Finally making a break

SunshinyPerson Posts: 2
edited December 2024 in Introduce Yourself
So I weighed myself last night and it was…painful. How the hell did I get to 250 lbs????

Comfort eating and avoiding going out because of the way I look, which led to more comfort eating, which led to feeling worse, which meant I ate to feel better. which made me look and feel worse…..Well you get the general idea.

So this break has led me to having a sensible breakfast, taking a ton of vitamins (I think that if I jumped I might actually rattle!!!), walking on my commute when I would normally get the bus and now being sat all alone in my office (chronic earliness is one of my issues) signing up for myfitnesspal!

Lots of little changes will hopefully add up to a complete lifestyle change as I am loath to think of this as a diet as I am sick jumping on and off of the diet boss. I have to say that I am a little fuzzy on how I am going to do it, but I am done with all of the excuses.


  • ashshields12
    ashshields12 Posts: 54 Member
    Great work on making the move in the right direction. I made it 13 weeks ago and havent looked back :-) Good luck
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    welcome :) your making the right start being here
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    One day at a time!
    Welcome add me as a friend, it took me 15 years to get my act together - 19 weeks on I am averaging a kilo a week weight loss!
    It is not a diet - it is calorie counting the foods you like but will no longer eat to excess!
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    You are here now...that is the first step! Now start working some healthier changes into your lifestyle. You don't have to do them all at once, or change so many things you are miserable and overwhelmed. Just work on finding a nice balance that is sustainable. The key is to stick with it, and if you make it too hard or you are too hard on yourself its easier to quit. I know this from experience.
  • Great work, love your attitude.

    I've been at this for about six weeks now, first making small changes, then all of a sudden they were bigger changes and the weight coming off is an added bonus. Its strange to look back on my first diary entries, I've learnt so much, by reading th boards and being honest with myself

    Good Luck x
  • mamacita4life
    mamacita4life Posts: 12 Member
    Congratulations on your decision to take control of your body again. I know that I got on the scale back in October and I weighed 220 pounds, I probably weighed more then that because I was juicing for a bit before I actually weighed myself. Anyways, I am 5"1, that's 100 pounds over my ideal weight. I was devastated. I started Joe Cross' juicing regimen from Fat, Sick and Nearly dying and started losing weight. I was doing great, then the boredom set in. I thought I wanted to be vegetarian and that god Old. Plus some things with life happened, 4 loved ones dying, family drama, and no lack of will power. But, this time I am going to work my butt off for it. If it doesn't pay off working for it then I will be content with my fat tush. So, I know exactly how you feel. One day at a time and whatever you do go at our own pace and keep moving forward. :)
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    The hardest part about weight loss is your mental stability. If you don't have the motivation and determination to do it yourself, it will be a very hard journey. It's true when they say that you have to WANT to help yourself. It seems like you've got yourself in a good place to start this journey. It took me a long time to get to that point and even now, 68 pounds lighter, I still struggle sometimes to keep it together and I suffer setbacks sometimes. Just try and keep yourself positive at all times, even when you have a bad week on the scale. My motivation has always been wanting to be healthy for me. No one else. Plus, it feels REALLY good to see the changes I've made and have people come to me looking for advice on how to get healthy. it's empowering and I'm sure that you will do great and be an inspiration for others as well! Good luck on your journey. If you need friends or support, please feel free to add me!
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