Hypoactive Thyroid

I was wondering if anyone can offer any advice.
I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. It is taking some time to get it regulated with medicine.
I know that having an underactive thyroid can make it more difficult to lose weight.
Does anyone have any good advice or things that have worked for them that helps shed the pounds.

I appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.


  • brooke800
    brooke800 Posts: 94 Member
    I wish I did. I gained 16-17 pounds very quickly before being diagnosed. My weight is stable now, but I can't even lose a pound. I spent my whole adult life being a certain weight, had no exercise/eating changes, and gained. It is very hard to accept. I have been on meds now for about 7 weeks. So far I haven't had any benefit. I wish I could help. I exercise a ton and eat a healthy diet. I have heard that once you get your meds right and your metabolism picks up again you will have an easier time, but you will obviously still need to work to lose it.
  • I have been on thyroid meds since I was 18 (am now 29). I gained literally 50 lbs in a matter of 2-3 months! I went into the dr sooooo discouraged. He tried to tell me that some people will just be genetically FAT! However, he did a blood test anyway and low and behold my thyroid was not working.

    As soon as I got my meds worked out I was just fine. I do not think I am fat now because of my thyroid. All these years later I know it is because of my bad habits.

    Bottom line is that a few years ago I lost a significant amount of weight wth no problems as long as I faithfully took my meds.

    Good luck!
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    I have been on thyroid meds for a few years now. My dr told me it would be very hard to lose weight and I played this card for years. Then one day I put my mind to it and changed the way I ate, I exercised daily then before long the weight started coming off. I have lost over 60 pounds in about a year. Just dont give up, it is hard but very doable. There have been weeks when I didnt see any change then there were weeks i'd drop 2-4 pounds. It takes time to find what will work for you but when you do stick with it.
  • Mom777
    Mom777 Posts: 4 Member
    I have had hypothyroidism for 12 years. I think I kept using that as my excuse for being overweight. Honestly, if your medicine is working properly, you should be able to lose weight if you count calories. I am on Levothyroxine (generic for Synthroi), and I consume 1200 calories a day. I started counting in January, and I am down 41 lbs. I hope this helps encourage you! :)
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Join our Hypothyroid/Hyperthyroid group on MFP! Just click on "Groups" above and look for Hypothryroidism.

    I haven't lost weight as quickly as some others - took me a year to lose 35 lbs - but I was able to steadily lose by limiting my cals to around 1350 and being patient. I find that if I go down to 1200, I plateau. But, everyone is different. Start with the MFP recommendations and just be patient. And, log every single bite, every single day. Remember, we're not here to judge - although friends will make comments if you want them to.

    It's not the race that counts, it's the journey.
  • agriffitts85
    agriffitts85 Posts: 38 Member
    i have hypothyroidism as well and have had it since i was 10 years old( now im 27 years old) as long as you are on the right level of medication and watching your calorie intake you should be able to lose weight. it will take time, but be patient the weight will eventually come off, just keep your head up and dont give up. i know i have wanted to give up on more than one occassion this time around.... but i cant especially where i am serious about getting healthy for all the right reasons this time.,.....
  • I also have hypothyroidism, I have no idea how long I have had it...took 2 years to get meds about right and I still dont have it quite right. after drs discovered it, they told me it was probably the cause of my depression (thankfully been off antidepressants for 2 years). One dr told me once I was on meds the weight would drop off..I haven't had it drop off and in fact have had to resort to duromine because of slow weightloss. One thing to avoid is soy milk, apparently it interferes with thyroid production. I am about to try a program thats highly recommended in Australia called metabolic jumpstart, hoping it improves my metabolism
  • beeceezee
    beeceezee Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the suggestions and inspiration.
    I needed to hear that it is possible to slim down even with a thyroid problem.
    You all are such wonderful motivators!
  • I just found this article which may be helpful ... http://thyroid.about.com/od/loseweightsuccessfully/ss/dietsecrets_7.htm?nl=1
  • casbar911
    casbar911 Posts: 61 Member
    I was actually just diagnosed with Hashimoto's in Oct. so I am in the beginning stages of getting the meds right.
    I have gone to a Paleo way of eating, no gluten, no dairy just lean protien, veggies, nuts, healthy fats and fruit. I have lost 6lbs so far in 3 weeks... so it seems to be working- I also have ditched the scale and have been lifting weights and my body is completely changing shape... i have collar bones again :) my blood pressure is 112 over 78 and my resting pulse is only 47... per my doctor I am in better shape then a lot of skinny people.. I'll take my healthy heart and body over the number on the scale anyday... not that i wouldnt like to see the numbers go down - I am just not going to use the scale as a measure of my success.
    by going gluten and dairy free I feel soooo much better, sleep better, dont feel like I need a nap at 2 pm, my hair and nails are getting stronger and growing like crazy.... its amazing!! Good luck on your journey and keep you head up!!!
  • cdcro
    cdcro Posts: 21 Member
    I have been on thyroid meds for a few years now. My dr told me it would be very hard to lose weight and I played this card for years. Then one day I put my mind to it and changed the way I ate, I exercised daily then before long the weight started coming off. I have lost over 60 pounds in about a year. Just dont give up, it is hard but very doable. There have been weeks when I didnt see any change then there were weeks i'd drop 2-4 pounds. It takes time to find what will work for you but when you do stick with it.

    +1 I took meds and gained weight between 21 and 34 until I said enough and stopped using the excuse. If my levels are OK I can lose weight without any issues.
  • beeceezee
    beeceezee Posts: 46 Member
    I think that is a good way to look at it. I have to not use it as an excuse, which I think I probably do more than I would like to admit. Seeing everyones success is really motivating me. Thanks all!
  • Hi, my thyroid level was at 4.86, before it was 5.15. I really need to get my weight down.

    My question is, do we eat our exercise calories back or only eat 1200. Given the fact that we already have a harder time losing weight.
  • beeceezee
    beeceezee Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, my thyroid level was at 4.86, before it was 5.15. I really need to get my weight down.

    My question is, do we eat our exercise calories back or only eat 1200. Given the fact that we already have a harder time losing weight.

    Good question.
    I will be interested to see what people say.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    I found a few weeks ago I am hypo. Luckily it hasn't hindered my weight loss too much and have still lost nearly 90lbs. I guess my levels my not be to bad even without the meds.
  • beeceezee
    beeceezee Posts: 46 Member
    I found a few weeks ago I am hypo. Luckily it hasn't hindered my weight loss too much and have still lost nearly 90lbs. I guess my levels my not be to bad even without the meds.

    Wow! You're doing great. What an inspiration. I can only hope to lose that much!!!
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypoactive thyroid a few weeks ago. I couldn't understand why I had put on about 5-7 kgs and all actually while I was on here, and tracking my calories. It was a relief to find out the cause of it, but I'm really wanting my meds to kick in and start working properly. I know it can take a bit to get your levels right though. I've got a Body Media Fit band, and I'm pretty active, so I can see day to day what I'm burning. I keep anywhere from a 250-900 calorie deficit each day, so clearly my meds aren't working yet if that's not producing any loss. It's really frustrating to work so hard at a very healthy diet and do plenty of exercise and it gets you nowhere.

    To whoever it was suggesting maybe you should just eat 1200 cals? Please no, don't fall prey to the thought that the only way it will work is by going lower and lower. A really sedentary day for me on my BMF is about 2000 calories, and I'm not particularly tall. I would say for just about everybody that would be way too low. Don't do it.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I have been on thyroid meds for a few years now. My dr told me it would be very hard to lose weight and I played this card for years. Then one day I put my mind to it and changed the way I ate, I exercised daily then before long the weight started coming off. I have lost over 60 pounds in about a year. Just dont give up, it is hard but very doable. There have been weeks when I didnt see any change then there were weeks i'd drop 2-4 pounds. It takes time to find what will work for you but when you do stick with it.

    +1 I took meds and gained weight between 21 and 34 until I said enough and stopped using the excuse. If my levels are OK I can lose weight without any issues.

    ^ This! I'm hyperthyroid and as part of that my meds make me hypothyroid. I'm not allowed to exercise due to my heart rate, and despite medical studies showing that I should be gaining weight I loss it every time I weigh in. Even 0.25lbs a week is a great loss. It can be done. I eat my TDEE -20%. Please don't go low calorie etc, you will do your metabolism more harm than good. Yes it WILL be harder but if you put your mind to it you can do it. The most important part is not using the condition as an excuse.
    Yesterday I wrote this blog post on this same thing...

    And here is the link for the hypo/hyperthryoid group here on MFP...

    Feel free to add me as a friend/check out my profile/look at my diary. :flowerforyou:
  • It's true that an underactive thryroid gland slows your metabolism. But that doesn't mean weight loss is impossible. It means that it is difficult. It means you have to try harder. Work out more. Be more choosy about what you eat. While others can indulge, you have less opportunities to do so. You have to go above and beyond to lose the weight. But it can be done. Have you ever seen an amputee do a triathlon? I have. Have you ever seen an obese person run a marathon? I have. Have you ever seen a one-armed person win a swimming competition? I have. We don't need easy, we just need possible! Good luck!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I have been on thyroid meds for a few years now. My dr told me it would be very hard to lose weight and I played this card for years. Then one day I put my mind to it and changed the way I ate, I exercised daily then before long the weight started coming off. I have lost over 60 pounds in about a year. Just dont give up, it is hard but very doable. There have been weeks when I didnt see any change then there were weeks i'd drop 2-4 pounds. It takes time to find what will work for you but when you do stick with it.

    +1 I took meds and gained weight between 21 and 34 until I said enough and stopped using the excuse. If my levels are OK I can lose weight without any issues.

    ^ This! I'm hyperthyroid and as part of that my meds make me hypothyroid. I'm not allowed to exercise due to my heart rate, and despite medical studies showing that I should be gaining weight I loss it every time I weigh in. Even 0.25lbs a week is a great loss. It can be done. I eat my TDEE -20%. Please don't go low calorie etc, you will do your metabolism more harm than good. Yes it WILL be harder but if you put your mind to it you can do it. The most important part is not using the condition as an excuse.
    Yesterday I wrote this blog post on this same thing...

    And here is the link for the hypo/hyperthryoid group here on MFP...

    Feel free to add me as a friend/check out my profile/look at my diary. :flowerforyou:
    That bold part.

    I googled and "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia: The Revolutionary Treatment That Can Reverse the Disease" is a book available on paper back. Might want to check that out?

    Dieting, especially starvation diets which severely restrict caloric intake, is another common cause of underactive thyroid. Starvation slows the body's metabolism as the thyroid gland learns to expend energy more efficiently to conserve calories for the next "famine." After a starvation diet we have a tendency to gain even more weight than we took off, and we may find it even harder to lose weight the next time we try. A low-calorie diet can suppress the thyroid function in less than 24 hours. After one to three months of such dieting, there is a danger of permanently inhibiting the thyroid function.
    Nutritional Support - http://www.naturalhealthschool.com/thyroid.html