here to give a lot of motivation! (Have 160 lb to lose total, has lost 23 so far)

  • tomlatimer
    tomlatimer Posts: 10
    Hi, I am new myself, but have being dieting for the last year and a half, you have made the biggest step by choosing to change your lifestyle which you should be proud of. I orginally started off weighing 265lb and now down to 225lb, need to lose the last 40lb, but best wishes anyway and there is always alot of support from myself and other members on this site.
  • Jess2275
    Jess2275 Posts: 5
    Im started over again today on my weight loss journey it is hard but you can do it. :) 100 pounds is alot but not impossible to lose. I have about 110 pounds to lose so Im right there with you. You can add me if you want and we can talk when one of us is having a hard day. Good luck to you and I love your upbeat attitude its great :)
  • tdtl07
    tdtl07 Posts: 33
    I forgot to say you can add me as a friend as well. I need all the support I can get as well!
  • Whitnit809
    Whitnit809 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there! I am starting my journey today too! I hope to lose 100 pounds this year. I'd love some new friends, anyone add me! :) We can all do this!!!
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    Hay feel free to add me x
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    Welcome Aboard....:smile:

    Been Here A Little Over 105 Days...
    55 Lost With 100+ To Go.

    Very Motivated......

    Feel Free To Add Me....
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome!!! I'm on day 2 of my recommittment and have 100+ to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • kympow
    kympow Posts: 145 Member
    Hi welcome!

    I have 117 to lose. (35 done) It's a long road with mini goals at everycorner ;)

    Feel free to add me ;)
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    Friend request sent...I'm working on losing 116 lbs.
  • roz558
    roz558 Posts: 2
    Hi, I am returning after trying it on my own for a while cos im not very good at logging in on a regular basis lol.

    My best advice to you seen as though your starting out is maybe do cardio 30 mins 3 times a week and then build up from there to start with as your body wont be used to moving so much. Doing it every day to start off with will zap your motivation especially if you dont have an excercise buddy to keep you going and tell you when your just making excuses.

    Drink lots of water cos when you think your hungry your actually thirsty so have a glass of water whenever you feel hungry and wait 5 mins if you still feel hungry then eat something small. Small meals often is better than 3 bigger meals, snacking is actually good if your careful about your choices, chose fruit or low GI bars that will stop you craving sweet stuff try raw veg sticks or low cal flatbread and home made salsa dip if you crave savoury. Just be mindfull of your calories and how much your eating as it's a little tricky keeping track when there's many small meals. Prepare snacks in advance for each day so you don't eat more than your allowance, half your cals for your 3 main meals and the rest spread out over 6-8 snacks.

    Also another great tip is cos your body is prob used to eating bigger meals just now, it's good to wait till your really hungry like gurgling stomach type hunger, before eating something. This over a week or so will reduce the size of your stomach so you will feel full after eating less in the future, this will initially feel uncomfortable for you to be hungry like that but after a week of it you will find that dieting is much much easier to tolerate as you will feel fuller eating less which will help motivate you and keep you going on your diet happier. Whenever you feel your portions sizes getting bigger and bigger to fill you up you can just repeat the process.

    Remember to eat slowly especially when doing the stomach shrinking thing, this gives your stomach time to send signals to your brain to say it's full and this triggers you to stop eating sooner. Go by your body and not what any diet says, it's really important to listen to your body if you feel too hungry to wait to eat something have a glass of water wait 5 mins then eat something if your really hungry, don't fool yourself though it's too easy to trick yourself, just ask yourself if you can go 10 mins more or not.

    It's all mind over matter, if you occupy your mind more you tend to think of your next meal less, snacks made in advance will also help you to not think of food so much cos you know if you get hungry what you have has already been decided so your mind doesn't let you turn your hunger into a full blown craving and you end up eating tonnes of something you really didn't need. Have one of your snacks shortly before you have a main meal this will help you judge the portion size you really need as it won't be driven by hunger so you'll be happier with a smaller sized portion.

    I lost 5 st a few years ago by doing pretty much just this I was really busy at work and this kept my mind busy, I didn't get a lot of time for big meals and ended up snacking a lot over about 5-6 months or so it just kinda dropped off, the increased workload kept me very active but I was doing nightshifts so it wasn't the healthiest of times in my life but I started to make healthier choices in what I was eating and people really noticed it's affect in my skin and attitude etc. Since then I've read a lot about the benefits of snacking to keep your metabolism up cos you burn what you eat faster so not only do you feel more energetic you don't store the excess energy as often. It also makes any excercise you do much more efficient.

    Fortunately (or unfortunately however you look at it) I met my husband that year and quickly fell pregnant! My pace of life slowed down, I gained 3st during my 3rd trimester and 3.5st during the 10 months I was nursing her(I also had PND) so I then found myself with 6.5st to lose!!

    I have lost about 3st of that so I've still a ways to go, but I know how you feel having that big number to reach, don't get obsessed with the pounds, only weight yourself now and then to let you know your progressing, judge it by your clothes and how you feel and hold yourself (good posture makes you look like 5 lbs lighter apparently). Buy something nice in the next size down and make that your goal to fit into that snugly then do that again once your comfortable at that size, don't buy a whole new wardrobe each time you go down a size, every time you have to throw something out cos it's too big just put like 20 or 30 quid in a jar and that can go towards your new wardrobe when you've reached you final goal and you can get yourself a whole new you in every way! Buy clothes that will shrink with you or are easily adjusted to do so like stretchy trousers and skirts and wrap around dresses and tops fancy belts are good for sinching in baggy dresses or tops and they really show off your emerging self too so everyone will notice your progress leading to nice comments leading to boosted confidence leading to further weight loss!! Win win.

    Sorry for the long message I wanted to get everything across in one go incase I don't get to log in for a week or so lol Feel free to message me bakc whenever I will reply asap, FYI there's 14lbs in a stone (st) so that'll give you a better idea of where I've been weightwise I still find working in st is easier than just lbs.