Cheat days and eating calories from working out

Ok so this is my first time asking a question so i'm not sure if this has already been asked or not. Anyway this past weekend my husband came home from deployment and we ate A LOT. I went over my calories by who knows how much. I know your not supposed to go under a net calorie of 1200 and eat your workout calories to make sure you meet the 1200. But my question is, since i was super bad this weekend how many days should i not eat back my workout calories?


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You should always eat back your exercise calories. Just move forward from the bad day. Simple.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    You don't punish yourself for a bad day; you move on. You are in a large deficit anyways with a 1200 cal goal; just finish your week out and if anything do extra work in the gym.
  • ameena76
    ameena76 Posts: 18
    First of all, Congrats on having your husband back! That is definately reason to celebrate! I would consider it a cheat day. We all have them. Just move on and eat your normal calories and the body will adjust.