Maid of Honor in 25 days w/10 lbs to lose

Anyone else under the gun to trim up before being a part of a summer wedding? I am new to MFP and I am absolutely loving it and am trying to take it one day at a time. Even if that means logging my not so great choices today.

Anyway, wishing I had started this journey sooner than Memorial day weekend. I am a maid of honor in 25 days and I have 2 dresses that don't fit and one more on the way. I think if I can buckle down and lose 10lbs in these next 25 days I will be more likely to zip those last few inches over my chest. Since I am living overseas with limited shopping choices, I pretty much have no choice but to lose these 10lbs. Of course my overall long term goal is 60lbs. But one goal at a time!

If anyone else is in the same boat or simply wants to make a big dent for July 4th beach plans, let me know. Any extra support/motivation/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck to all on this journey to better health!


  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    Hey! I'm a bride, getting married in August, hoping to lose at least 10 to 15 pounds by my wedding (much more than that to lose, about 70 really). If you want, add me and I can help encourage you as much as possible :)

    Good luck!
  • Also a bridesmaid (trying to lose 20 pounds), but by September! Weight comes off VERY slow for me though!
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    I'm working for a Fall wedding... in Florida... when the last time I Was there I weighed almost 200 pounds less than I do now... so totally tryin to work it.
    You can do ten pounds!! I lost 16 in 6 weeks in March/April and then 7 in May. And I wasn't exercising for the majority.

    I'd def suggest some working with weights. I started the shake weight and some dumbell work this past week and I Already see an improvement. And who can't do a 6 minute work out??
    (woman's Shake weight costs less than $15 and has a DVD)

    Of course I did over do myself cause I saw progress and so now I have to restrict my workings cause apparently I think I can conquer the world one day at a time.
    lol. Actually I have an old elbow injury and it can't handle so much muscle strain, but the shakeweight alone will do me good. I see progress in my back and arms from one week doing it daily.

    Really any aerobic exercises which are intense will work. and by intense I mean intense for you. I can't keep up with most of those girls on the tv but what I can do kicks my anal and I come no where close to as skilled as them and its totally intense for me.

    So you CAN do it and it Can be fun!!! Good luck and yeah you can add me if you'd like!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    I would love to join you . I am trying to loose 10 pounds not for wedding but have a trip coming up.

    Would love to mail you everyday and see where we are going.

    I added you

  • SuzieBikiniBound
    SuzieBikiniBound Posts: 114 Member
    This was my first time starting a thread so i'm new to replying and following and what not. Haven't added anyone yet because i'm still figuring that out. I'll get there!

    Kkmark- got your request! Ready to help/support any way I can. :) 10 pounds will be a distant milestone before we know it!

    Gypsybree- sounds like you've made GREAT progress so far! I will definitely take your advice and add weight training in. It always seems like the easy thing to skip. Keep up the good work but don't forget to let your injury heal! :) you are going to feel so great with sculpted arms when you're back in FL!

    Carmellaparke- i'm also a BM in September. :) you can absolutely do 20lbs by then. Even if it is slowly. Just as long as you don't give up! And, at 18lbs lost you are doing something or a lot of things really right! I would like to drop 20 following the July wedding in time for the Sept 29 wedding. Totally with you!

    Spiros12- congrats on your upcoming wedding!!! You'd be amazed what you can lose before your August wedding. Ideally I would have liked to have lost 30lbs for my wedding (gained 60 post wedding! Beware haha) and didn't get serious until the last month and a half. I was able to lose 15lbs before my big day and even though I didn't hit my big goal that 15lbs was a HUGE self confidence boost. I know you'll do the same and feel great!
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Bridesmaid on July 7 - dress does NOT fit. Yet. Technically I have a month. Trying to figure out how to hail Mary this one.. while not killing my metabolism and losing my mind.

    I was doing really well then hit a major plateau.. switched up what I was doing completely and am now puzzled as to whether or not to do something drastic short term or keep on keepin' on.

    For the bridesmaids - how painful has your experience been (cost of dress, general bridezilla-ness of bride)? :tongue:
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    I would love to join you! I am going to florida in August, and I would love to be closer to my goal by then!
  • SuzieBikiniBound
    SuzieBikiniBound Posts: 114 Member
    Smallerbrides- July 7th as well. I'm hanging on to the word "yet" as well! Definitely hear you on not losing your mind yet wondering if a short term change up would be wise. South Beach = me as a cranky B missing carbs, and then ballooning a la Nutty Professor when they touch my lips again.

    Hungergames32- join up! We can kill some major pounds together!

    Almost midnight in England which means I should hit the hay. Quality sleep is part of the losing game right? :)

    Good night from across the pond. Hope you all find some time tonight to game plan some success strategies tomorrow. That's what I'll be doing instead of counting Sheep!
  • tamakig
    tamakig Posts: 1
    Hi I also have my best friends wedding in Oct. I started losing weight last year for another friends wedding I went from 269 to 217. I lost most of it just doing weight watchers then I started running at first I could only run for about 1min (really I couldn't run to save my life) then I just kept running every day getting up at 4am until I was able to run 3miles without stopping. Fast forward to now I haven't ran or worked out consistantly sense Nov. But I've only gained about 15 lbs(and for me thats great because I can gain weight just looking at food) but I'm back and ready to lose the rest of this weight and keep it off my goal is to get down to 170 I'm 5'10 so anything smaller and I'll look sickly (lol). But Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend!