Let's get on FIYA w/ TurboFire, ladies!!!

I am currently doing TurboFire, but would love some TF lady friends to keep each other motivated and accountable!! I have a fun, encouraging, motivating and inspiring group on facebook called Fit 2b Fab and would love for you join us! I think having fun groups to chat with and to help keep people accountable is a great way to stay motivated. So, ladies... who is in with me getting our FIYA on with TF????

The site on facebook is Fit 2b Fab. I have a group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/366175796769480/ OR I have a "like" page Fit 2b Fab: https://www.facebook.com/obrien821.fit2bfab. Join one or both.... the more the merrier!!


  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    No ladies doing TurboFire??? Would love some TF buddies!
  • HauteHauteMami
    HauteHauteMami Posts: 128 Member
    Not doing TurboFire but TurboKick if you wanna add me . . . =)
  • mrslack
    mrslack Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing Turbofire and would love some like-minded buddies! I'm on week 6.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Awesome!! Glad you ladies are on board!! I'm having so much fun with TF that I forget it's a workout sometimes! lol. I definitely feel it by the time I'm done though! :)
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    How are you liking it, mrslack? Week 6 is really good! Gotta say the Fire 45 is my ultimate fav!!
  • Just started doing the Turbo Fire DVD's and really, really like them. Find them to be a great workout - and surprisingly fun.
  • Healthymom207
    Healthymom207 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm doing Turbofire and love it, the music keeps you going. Feel free to add me as a friend, I would love to have some Turbofire friends to chat with.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Welcome ladies!! Excited to have you on board.

    I totally agree tmadonna610, that the music definitely keeps me moving. Fire 45 is my ultimate fav! "Boom I got your boyfriend!" lol. Too much fun. Feel free to join my group on fb to!

    Sonomawinesno, I'm glad you like the TF workouts. They totally get my blood pumping!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    So, how is everyone doing this week with TurboFire? I did the HIIT 20 this morning before work. I usually do it after work, but I knew today would be super busy...sooooo... I got it done and feel good about it. When do you gals workout; morning or evening?
  • VerOnicA123102
    VerOnicA123102 Posts: 5 Member
    i just started turbo fire again and love it !
    feel free to add me :]
  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    starting turbofire monday!!
  • emisu2
    emisu2 Posts: 53 Member
    I did TF for a while, but now I just do the 15-minute HIIT workout once or twice per week. I have turned away from "chronic cardio" and move more slowly and more often now but definitely enjoy a short intense burst of TF once in a while. I remember some of the moves in the longer workouts were pretty fun and more like dancing.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    starting turbofire monday!!

    missashley, have you ever done TurboFire before? If not, you will love it! Such high energy and very fun moves! Fire 45 is my fav!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    i just started turbo fire again and love it !
    feel free to add me :]

    Which session is your favorite?
  • Dimples99
    Dimples99 Posts: 13 Member
    I woud like to join the group! I had a baby at the end of March and put on so much weight. I need to get in the habit of exercising again.
  • aimeem2
    aimeem2 Posts: 35
    I just ordered TurboFire and I am SO excited!! Anyone have tips for a beginner? How long did it take you to catch on to the choreography? Thanks :)

  • Iwillbe130
    Iwillbe130 Posts: 30
    I have turbo fire and have been looking for some motivation to jump back into it.
  • I've done turbofire last summer (didn't complete it) and lost **** loads of weight and gained muscle too!!
    Now back on it. I'm doing both turbofire and chalene extreem!!!

  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    Im going to re-start the program on Monday!!! I really want to finish it this time :)
  • threedayspecial
    threedayspecial Posts: 2 Member
    Restarted TF on Monday (6/18)! I had done about 8 weeks of it in the fall and slacked off, gained my weight back, and started feeling gross. So here I go again! Sticking it out to the end this time :) wanting to lose about 45 lbs