Unsupportive Co-workers! GRRRRR!

So a little more about me, grew up in a family of 7 kids. No food was to be thrown away... so my parents used me as the "human garbage disposal". Anything everyone else didn't eat was put in front of me and I was told I had to eat. And they wonder why I have such problems with my weight!!! Well needless to say, when food is put in front of me or offered to me I have a really hard time to not eat it because of this! Well I have informed my co-workers of my NEW LIFE CHANGE that I am making. And I explained everything to them as well. Well I'm not sure if they are just trying to sabbotage me or what... but everyday this week they have offered some sort of unhealthy food! Well today I resisted once again, until they actually placed it in front of me after I told them 3 times NO THANK YOU! So I fell into my childhood and ate both a third of a Taco Bell Loaded Chicken Ranch Salad for a total of 317 calories and then a slice of the birthday cake for another 310 calories. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO SUPPORTIVE. I know I can't blame anyone buy myself for letting myself fall back, but I really needed to vent!! So thank you for listening!!!

I hope everyone is having a better day than I!:flowerforyou:


  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    that sucks, I'm with you, when I first started trying to lose weight in January everyone was in the "lets bring our leftover holiday cr@p to work" mode and there was soooo much junk foor and like your coworkers they just would not take no for an answer. I finally started telling them I would throw it away if they gave it to me. Sometimes theyd still give it to me (thinking I'd give in) but after saying I would toss it and them expecting me to give in I couldnt back down so I would throw it away right in front of them! it took a few times but eventually they got the hint and stopped sharing with me. the trick is verbalizing the threat to throw it away, if you just decide in your head that you'll throw it away after the coworker leaves... well if your will power is anything like mine you'll dig in instead... saying it outloud commits you to it :) hope that helps!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Just take it and toss it in the garbage right infront of them and say "Yum yum!"
  • schan
    schan Posts: 6
    That's really bad!

    Don't let them ruin your plans. They may be having a "laugh", but I know that making a decision to change your lifestyle is a tough one and should be treated with respect.

    Prove them wrong and stand strong!
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    Passive aggressive behavior bordering on outright aggressive
    at least you are off for the weekend and can get out and walk and stuff and burn off what you ate!! Pack a lunch next week
    and open it before they can say anything
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Well that just stinks! Too bad you don't have a more supportive work environment. I wish you luck! Just be strong.

    My boss still brings in a box 'o muffins every morning. I look at that box and never even attempt to open it. I am afraid that if I see a wonderful chocolate muffin, I will cave.

    Yeah, sometimes it gets tempting, but I just try to turn it off. It's a struggle, but it's gonna be something to deal with forever. There's always gonna be someone trying to tempt you with something, so get yourself prepared!
  • lolo0727
    Whenever my coworkers do this, I take a tiny bit so I can only just taste it. I tell myself that is enough and walk away. We as a group have decided to put food in a less traffic area so that helps with cravings. Bites do add up, so be careful. It works for me though!
  • RhondieJFB
    I'm sorry they are doing that to you!! It's inconsiderate. You know where they are if you decide you want a pc. of cake. Like they said above.. I would throw it out right in front of them, but then your worried they might get upset with you.... guess what? They didn't care what you thought when they put it in front of you. They will get over it. Continue eating healthy no matter who's feelings are hurt because that's about them, not you... good luck.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    at first people didnt believe me. I had gone on so many diets. Year after year gaining a few more pounds, getting a bit more unfit.

    So when I went on what my friends viewed another diet, they didn't take me seriously.

    Well it has been 1.5 years and a few months ago a new girl came up to my desk and inquired what I was eating. I told her and then asked why she asked............she said I always eat so healthy and she wanted to know what I chose for lunch!!

    Me???? Healthy???

    I LOVED it!!

    Give them time to know you are truly making a change. :flowerforyou:
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I can commiserate with you, at work i'm constantly be critiqued on what i am eating. :noway:

    What i found helps is i sometimes take it, set it aside, maybe take a bite and then throw it away when no one is looking or around. I've found this is the best way to handle it for me.

    be strong with your goal, this is for you!