Anyone Else?

Anyone else lost more weight when they quit obsessing about exercise? I was exercising 6 or 7 times a week, some days twice a day, and some days only a short walk. Ive cut it back to exercising 3 -4 times a week and am finding that Im losing more now. So happy as before I was alway deflated feeling like I worked my *kitten* off with little result. Yes I know I was probably over doing it and not "resting" on my rest days, but Im glad Ive cut back and now do enjoy my rest days and my obsession is not quite so much now. Here's to weightloss....however which way it works!!


  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    I have wondered the same thing except I love my workout so it makes it hard to miss. My problem is I was going 5-6 days a week from the get go and did not easy into it and hurt my knee. Then I kept working out with a brace. I've finally gotten to the point to where I know if I want to play harder, faster, stronger, and burn more calories I'm going to have to stay off it for a while and give it a break. I think I tend to watch my calories more and eat less when I'm not working out.
  • healthylifewealthylife
    yes,I actually was workin out 5 to 6 days a week 2 hrs a day and I tore a serious muscle in my shoulder and it put me out at a huge disadvantage,but it got my attention,pain woke me up!My doctor pulled back me back and I regrouped and started going now 3 times a week for 1 hour,some days 30 to 40 minutes,in doing this I am consistently losing wt and my body feels amazing!I am losing it slow but the inches are amazing,I have lost 43 lbs.since last yr this time and I am pumped and I love myself.I hope this helps you,listen to your body,there is a difference betwen a burn to absolute pain for weeks on end.