Come on new moms!!



  • animejennie
    animejennie Posts: 12 Member
    Ah, yes! Do I still count as new? My daughter, Everly, will turn 1 in July. I think (I hope) I'll hit goal weight by then; fingers crossed.

    I'm 26
    CW 149
    GW 140


    (I've been working for a while on this though and I'm getting so close! Weight before baby was 140, weight right after baby was 198).
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I have a 2 year old and a 2 month old. My daughter was a challenging baby and it took 8 months to get back to working out! So far it's going better this time around *knock on wood*

    Age 29
    Weight 193
    Goal 150

    Clearly never lost the weight from the first before having the second.
  • kristyoconnor
    kristyoconnor Posts: 19 Member
    Hi All -

    I have a 2-month old, a 3.5 yr old, and a 6.5 yr old. I've been on MFP pretty much everyday since March 2011 & I love it! I am once again on a mission to lose my baby weight. Please add me!


    Age - 30
    CW - 158
    GW - 140 (pre-pregnancy weight, ultimate goal is 130)
  • My 2nd son is 21 months and I'm ready to work off my extra weight. Just finished week one of Turbo Fire and am trying to eat better to lose about 25lbs. New to MFP.

    Age 35
    WT 157
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm always up for having new mommy friends:-). I started this site in 2011 after having my 3rd baby. I have a 10 yr old, 3 yr old, and 17 mos old.
  • chloebarge
    chloebarge Posts: 53 Member
    Hey everyone :)
    My little girl is 8 months old now, i didnt put that much weight on during pregnancy but since she was born i was snacking like crazy, eating unhealthily and doing very little exercise. Decided to do something about it!

    Im 19
    Started off at 162lbs, now at 155.
    Im 5"3
    My goal weight is 130lbs

    Anyone feel free to ad me if they need some support :) xx
  • happy2mamma
    happy2mamma Posts: 14 Member

    I have a 9month old and lost 20 lbs since February. I still have 20 more to go, but struggling. Feel free to add me to cheer you on! I need motivation too in this last leg of the journey! :)
  • coreysmrs
    coreysmrs Posts: 6
    Hi!! end of day one and it went really well. I love seeing all of the fellow moms out there.

    It is so easy to put husbands and children first and it sometimes feels wrong to want to take care of ourselves, but I know it will be better for everyone if I take the time to take proper care of myself. Thanks to all who have added me as a friend! Who knew the community of support was so welcoming to us newbies!!

    Have a great night and hope to hear from you tomorrow!!
  • Im a mom just not a new one I have a 4 year old but Im new to mfp..

    Age 24
    Weight 215
    Goal 150
  • I'm a new mom. My daughter is now 6 months. I'm also in the military and I haven't ever really worried about my until the baby came. I started at 160 when I got back from a deployment in Afghanistan which was all muscle then I stayed 160 but just lost the muscle.I got pregnant and made it up 206 and now I'm fluttering at 185 to 190. My goal weight is at least 160. I'm 5'6 and 24 yo.

    My problems is I never knew it was such a pain to watch what you eat. The normal meals I would eat... I'm now finding out are 2 or 3 times the normal servings. Ugh! My problems is findng the right food and meals to make for my family now.
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi! I am a new mom. I have a 7 week old. :yawn: * year old and a 14 old. I started out 213 at delivery and now 190. I was about 165 Before baby. I would love support and motivation.
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    I would love some new mommy friends too! My little girl is 4 months old and my son is 2.5 yrs. My highest pregnancy weight was 216...

    Age: 32
    CW: 173
    GW: 155

    Feel free to add me!
    CHEVALIERSARAH Posts: 3 Member
    Hi There, I have an 8 week old boy and I am looking to drop any where from 20-35 lbs. Are you breastfeeding? I am looking for advice on losing weight while breastfeeding or at least the amount of calories I should be consuming. My highest pregnancy weight was 225.

    Age 31
    CW 190
    GW 165 maybe less
  • Hey all!
    I'm a new mum & i'm extremely new to this site (joined today!!). My daughter will be 5 months old tomorow and not only have I not lost the weight I gained during pregnancy but I've gained a mountain since she was born!
    Currently at 180lbs (most i've ever weighed) and would love the support as I'm useless at self-motivating!! :(