Need some support to lose the baby weight

chonky83 Posts: 11 Member
Hi all! I'm new on here and looking to really turn my life around as far as eating habits and exercise. I had twins 5 months ago and haven't done a thing to lose the baby weight and get back into shape. I had lost some of the weight, but have started putting weight back on quickly since I stopped breastfeeding. I just started a bootcamp that is 3 days a week, but I know that exercise is only part of it. My main struggle will be my diet. I would love to make some friends to share stories and encourage each other along the way. Thanks!


  • trust me after almost a year and half im still trying to lose my pregnancy weight. i gained 60 lbs during my pregnancy and i have 10 lbs to go to lose all my pregnancy weight. good luck to you! i hope you get to do it! ive been doing insanity!
  • saraelizabethhinkle
    saraelizabethhinkle Posts: 9 Member
    I am new on here as well and here for the same reason, to get rid of that horrible baby fat. I love my baby girl, but this weight has got to go! I feel like I am doing great with working out, my diet however needs some help!! I hope after a few days of listing everything I eat will help me understand where the changes need to happen :) Add me if you want, the more support you have the better!!
  • saraelizabethhinkle
    saraelizabethhinkle Posts: 9 Member
    Do you like the insanity program?
  • Pregnancy weight is NOT a fun thing at all. I gained 83 pounds with my first and 22 with my 2nd. I hadn't lost much of the 1st baby weight when I found out I was pregnant with number 2. My 2nd is a year old now and I really think it is about time to do something about this! I had C-Sections with both, so any help or advice I could get on how to target that area would be wonderful. Good luck to everyone (including me)!!
  • Add me my friend! I'm always looking for friends for support and who I can support also! I do Bootcamp too, and believe me it will help a great deal! The inspiration and support on this site is amazing! :)
  • yes i love the insanity program, i love it alot it has truly changed my body!
  • Carolinue
    Carolinue Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have three kids (7, 5, and 2) and need to lose 20 lbs. I can really understand the need for support along your journey. I am just starting out my own lifestyle change and would appreciate finding others aiming for the same goals! Keep up the great work!
  • i'm not sure if this will help but i think im pretty good about controlling what i eat. its getting my lazy butt to the gym is my problem!
    i love whole foods and trader joe's because the organic and natural foods when you pick the right things put minimal fats, unnecessary sugars and oils, etc. - the difference in calories compared to other grocery store/main brand products to crazy!

    as soon as i wakeup i brush my teeth and eat something, no matter how small. its usually fat free yogurt (130cal) and/or a sausage link (80-90cal - i get the chicken or turkey ones (archer farms brand) with no cheese in them. theyre big in size, and protein, and filling). eating another or having an egg or something is no big deal bc the calories is low
    i think its super important to cut carbs a lot to lose weight/fat so i allow myself only one slice of bread a day (i <3 bread) (70cal), eat deli meat (turkey or chicken applegate brand - 50cal), usually another sausage - and then Load up on Raw veggies to eat with this - As Much spinach as i can fit into my mouth at a time (spinach tastes awesome and does amazing things to burn cals in your body), onions, carrots, cucumber, beets, alfafa sprouts. just get all the veggies that you actually like the taste of and add them to your meal (raw is better). it adds up, not in cals, but in feeling full!

    for dinner, i usually eat korean food with my family so i cant help much there lol. unless you want to try out some korean recipes i can give you! haha they are mostly stews and such with loads of veggies and so Most korean food is really low in cals as well and super healthy.

    most importantly, dont ever starve..if i feel hungry no matter what i just ate, i try a couple things like drink a big glass or water or carrot juice and wait at least 15min and see if the hungry goes away. if not, i just pop in something else!
    after my weight has fluctuated so much i can really tell how flexible the stomach can be stretched out but it can be made small again; it just needs some time/conditioning to do it. there were times in my life when i could eat like half a pizza in a sitting and be fine, and times where i felt like exploding from eating a burger or smthing
  • lampson1
    lampson1 Posts: 25

    I am 35 and a stay home mom of 4 kids (6, 4, 2.5, and a 6 month old) and I'm looking to lose some baby weight too. I joined MFP about 2 months ago because we're done having babies and I have no more excuses. I knew it was time to get moving when my 6 year old niece asked me if I was having another baby!! I have one more day of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and then want to move onto another exercise video. First goal is to lose 7 more pounds and then maybe another 5 or so after that.

    Feel free to send a friend request.
  • coreysmrs
    coreysmrs Posts: 6
    Hi guys! I had my second baby three months ago and am ready to rid myself of this mummy tummy!! I have about 15 pounds go to goal, but I know these will be the hardest, especially with camping season here!!

    I'm only on day two, but already feeling better, feeling more in control and accountable. I lost 50 pounds with WW before my first child and I am looking forward to getting in to some of my favorite outfits again!! Positive thinking!

    Good luck everyone, please friend me so we can keep each other accountable and motivated!
  • chonky83
    chonky83 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for all you responses and friend requests. I look forward to working to our goals and supporting each othe through the tough times!
  • jllisi15
    jllisi15 Posts: 13
    Hi Everyone,

    I am in the same boat, I had my little Abby 4 months ago and have 30-40lbs I want to lose. I have started seriously working on this this week and it has not been easy, motivating myself to excersise is hard. Fitness pal has been great in tracking calories, I tracked one day of me eating like I usually do and I was amazed at the calorie count. Eating smart ones have helped as well and getting rid of soda, I try to drink only tea and water.

    Best of Luck, I know you can do this!!!
  • Hi.

    I had my daughter 13 months ago. I breastfed her for 12 months and have had no problems with weight gain since stopping.

    After I had her I lost 42lbs (3 stone) in four months. To do this I watched what I ate. I had been eating too much during the pregnancy. I cut down the portion sizes. You feel hungry for a couple of days but after that your stomach adapts and it is no longer a problem.

    To lose the weight I only used Wii Fit and walked between 2 and 6 miles per week.

    After returning to work I put a little weight back on but am well on the way to losing it. (all I have been left with is the 'baby stomach')

  • andrea163
    andrea163 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand how you feel...My son is almost 9 years old, but I put on 75 lbs when I was pregnant..(I was up to 200 lbs) I breast fed for about 5 months, but during that time I walked him in the stroller nearly every day for 2 miles, and I was down to my my pre pregnancy weight within 2 1/2 months...just from walking! Now, 9 years later, I do P90X (I just started the program over for the 4th time, have yet to make it to day 90 but hope to this time) but in the beginning, just walking really worked for me. It is not hard to do. You would be amazed by what just walking every day can do for your weight!
  • strick1and6
    strick1and6 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm in the same boat. My baby is just over three months old. I gained 60 pounds while pregnant on top of the 50 lbs overweight I was before that! I have lost ~34 of it. Only 80 lbs left to go....RME

    I just started back to the gym this week and a co-worker and I are doing a shake cleanse (Protein shake for breakfast & lunch, and a light dinner). I'm hoping it jumpstarts my weight loss.

    Please friend me and keep me on the straight and narrow!!!

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