Sugar subsitutes good or bad?

cheyennetheeventer Posts: 29 Member
edited December 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I heard a long time ago that sugar substitutes, such as equal, are just as bad for you as regular sugar, if not worse. This caused me to give up diet pop (as well as regular) which gave me noticable results. But is this really true? Could sugar substitutes be the thing keeping the pounds on?


  • 4myhealth77
    4myhealth77 Posts: 77 Member
    I would say, do your research. I switched over to Splenda because Sweet N Low supposedly puts wholes in the brains of rats and causes cancer, blah, blah, blah. I read Splenda doesnt spike your insulin levels. But then recently Ive read that Splenda, and all other artificial sweetners can keep you from losing weight and will instead, make you fat. I just cut out all sodas, and artificial sweetners all together. So far, it hasnt done anything different for my weight loss, so who knows.
  • cheyennetheeventer
    cheyennetheeventer Posts: 29 Member
    Sounds ike a plan I guess!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I don't eat them because I can't stand the taste of any of them.
    I don't really think they are going to be the reason you aren't losing weight - it' much more likely that you are underestimating food, overestimating exercise, eating the wrong amount for your body etc.

    My strategy around sweet foods is to eat the foods that I like, but in smaller portions. I've discovered that my favourite icecream is only 140 cals/serving.
    So, I measure out that serving and enjoy every mouthful. To me that's much more enjoyable that eating a nasty tasting Skinny Cow - 130 cals of yuk to me!
  • NikkiLS28
    NikkiLS28 Posts: 43
    I try to avoid artificial sweeteners because they're too sweet. When I eat these regularly, I crave sweets ALOT. I cut out diet soda completely a few weeks ago and it made a huge difference (even though I didn't drink it every day). When I need to sweeten something, I use fructose (available in health food stores or larger supermarkets). It's very similar to table sugar, but doesn't spike blood sugar levels.

    I've discovered I'm carb-sensitive, so I'm trying a Zone-type diet which focuses on glycemic index. It's working great so far!
  • Milette812
    Milette812 Posts: 32
    I've been sticking with Truvia and Stevia since it's natural and no calorie. figured if its a plant, it's probably better than something concocted in a lab.

    If you want a good soda substitute, try Naturally Flavored Sparkling waters. Some are made with juice and contain 2 calories a serving or less! I like Cascade Ice or Talking Rain, but I am sure other brands out there taste just as well!
  • cheyennetheeventer
    cheyennetheeventer Posts: 29 Member
    Well, my real problem is that I always put one packet of equal in my coffee every morning, and I'm almost positive I'd die without coffee, but I can't stand it black, and I don't want to drown it in cream. So really, I guess I want to know if I'd be better off having a packet or two of equal everyday, or using regular sugar instead. But would stevia be better?
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I use Liquid Stevia, Lo Han Guo and Erythritol depending on what I'm making. Erythritol is my go-to sweetener since its 70% as sweet as sugar, virtually 0 calories and does not affect tooth enamel.
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630

    Edit: they don't make u gain weight, they just have more serious side effects and totally poisonous to our bodies, stevia is the safest
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I prefer stevia. Zevia is a stevia sweetened soda that is really good
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I need coffee, and if it's not sweet I can't drink it. I use them all....Equal, Stevia, Splenda, SweetNLow, etc....whatever's by the coffee brewer at work. I don't have any side effects, and I'm losing weight. I think all the bad pub is from the press looking to sensationalize something.
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    I need coffee, and if it's not sweet I can't drink it. I use them all....Equal, Stevia, Splenda, SweetNLow, etc....whatever's by the coffee brewer at work. I don't have any side effects, and I'm losing weight. I think all the bad pub is from the press looking to sensationalize something.

    I'm sensitive to things and I had side effects from splenda. It made my head feel really numb, and just gross, I felt like I was gonna have a seizure or something.... Definitely wouldn't recommend it! It sucks cause I think it tastes better the stevia! If I do have it I'll just have it the odd time
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i use steviana. it's the one that is available here other than sweet and low and equal which i can't stand. i love steviana.
  • I haven't tried it yet but I'm going to be getting a nice big package of erythritol soon – it's all natural and looks like a pretty darn good substitute to me. I can see how artificial sweeteners could hold back weight loss but I don't think natural sweeteners would.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I saw a programme recently where a group of people were given diet sodas and another given regular soda. They were then offered food from a buffet where they could eat as much as they liked. The diet soda group ate way more than the regular soda group. I can't remember the figures but it was statistically significant. Having said that I indulge in a coke zero now and again and have slimline tonic with my gin! Try to cut back on all sweeteners and sugar would be the healthiest I suppose. Get used to your coffee without. I add a little skimmed milk to mine and its fine, you get used to it.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Artificial sweeteners get bad press but it's something I've looked into and they're not as harmful as they're made out to be. I personally believe that it's better than eating refined sugar so I'm aspartame all the way and whatever other ones are available! ; )
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I just switched from Splenda to Organic Light Agave Nectar in my coffee. i don't notice any taste difference but it's supposed to be better for you than Splenda
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    i try to avoid sugar heavy foods best i can. as for the substitutes I use Sugar in the Raw infrequently and with a light touch. Splenda if i absolutely must.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There is no scientific evidence that artificial sweeteners cause any harm. There are a ton of myths out there, though.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I was a big Aspartame (Coke Zero/Diet Coke) fan but I've cut down a lot since reading up about the common side-effects and the politically process that got it approved.

    I now limit my intake to a bottle or two a week and this is a guilty pleasure ... I suspect that full-sugar coke is actually better for me ... I dunno, it's one of those unresolved things in my brain ...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    There is no scientific evidence that artificial sweeteners cause any harm. There are a ton of myths out there, though.

    Yeh, but evidence sponsored by whom? I think there is reasonable doubt still. Check out the 'Sweet Misery' documentary and tell me there are no issues.
  • Krazy_Kat
    Krazy_Kat Posts: 212
    I think coconut palm sugar is really good, it matches well with coffee
    I have demerara sugar with milk in my coffee. YUMMY

    I've tried non-dairy creamers.....WTF is that s**t?
    I've tried cream and it goes all weird and yuck
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    I try to avoid artificial sweeteners as regular components of my diet. Most of them have a funny aftertaste to me. Others don't agree with my system very well. I even had to look for protein powders without them, because the artificial sweeteners in most of them bothered me.

    I also think that they are so sweet that they create a taste expectation for things that are too sugary if you overuse them. When I need to sweeten something, I use sugar sparingly, either as raw sugar, fruit, agave syrup or real maple syrup, and factor in the calories. I found after cutting artificial sweetener use way down and adjusting to the taste of things without it that it took a lot less sugar for me to call something sweet.

    All that said, there isn't compelling evidence that they are dangerous. If you find them useful in weight control and they agree with you, use them.
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