Help!! Suddenly unmotivated

I was doing really good, logging everything I ate, working out 5 days a week. I went out to eat and my brain suddenly shut off to what I am trying to do (that was over a week ago). I haven't gained any weight back which amazes me! But I just can't seem to get focused again! I am not going to give up. I get up every moring thinking I am going to do this today. Do good for breakfast than it goes downhill. Any advice? Oh and I really need some supportive friends!


  • only1king4me
    You can do it.. I know it's not easy but just try to eat every 2-3 hrs and drink plenty of water. As you snack maybe almonds and a apple will help. Keep it up Rock Star!!
  • boricua173
    boricua173 Posts: 1 Member
    I really know how you feel, dont give up just take it one meal at a time.