How to find your will power

I have been really struggling on staying on a healthy path this last year. I have done this a few times lost 60lbs... gained it back lost 35 lbs gained it back and then some... and this time around I just can't seem to find that will power i used to have. I am trying again today to try and stay on that wagon. Today I plan on when I get home from work I want to get some kind of workout done for an hour. My problem is being SO tired when I get off work and having to go home and cook supper for the kids and all the chores that need to be done around the house. I am finding myself going to bed earlier each week. Once supper is done, dishes are done kids are tended to and other stuff I want done I go to bed normally it's at the same time as my kids... around 9pm... and sometimes I wish they would go to bed earlier so I can. This is such a vicious cycle to break. i have never weighed this much EVER my clothes are getting tighter and tighter... I know what I have to do but yet on my way home my list of excuses as to why I just don't have the time or the energy start going thru my head and i don't end up doing anything. but lately I have been so crabby because of the lack of excercise and bad eating. I know what I need to do... I need to find a way to stop the voices in my head when I am tired. How do you make them stop talking????:mad:


  • jennb78
    jennb78 Posts: 13
    I would like to hear others responses to this as well. It is the same for me and i find that when I do eat bad and dont work out I feel worse then get mad at myself. I have read people say you just have to say enough is enough and make time......easier said than done! So then I go on MFP to get motivation and I read about all these people losing weight and exercising and staying under calories then wonder why I can't then i get all upset about it again.
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 142 Member
  • terrabit
    terrabit Posts: 33 Member
    I remind myself that I will never regret making a wise food choice or working out afterwards, but I will always regret not doing those things.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    Decide to change. Only you can do this. Eat healthy stuff, plenty of lean protein, complex carbs and fruits and veggies. Drink plenty of water. Take it one day at a time. If one day you eat bad and do no exercise, resolve that tomorrow you will do better. Don't give up. You can do this. Do a little exercise each day. Today I tried to keep up with my little girl so when she ran on ahead on the way to school, I did too. I am really bad at running so she can outdo me anyday but at least I made an effort. Small steps which will lead to bigger changes.

    All the Best

  • Immaskinnycow
    Immaskinnycow Posts: 29 Member
    Start fresh. Forget about the past. What has happened can not be changed. We can just move forward with the lessons we've learned, and go from there. You know what it take to shed the pounds. In my opinion, it comes down to what you are willing to do to shed the pounds. You don't need to do sceduled workouts everyday. Start simple. Park father away from the entrance to the grocery store, take the stairs instead of an elevator. As long as you move, you're doing great. Walk to the mailbox several times. Any movement is better than no movement. When you're in the grocery store, walk as fast as possible to gather your groceries. You can do it.:flowerforyou:
  • bexterbee
    bexterbee Posts: 7
    I feel like this too!! I am definitely at my heaviest and find it very hard - just no willpower. I just try to keep my goals in mind and tell myself if I want to meet my target, I MUST keep going. Best of luck to you!
  • tracrey
    tracrey Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with what Sarah said.. you just have to commit to change your life. We have all known for a long time we wanted to lose weight, but for one reason or another didn't do anything about it, right? Until you make up your mind it's time. That is what happens to me. Even when I was getting married I didn't lose any weight.. I wanted to, but didn't commit to it. Then in April of this year I woke up one day and told myself I wanted to change and I've been soda/juice/fast food free since that day and signed up for MFP. Good luck to you and everyone.
  • jagwab
    jagwab Posts: 93

    Watch this. It's very motivational. I watch this at least once a week.
  • thuy5
    thuy5 Posts: 22
    I used to find it hardest to just start anything - like getting ready to exercise and often used to find excuses for why not, but if you can overcome that hurdle, just blindly start putting on your gear and going out that door for a brisk walk, or meeting up with someone that will hold you to some exercise, then once your doing it, you will feel heaps better.

    I guess its kinda like inertia, most of the energy is in getting started and once your away you have momentum.

    Don't give up!
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    You have to decide that you and your health are worth it. It's ok to be 'selfish' and work on you! You cannot be fully there for your family if you end up developing health problems because of your weight. I started my weight loss/health journey 8 months ago and let me tell you, it was crazy how guilty I felt for taking time out for me. However, I joined a gym and relied on my fiancé more and more. This is YOUR time, do it for you. Also, exercising gives you energy and helps battle depression. :)
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    That's tough. I'd focus more on eating right than working out. Exercise is great, but when you're that busy it might be easier just to cut back on food. I'd say logging everything and making good choices at the grocery store is the best way to start.

    As for exercise, see if there's little ways to get it in. Like taking the stairs, going for a short walk during one of your breaks...
    You could also choose to do less but more intense exercises weekend warrior style. Exercise DVDs ftw for easy at home exercise.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    That's tough. I'd focus more on eating right than working out. Exercise is great, but when you're that busy it might be easier just to cut back on food. I'd say logging everything and making good choices at the grocery store is the best way to start.

    As for exercise, see if there's little ways to get it in. Like taking the stairs, going for a short walk during one of your breaks...
    You could also choose to do less but more intense exercises weekend warrior style. Exercise DVDs ftw for easy at home exercise.

    I totally agree. Think of exercise as a ticket to health, and your diet as a ticket to weight loss. If you're too tired to exercise right now, follow your dire, start getting some of the weight off, and as you lose, you'll start to fin that you have more energy. When that happens, SLOWLY start adding exercise to your daily routine.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I have been really struggling on staying on a healthy path this last year. I have done this a few times lost 60lbs... gained it back lost 35 lbs gained it back and then some... and this time around I just can't seem to find that will power i used to have. I am trying again today to try and stay on that wagon. Today I plan on when I get home from work I want to get some kind of workout done for an hour. My problem is being SO tired when I get off work and having to go home and cook supper for the kids and all the chores that need to be done around the house. I am finding myself going to bed earlier each week. Once supper is done, dishes are done kids are tended to and other stuff I want done I go to bed normally it's at the same time as my kids... around 9pm... and sometimes I wish they would go to bed earlier so I can. This is such a vicious cycle to break. i have never weighed this much EVER my clothes are getting tighter and tighter... I know what I have to do but yet on my way home my list of excuses as to why I just don't have the time or the energy start going thru my head and i don't end up doing anything. but lately I have been so crabby because of the lack of excercise and bad eating. I know what I need to do... I need to find a way to stop the voices in my head when I am tired. How do you make them stop talking????:mad:

    I don't have kids, but the rest of what you posted here is me. It is a constant struggle. I am ALWAYS tired (I don't have kids or too much of an active lifestyle to blame, so I don't know why this is). I am glad you posted your struggle though. I'd like to read what everyone has to say. I hope this is your time to shine :-)
  • akmacs5
    akmacs5 Posts: 4 Member
    I struggled with this myself and always seemed to find an excuse to not do it or even stick with it for an extended period of time. My goal is to lose 100lbs and I had to realize the "I" was worth it & no one could make the change for me. This was ALL ME. That's a tough one to swollow when your a mother, work full time & stay up with chores etc. What got me locked into finally doing something about it was when my doctor said I was heading straight for some really bad health issues if I didn't make changes now. Diabetes, Heart disease were top on the list & I wanted to be around to see my kids grow up & have their kids etc. I realized that all this time that I was helping everyone else, I wasn't helping myself therefore not doing anyone any good. I was miserable. My doctor said, just get moving. Start with 5 min & if you get yourself there, you'll most likely stay for 10 and it was so true! I didn't like it at first & forced myself to get up before the kids did to have some "ME TIME". I could listen to the music I like and have no one distract me. I figured out quick, that i liked that time and now actually miss it when I don't exercise so YOU TOO CAN DO THIS but you have to do it for yourself because you are worth it!
  • wrecktechno
    wrecktechno Posts: 145 Member
    Maybe you need a work out/lifestyle change buddy. Someone who asks you why you are eating cake, why you had two servings instead of one (you'll need to show them your food diary), why you didn't come running when they were waiting for you at 6am? Someone to make you accountable. I tried hard to get my mum and sister along to the gym with me but they were full of excuses and so I used their not wanting to come as an excuse not to go. But then one day I went, nope! No more excuses, you will go alone, screw them. And now I do. I think of all those weeks I wasted not going because of them.

    Instead of getting home and doing all that stuff THEN trying to fit in exercise, take your workout gear with you to work and go straight after. Therefore no excuses, you've lugged your gear that far so you may as well use it and you can't think up excuses for why you can't. and also DONT THINK ABOUT IT. Don't think, just put your gear on and go. If you allow yourself to think about why you dont want to do it, you let the voices in. Shut those suckers out.

    Maybe you need to set yourself smaller weight loss goals. Lose 2 kgs in 2 weeks, 5 kgs by the start of August. I want to fit into that black spotty dress by August 8th. I want to be able to do 5 proper pushups on my toes by the 7th of July. Keep setting really small goals. Write them down and tick them off.

    Can't your kids do some chores and help cook dinner? Can't they wash the dishes? I was getting myself off to school when I was 10 (getting myself out of bed, making my own lunch, getting my clothes ready, going out to catch the bus) but I don't know how old your kids are..

    If you are that tired, maybe you should get to the doctor for a blood test. Maybe you have under-active thyroid, diabetes, iron deficiency or something. I wouldn't rule out a health issue for your tiredness.

    Michelle Bridges (Biggest Loser personal trainer here in Oz) says (as does akmacs5 above), abide by the 10 minute rule. Go to the gym or start walking for 10 minutes and really put your back into it. 10 MINUTES. It's what, 0.7% of your day? If after 10 minutes you want to go home, go home but 99/100 times you'll stay and you'll be thankful you did.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    I used to work full time while going to school full time, and holding down a part-time weekend position, which left me feeling drained. I started working out much earlier, getting up at 4:45 am to get my workout out of the way so that I wouldn't have the excuse that I was too tired later in the day, or wind up skipping it. It really helped and I was able to drop about 40 lbs. Getting in a good workout in the morning also encouraged me to eat better throughout the day as I didn't want to feel as though I had wasted the workout.

    U can totally do this..don't let a plateau psych you out :)
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I have a hard time with this too. Sheer fatigue coupled with laziness makes it hard to stay on track. Recently I highlighted a bunch of new classes at the gym to try, to see if something new might rev me up again. Also bought new workout clothes, which I'm looking forward to wearing.

    Right now I'm trying to make the best of each day, and make more good choices than bad ones. But I still can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a marathon, not a sprint!
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 419 Member
    How old ae you children? Can they be left alone in the morning? I agree life can get hectic and it's easy to find excuses no to workout at the end of a hard, long day. That's why I get my work outs done in the morning. It actually invigorates you for the rest of the day also. It may be difficult to do this if your kiods a little i realise. Just a suggestion
  • TerraLea
    TerraLea Posts: 87 Member
    I have been really struggling on staying on a healthy path this last year. I have done this a few times lost 60lbs... gained it back lost 35 lbs gained it back and then some... and this time around I just can't seem to find that will power i used to have. I am trying again today to try and stay on that wagon. Today I plan on when I get home from work I want to get some kind of workout done for an hour. My problem is being SO tired when I get off work and having to go home and cook supper for the kids and all the chores that need to be done around the house. I am finding myself going to bed earlier each week. Once supper is done, dishes are done kids are tended to and other stuff I want done I go to bed normally it's at the same time as my kids... around 9pm... and sometimes I wish they would go to bed earlier so I can. This is such a vicious cycle to break. i have never weighed this much EVER my clothes are getting tighter and tighter... I know what I have to do but yet on my way home my list of excuses as to why I just don't have the time or the energy start going thru my head and i don't end up doing anything. but lately I have been so crabby because of the lack of excercise and bad eating. I know what I need to do... I need to find a way to stop the voices in my head when I am tired. How do you make them stop talking????:mad:

    As a mom of 3(4 if you count my hubby, hehe), I understand completely!!!! I found out that my Vitamin D was super low (I'm on a weekly prescription of Vit D to maintain it), and my cholesterol was slightly elevated. Once I got those level led out my energy was better. Can you wake up a little earlier in the morning & do a 20 minute workout video or walk? Start with short workouts. If you have a video game system (Wii, Xbox, etc.) Compete with your children - it is a blast. We do games where only 2 can play at a time which means that I workout 3 times - my children LOVE it!! I hope this helps. Feel free to add me & if I can help in any way, I will.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    breaking it down into smaller baby steps has helped me. When i started and looked at losing 100+ lbs it seemed impossible so I just concentrated on 10 lbs at a time, no time limit just looking at 10 lbs at a time. also everyday I would make myself do 10 mins of exercise even if just a walk but usually once i started I would do way more then 10mins often doing 45-90 mins of exercise. Also take it one day at a time, if you do mess up get right back ontrack not tomorrow, not monday but right now immediately. I hope this helps