Getting up early = more hungry?

I work a rotating shift, starting some weeks as early as 7AM, some weeks as late as 4PM. I find that the weeks I start at 7AM (which requires me to get up at 4AM) I am way more hungry and have trouble eating well.

Anyone else notice this?

For example, this morning I had a coffee around 4:30AM. I left for work at 5:20, got to the train and realized that I left my oatmeal in the car (oops!) so I ate my lunch instead, which was a leftover piece of homemade pizza from last night (about 400 cal).

It's now 7:45AM and I am STARVING, and I have been since I got here around 6:45AM. MFP calculates me at 1200 cal so I have no idea how I will make it to 8PM with only 800 cal left for the day!


  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member
    I am usually more hungry on Monday/first day of the week.
  • mgram2
    mgram2 Posts: 128 Member
    Maybe eat more of days like today.. and less on days when you don't have to work till later.
    It'll average itself out. :)
  • SunshineDieter
    Getting up that early, I would not be without my coffee but the caffiene decreases your blood sugar so this may be whats making you hungry?
  • 1nsanity
    1nsanity Posts: 95 Member
    also, a piece of pizza is straight processed carbs and fat in the dough and cheese. basically, they dont keep you full for very long (it deals with how your body uses the cals, what hormones are produced, etc.)

    oatmeal (the real stuff) is always a solid choice for breakfast, or anything with protein, eggs especially, and maybe a half of an apple (full of fiber). this stuff is what will keep you feeling fuller longer.
  • raingirl32
    raingirl32 Posts: 37 Member
    also, a piece of pizza is straight processed carbs and fat in the dough and cheese. basically, they dont keep you full for very long (it deals with how your body uses the cals, what hormones are produced, etc.)

    oatmeal (the real stuff) is always a solid choice for breakfast, or anything with protein, eggs especially, and maybe a half of an apple (full of fiber). this stuff is what will keep you feeling fuller longer.

    The pizza is home made with whole grain dough with extra fiber added and low fat cheese. Pizza keeps me fuller longer that oatmeal usually anyway as I do low carb/high protein/med fat diet. I wish I could do eggs, but eggs make me gag (and make me sleepy for some reason. I can't eat any raw fruits or veg or any cold food either which sucks so no fruit for me. It has to be cooked. :( It really limits what I can have to eat.