my food addiction

*sigh* there, i said it. i have a food addiction, namely, sugar, sweets, ice cream. the thought of giving those up to lose weight and get healthy is overwhelming and scary to me. i couldn't imagine not having ice cream or baked goods, etc. not that i'd have to give them up for good, but if i wanted to lose weight, i would have to for awhile. i don't believe in low fat. i don't eat processed foods. nothing with artificial sweeteners, it's either whole foods or nothing for me. so doing some low fat, artificially sweetened diet isn't going to happen. i have pre-diabetes and was told that a low carb diet would be the best for me. i started it (for the 4th time in my life) and lost 11 lbs. this time. then my dad ended up in the hospital in ICU and my mom told me she and my stepdad were moving back to CA, so i started eating crappy carbs again due to stress, etc. what is it going to take to get me to stop???!!! i just spent 6 months recovering from a knee osteotomy and couldn't walk for 4 months, so i'm just now at a point where i can exercise again. i have sleep apnea due to obesity, pre-diabetes, ortho problems, shortness of breath when i go up the stairs or walk too far, can't play with my kids, none of my clothes fit. i hate the way i look. it's like looking at Jaba the Hut in the mirror. so i should be at rock bottom, right? you would think. and i think i am. but i don't know how to stop craving the food. i want to start a Paleo/Primal diet, but i'm afraid of all the food i'll miss. :frown: i already eat grassfed beef and raw cheese and milk, with a ton of veggies. that's part of the paleo diet. i couldn't give up dairy or cheese, as i'm already limited because i'm gluten free due to Celiac, so that's why i was thinking a more Paleo/Primal as opposed to a hardcore Paleo diet. have any of you ever broken your food addiction? i'm so done. i need to save my life. i'm 320 lbs. what the hell happened to me? i gave up on myself. i'm just a disgusting, fat blob. and i want to be Kelly again. a healthy, pretty girl. i used to be that. help.


  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You don't have to give those things up, or go on some crazy low carb diet. Check out the Eat More To Weigh Less group and read all the stickies. There is a lot of support and knowledge there. I totally understand this addiction. I fight it every day. You've got this. YOU'VE GOT THIS!:flowerforyou:
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    I know how you feel...i have/ had a major food addiction...candy, junk, chips, fast food you name it. Ive tried a bunch of diets and always dropped them..I finally got fed up with myself and excuses and it was time for a lifestyle change not a diet. Since starting to lift heavy weights ive found the need to build muscle and get fit has gave me the strength to forget fast food....The begining is always tuff as any change is...Once you get into it you will fall far from the addiction i no longer have the need for fast food and i actually crave amazing and healthy food like nuts, fruit , greek yogurt ect and i feel 200% better and look better at the same time.

    So just put you heart sole and mind into it and you will have results.
  • drcrimson
    drcrimson Posts: 20 Member
    I think most folks have certain things they really like to eat. For me it was cheese, peanut brittle, blueberry pie, fried foods and peanuts. I took the approach of eating some of those items within my calorie limit. This helped motivate me some during the day to eat right and save those calories for my favorite things that evening or later in the week.
  • kelly1922
    kelly1922 Posts: 53 Member
    thanks everyone....i think i've decided to try the Paleo/Primal diet. i'm looking forward to it! :smile: