Is SWEAT attractive?! Newbie Here

Hi Everyone!!!

So today was my sixth day working out ..... I felt some what discouraged about my journey ahead ,so I downloaded some new tunes and headed for the gym....
I really pushed myself , and I was drenched with sweat...when suddenly a guy comes in the gym....and hits on me.....
It was suprising because Ive never been hit on while working out...

Is sweat attractive?
Has this happened to you?

Please add me as a friend , I could really use all the support I can get?


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I think sweat can be attractive (from a distance lol).

    It's more about WHAT the person is/was doing to get sweaty.....

    I've never been been at the gym and had someone hit me (that I know of lol) but I keep to myself so I'm pretty clueless about others around me (unless you forget to wipe the machines, then I'm grossed out).

    But, when my husband comes in from a run, all hot and sweaty and breathing hard...hmm, man...that is some sexy! Too bad he stopped running lol.

    Good luck with your journey and grats on pushing yourself!!!
  • Jalyst79
    Jalyst79 Posts: 50 Member
    You are glowing from getting your blood flowing again !!!!!!!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    You are glowing from getting your blood flowing again !!!!!!!

    That is so true! And your skin looks so much better when you are eating healthy and getting enough water.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    There used to a deodarant commerical that started out with a woman dancing, drenched in sweat. The voiceover said "When she sweats, it's sexy. When you sweat, you're smelly"
  • You are glowing from getting your blood flowing again !!!!!!!

    That is so true! And your skin looks so much better when you are eating healthy and getting enough water.

    That could be it!!!!
  • There used to a deodarant commerical that started out with a woman dancing, drenched in sweat. The voiceover said "When she sweats, it's sexy. When you sweat, you're smelly"

    Hahaha... Thats funny! Im going to youtube it and see if I can find it :)
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Sweat isn't necessarily attractive, but someone busting their butt and pushing themselves towards a better future sure is :wink:
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    Personally I go to the gym to be a beast and sweat and work as much as possible.

    Not interested in mingling with friends when I'm there definitely not strangers lol.

    Bottom line sweat in a gym is GOOD. If you look cute at the end of your workout that means you didn't train hard enough (:
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!

    So today was my sixth day working out ..... I felt some what discouraged about my journey ahead ,so I downloaded some new tunes and headed for the gym....
    I really pushed myself , and I was drenched with sweat...when suddenly a guy comes in the gym....and hits on me.....
    It was suprising because Ive never been hit on while working out...

    Is sweat attractive?
    Has this happened to you?

    Please add me as a friend , I could really use all the support I can get?

    Sweat is attractive when working out because it means that you are putting in an effort into your workout! Now if you sweat when you eat....that is a different story lol. As a guy I get stared at while sweating whether I am running or lifting so I guess its attractive to a point