A bit confused how to calculate daily caloric intake.

So most BMR calculators put mine around 1700-1900 calories per day. MFP set my daily goal based on the automatic guidance at 2,320 calories per day (set at an 'active' level, I'm on my feet moving around most of the day). TDEE calculators are giving me a number around 3100-3200 calories per day. Based on the number MFP gives me, does my NET caloric intake need to equal my TDEE or should my ACTUAL caloric intake equal my TDEE (not subtracting calories burned due to exercise)?

When MFP adds the extra calories based on exercise, the number comes much closer to what my TDEE is, this is why I'm a bit confused.


  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Are you trying to lose, maintain, or gain?

    If trying to lose you need to NET between your BMR and TDEE. If trying to maintain you need to Net your TDEE. If trying to gain you need to net more than your TDEE.
  • MUSEical
    MUSEical Posts: 9
    I'm not really trying to lose weight per say. What I'm really trying to do is burn fat and gain muscle.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'm not really trying to lose weight per say. What I'm really trying to do is burn fat and gain muscle.

    That's not happening at the same time. You can lose fat and make the muscle mass you already have look better. But to actually put on muscle mass and gain new muscle a caloric surplus is needed.

    Once you have that set out- set your caloric intake and macros accordingly.

    Best of luck!
  • MUSEical
    MUSEical Posts: 9
    I appreciate the feedback!