Hi!I'm new & I need weight-loss buddies!

Hey guys! I've started really cracking down on my weight gain since Monday. Ive become a bad binge-eater after giving up smoking. so anyone in my situation please add me as a friend :). I was on the Dukan Diet last year, but Ive put it all on again when I gave up smoking end of March. I wanna get down to about 50kg so I gotta loose about 10! AARGH!. Hoping I can make some friends here and we can help each other! :)


  • mbatey
    mbatey Posts: 45 Member
    You can add me, its not often I use the computer to log in here as I use the App on my phone, I do log everyday and my excersize and give encouragement as much as my time allows me. please feel free to add me if you like and welcome to MFP!!
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    Hi I am an ex Brisbane ite....
    I log in every day and I would be happy to be a support friend.
    It really helps to have daily support.
  • clover216
    clover216 Posts: 1
    Hi! I just joined but I also quit smoking recently. I quit first in December and it has been up and down since then. Unfortunately I find comfort in food when I can't light up. I have tried weight watchers before but need to try something new (have about 50 lbs to lose). I started a boot camp work out this week and love it so far. Would be happy to be a friend and could use some encouragement also.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    You're substituting food for the cigarettes, to relieve stress.

    Recommend exercises to retrain your mind set on the stress.

    It (stress) doesn't go away with food or smoking, you're just punishing yourself.

    Talk to a close friend, try deep breathing exercises, or cleaning spree.

    Anything to stop from harming yourself. ☺
  • zetaman
    zetaman Posts: 1
    you can add me if you want :) I quit smoking June 15, 2011 so just coming up on 1 year.....very depressing to know that if I dont do something soon my healthy pink lungs will be buried in a piano box!!!! I am hoping to drop 25lbs.