Low carb lunch recipe idea please.

I am struggling to find some low carb tasty lunches to take to work and eat, so would welcome any idea's. I need things that are quick to prepare and easy to carry as I walk to work. I tend to rely on sandwiches (which are high in carb) or crispbreads & cheese triangles, with the occasional tuna salad, but it can get boring, so any low cal & low carb recipe idea's would be very welcome. :smile:


  • This has been a struggle for me as well. I have been doing chiccken sald, spinach chicken apple salad (one of my favorites), a spinach chicken taco salad, orange chicken stir fry, beef and broccoli stir fry. I will make the stir frys a head of time and portion them into individul serving containers and freeze them.

    If you are interested in any of these let me know. Just didn't want to post them all if you didn't like them or didn't have a microwave to heat them up.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I do salads or unwiches (sammich using a big lettuce leaf instead of bread). Or I sometimes make soup but the weather is a bit warm for that lately.

    If you like tuna/egg salad I find that I stuff a pepper with that so I don't need the bread to eat it with. I have done this before with sloppy joes too and it has worked good.

    I have low carbed for about 7 months so I have learned to get creative. Leftovers are always good or just find a veggie to use as a "carrier" for your regular sammich items. I also fall back on protein shakes when I am excessively lazy which is more often then I like to admit to.
  • Thanks for the reply the chicken, spinach and apple salad sounds delicious, if you could send the recipe for that I will definately try it. Much appreciated.:happy:

    Wftiger, what do you stuff the large lettuce leaf with, sounds interesting also:happy: