Newbie Needs Nudging

sideways8 Posts: 4
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I thought I was eating okay and was active, but never measured my food intake nor record my activities. This is a new learning experience and it's nice to visually see the calories consumed and burned. Glad I got the nudge to start...I hope I continue on this journey for a while.


  • I thought I was eating okay and was active, but never measured my food intake nor record my activities. This is a new learning experience and it's nice to visually see the calories consumed and burned. Glad I got the nudge to start...I hope I continue on this journey for a while.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    It's amazing to see a visual of what you eat and your progress.

    This website is what keeps me going.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Truly being honest and tracking calories is a huge eye opener!! This site is great and the members always have great posts on the boards!!! Good luck to you!!!!!!!! Cara
  • tekrueger
    tekrueger Posts: 85
    Give it a are already here so stay a while and see if it works for you :smile:
    The site's a winner for me because it's easy and the community is pretty great too!
  • I am new to this too, having lost nearly 6 stone 2 years ago, and sadly put back on 2.5 stone in the last 6 months I have found this site excellent and I am only a few days into using it. Being able to have goals, achievable goals and being able to keep a food/exercise diary has been a massive help. It has woken me up to what i have been putting in my mouth and what little exercise I was doing to counter balance the food. I have found by documenting each day I have woken up to where I started to go wrong but also how to put it right.

    I lost my original 6 stone in 5 months on a super super strict diet, however it has been a real battle to keep control since then and sadly nearly half the weight has gone back on which is actually more depressing than being heavier in the first place. However the positives is that I truly believe this site will help short & long term by keeping me focused but also my eating & exercise will become habit. Therefore the weight should not go back on and no way as quickly as it came off.
  • I agree and I'm learning to log on and use the resources. It's pretty handy.
  • Thanks for the great welcome and encouragement! :o)
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