How fat is "THAT fat"?

Hoping this is in the right forum :) So the question is...where do we get this idea of "THAT fat"? By which I mean, when someone says they're going to the gym/dieting/etc to lose weight, and the response is "oh, you're not THAT fat". Or when you tell someone you're trying to lose weight because you're pre-diabetic and becoming insulin resistant, and they say "oh, but you're not THAT fat".

I've just always thought that this is a weird thing to say, and I wonder where it comes from. Do people have a hard time seeing someone who weighs around the same as them as needing to lose weight? Is it because they would have to admit that they're maybe not as healthy as they could be, themselves? Weight and fitness are such individual things, and yet it's so easy for people to dismiss your concerns about your own health and your own body just because they don't have the same concerns for theirs.

I guess my question is...has anyone else run into this thought/idea, and what kind of response have you given to the person saying that sort of thing?


  • hazeleyedgirl86
    hazeleyedgirl86 Posts: 19 Member
    Unfortunately people are just never happy. Oh your not that fat, your losing too much weight, oh, dont lose anymore weight are comments people love to make because

    a) they are not motivated to do it themselves
    b) want to be "nice" and dont realize how hurtful their comments are

    I would suggest doing it for you and not give a hoot what people think or what they say!

    Your doing awesome!!! Feel free to add me!!!:smile:
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    I hear this a alot, also. My response is "I am not comfortable with my current weight/health." If people can't understand that, it's their problem.
  • PurpleEpiphany
    Thanks for the input, guys :)
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    waaagh no one ever says that to me. Apparently I am "That fat". :frown: :sad:
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    It's kind of like that "Your so pretty in the face" Makes me wanna say so you're saying the rest of me is ugly? People are rude and crude it's not exactly like b/c I am overweight that I am blind.
  • chrisrollins1
    Yes and that mindset disgusts me. It's not that hard. Scientifically, either you are in a "normal" body fat range, you're overweight, or you're obese. Usually it's people in the obese category that make comments like that, and then go right back to downing their triple with cheese combo.

    If you're not worried about your own health, then fine. Eventually and inevitably "natural selection" will kick in, but don't demotivate others just because you have trained your mind and body to believe you don't have a problem.

    Disclaimer - I didn't mean for that to read as hateful as it may, and it is not intended as slander toward anyone here. The fact that you are here means that you recognize that you can become a healthier, fitter individual with a little effort and are trying.
  • PurpleEpiphany
    I think I agree with the last bit, anyway. Even if you agree that some people CAN be healthy at heavier weights (which I do), that doesn't mean you should discount someone else wanting to be healthier.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I'm 5'10", 200lbs with 27% BF (or so my scale says, however inaccurate it may be)--which is down from 260lbs when I started. I tell my co workers I'd like to lose around another 25-30lbs. Their mouths invariably drop and claim I'll be too skinny and that I don't look overweight.

    Well, I believe I'm on the line for being obese and it's not like my BF couldn't stand lose another 12%. Again, they end up being dubious. I appreciate the fact that they don't think I'm that fat, but I think we can credit my long torso and clothing choices more than anything else. I am still definitely overweight.

    I kind of wonder sometimes with obesity rates rising, if 200 isn't the new 175 for a lot of people these days.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I just got this today from my mom, "oh you're not THAT fat." Well, I used to be and I never want to be there ever again so I'm distancing myself as far from there as possible. >.<