Workout Calories

Hey guys,

Just wondering how many calories you've burned on a normal workout session?

I was at the gym today during my lunch and for 40min cardio I burned 330cals..

I dunno if this is good or bad so people what do you burn on a regular workout session??


    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    That's really subjective based on how much people weigh, their fitness level, how hard they work out, and what they are doing when they work out.

    In any case, 330 calories in 40 minutes sounds good to me.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    I split my cardio up in my work out because I burn more cals that I do 350 in 30 min on the eliptical and than 30 min of strength training than 30 more min on the eliptical. If i tried to do 1 hour I would fall over andy die and only burn about 550 cals
  • jowily
    jowily Posts: 189 Member
    I did 35 minutes this heart rate ranged from 129 to 96 with an average of 119 - for a burn of 281 - it was a bit lighter than if my average is in the 120/130s, where I am more like 320-360 that sounds about right.
  • sarahricks
    sarahricks Posts: 90 Member
    I usually burn almost 400 calories in 40 minutes running/walking. What type of exercise are you doing?
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    330 sounds like a good 40 minute workout. I burn just under 500 with my 45 minute video. It's mainly depended upon weight.
  • Giggles27
    I do the elliptical a few times a wk...mixed in with so many other things and I usually burn 110-120 for every 10 mins of exercise. So for 30 mins on the elliptical I burn about 350 cals. I do it on Fat Burn Mode and put in my weight (218) and age (27) and thats what it gives me......
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I do HIIT on an elliptical every morning, 30 minutes. Ellip machine says 480 - HRM says 450. Most evenings I do 30 day shred, pretty solid circuit training routine. About 20 minutes. HRM says 280.

    210 pound guy here, in decent shape. YMMV. :smile:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Given that calories (for cardio) are determined by intensity x weight x time, there is not necessary a "value" system you can apply. By that I mean that "more calories" doesn't equal "better exerciser" or "more dedicated" to your program.

    We all weigh what we weigh and our fitness levels are what they are, so the most variable part of the equation is time, and even that is not always significant.

    Add in the fact that some exercises do not burn as many calories during the session, but result in a longer post-exercise calorie burn, and it complicates the situation even further.

    For an old, (less) fat guy, my aerobic capacity is still pretty good, so I can sustain 10-12 METs, which at my weight translates into 16-18 Calories per minute. When I was running, I averaged 45-60 min per workout, but now it's more like 30-45 (still nursing the bad hammie). For whatever reason, I could always pair up the stairmaster or the cross trainer with running if I wanted to boost up my minutes, but I can't seem to do the same with the stairmaster and cross trainer. It's hard to push even to 45 min, much less past that, and once I'm done with one, I have no desire to do the other.