No progress here Help!!!

I have not had much sucess here. What the heck is the secret. I work out 3 to 5 times a week. Help!!!


  • anewme1202
    anewme1202 Posts: 70 Member
    Hang in there .. don't get frustrated.
    As cliche as it is to say "the weight didn't come on at once, so it won't come off at once" is so true.

    I can't see your food diary, so I don't know what you're eating. How is your eating - remember, it's diet & exercise, and make sure you are drinking plenty of water.

    If you're working out 3 - 5 times a week and not seeing results, maybe try changing up your workouts. Once you get going and do the same thing over and over again, your body gets used to it. Try interval training to shake up your cardio (and shock your body into some new & challenging exercises) and try weight lifting.

    Maybe the numbers you see on the scale aren't changing (or not changing as much as you want to see), but what about inches. Did you take your measurements / before & after pictures. You may not see a change in the mirror, but I bet others do.

    Again, don't get frustrated and don't give up. Every day that you keep exercising and watching what you eat is a day closer you get to reaching your goals!!

    Keep it up, stay positive and good luck in your journey. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    are you eating enough?how much deficit do u do?