Help... Need no Carb recipes



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Sounds like no starches...I replaced a lot of my breads with almond or peanut substitutes. they are wonderful! vegetables are your best best, wrapping the meat in lettuce or having it over cabbage or 'riced' cauliflower. good luck!

    Yeah... Bulgogi sans the rice... that stuff is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    This makes no sense.....Your "OK" list is loaded with carbs.......
    Well, no carb will mean meals made entirely of fats, meats, and eggs since there are carbs in veggies and fruits. Are you sure he didn't mean very low carb?

    this is what he emailed me....
    Low Calorie, Low Fat & High Fiber Diet

    1. No
    a) white bread
    b) pasta
    c) white rice
    d) potatoes
    e) flour tortillas

    2. For meals, choose foods from the following categories:
    a) fruits – UNLIMITED
    1. best is:
    a. apples
    b. pears
    c. oranges
    d. berries
    e. grapes
    b) vegetables – UNLIMITED
    c) meats – (1-2 servings (palm size) per day)
    1. chicken
    2. turkey
    3. seafood
    4. fish
    5. lean pork
    d) cereal (high fiber) examples:
    1. oatmeal
    2. grape nuts
    3. fiber one
    4. shredded wheat
    5. special k
    e) dairy
    1. low fat milk
    2. cheese
    3. yogurt
    4. egg whites

    f) oils and spread
    1. olive oil
    2. canola oil
    3. fat free mayo
    g) salad dressing (do not overdo)
    1. low balsamic vinaigrette
    2. fat free dressing
    h) beverages
    1. water – at least 100 oz per day
    2. Crystal Light
    3. ice tea
    4. coffee – only 1 cup daily

    3. After first 2 weeks, you can have:
    a) bread – 2 slices per day
    1. wheat
    2. whole grain
    3. wheat tortilla
    b) brown rice – ½ cup 2 times a week

    a) uncontrollable cravings, can have SUGAR FREE CANDY

    a) Walk a minimal of 45 minutes a day!!

    It will be hard the first 3 – 4 days, but stick with it!!!

    the reason why is because I printed out my meal diary and he say I use a lot of carbs and he thought it would be a good idea if I stop for 2 weeks then slowly eat very little
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    okay okay okay....
    So I told you guys the wrong words....
    Basically he wants me to stay away from
    white bread
    white rice
    flour tortillas

    the reason why, is because he thinks this is what is my biggest weak spot and is hurting me from losing the weight.

    Your diary is closed? Do you keep track of what you eat? Would you open it so we can take a look?
  • BryndaPrivitt
    BryndaPrivitt Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for sharing the websites. Great recipes.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
  • nil8r
    nil8r Posts: 45 Member
    I currently follow a paleo approach, while not "low carb" it is a no flour, wheat, rice, grains, etc. way of eating.

    What to do instead of bread? Try cheese and meats on cucumber slices instead of crackers. Use lettuce as wrap-alternatives and fill with chicken or tuna salad or deli meats.

    What to do instead of pasta: I bake a spaghetti squash in the oven for 45min, then divide up the squash "noodles" into smaller portions and freeze. Alternatively, use a veggie peeler on zuchinni or summer squash to create ribbons that you saute in butter/oil and garlic.

    Rice alternative? I've seen a lot of recipes for cauliflour "rice" that would be a good accompanyment to Indian/Chinese/Thai dishes.

    Almond butter or guacamole with veggies are great lunch additions.

    Salads w/ egg, shrimp, crab, chicken and a variety of veggies. Sliced almonds are a good addition for crunch as are apples.

    I try to make enough at dinner time, so that it's easy to reheat for lunch at work.
    JENROMERO Posts: 26 Member
    There is a Group on here called the No Junk Food Challenge. Its 21 days to basically stop yourself from craving junk -- or foods that are without any real nourishment. (At least that's the way I interpret it). Maybe that is what he intended for you because this is not low carb.
    Search for that group and maybe that would be a better thing for you to try.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    okay okay okay....
    So I told you guys the wrong words....
    Basically he wants me to stay away from
    white bread
    white rice
    flour tortillas

    the reason why, is because he thinks this is what is my biggest weak spot and is hurting me from losing the weight.

    why not use the whole grain equivalents instead of totally cutting out carbs. whole grain bread, brown rice, etc.

    also, have you ever tried the plate method? you make half your plate green, 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch. it works! i'm prediabetic a lot when I'm eating out or at a party, etc.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    okay okay okay....
    So I told you guys the wrong words....
    Basically he wants me to stay away from
    white bread
    white rice
    flour tortillas

    the reason why, is because he thinks this is what is my biggest weak spot and is hurting me from losing the weight.

    why not use the whole grain equivalents instead of totally cutting out carbs. whole grain bread, brown rice, etc.

    also, have you ever tried the plate method? you make half your plate green, 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch. it works! i'm prediabetic a lot when I'm eating out or at a party, etc.

    sorry...meant to say i do the plate method a lot when i am out to dinner or at a party. typos
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    okay okay okay....
    So I told you guys the wrong words....
    Basically he wants me to stay away from
    white bread
    white rice
    flour tortillas

    the reason why, is because he thinks this is what is my biggest weak spot and is hurting me from losing the weight.

    why not use the whole grain equivalents instead of totally cutting out carbs. whole grain bread, brown rice, etc.

    also, have you ever tried the plate method? you make half your plate green, 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch. it works! i'm prediabetic a lot when I'm eating out or at a party, etc.

    sorry...meant to say i do the plate method a lot when i am out to dinner or at a party. typos

    I like the plate method. I make 1/1 protein and then I get another plate and make it 1/2 green and 1/2 starch
    then usually another plate that's 1/2 protein and 1/2 starch.....Then wrap up with a plate that's 1/1 dessert.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    why not use the whole grain equivalents instead of totally cutting out carbs. whole grain bread, brown rice, etc.

    also, have you ever tried the plate method? you make half your plate green, 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch. it works! i'm prediabetic a lot when I'm eating out or at a party, etc.

    Because her original inquiry states her physician needs her to consider removing the traditional foods normally associated with poor-carbohydrate choices therefore keeping her daily intake of carbohydrates low.
  • keepersmom8
    I don't eat starches often(not to be confused with carbs---fruits and veggies have carbs too) mostly because they upset my stomach and I just don't like the way I feel when I eat them. We're talking rice, pasta, bread, oats, potatoes, etc. When I cook dinner I'm using lean meats, veggies, and that's about it aside from the occasional black beans or a teeny bit of cheese here and there. All about using a variety of spices and different vegetables. This week I've got some chicken and veggie stir fry and ground turkey taco salad on the menu. I've eaten this way for while and honestly I can't really imagine eating starches on a daily basis anymore, I'll have something including a starch maybe once or twice a week and that's about it!
    This is what I've been doing to the past two months. It was difficult for the first few days, but is easy now. I feel so much better physically without the starches. I do eat potatoes once every 10 days or so, but don't remember the last time I had rice or pasta.

    For lunches, I typically have a salad with loads of veggies, some lean protein (usually left over from the night before) and maybe a tablespoon of feta or goat cheese. You could also make wraps with lettuce leaves instead of tortillas or have leftovers. I