
sarabear Posts: 864
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Why are you doing this? My reasons are I don't want to die when I'm 50 like my father did. I also want to see my kids grow up. I also on a recent vacation we went to a theme park, and in line I'd just pray I'd fit on the ride, omg I've never been so nervous in my life.


  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Aw... =[ Im sorry that you felt like that while you were on vacation.. Well my reasons are.. 1. My kids[like you, I want to see them grow up] 2. ENERGY!!!!!! 3. Self confidence =] 4. single digit jeans LOL 5. did i mention self confidence?? LOL..

    I suffer "bipolar Disorder" [supposebly] And I have come to learn that since I have started losing weight.. I dont get depressed as often.. I am still unhappy with my weight but just knowing that its going down helps alot. I also have always had low self esteem and no self confidence. And I finally got some when i was in highschool and then i had a baby.. and it all went down the drain.. So i want to get that back [and slowly but surely.. am =)] Also for my fiance.. He is in such great shape and i look like a cow next to him! soI want to look good for him =]
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    That's a scary experience while on vacation. :(

    My reasons are:
    1. To be more active and healthy.
    2. Reteach myself better eating habits since my mother wasn't the best role model growing up.
    3. For my future husband (don't know who he is yet) and future children (since I know I will be having them).
    4. For my career and stress relief through graduate school.
    5. To live a long and happy life.
  • My motivation is that I will be eligible for retirement in 9 years (I will be 55 years old) and really want to be able to enjoy it. I want to travel, volunteer and do ALL the stuff I've never had time to do. And if plans work out, I'm hoping to be chasing around a couple of grandkids!
  • I also want to lose weight for a number of reasons!
    1) Self confidence
    2) I want to feel light again. I used to be so active and I had tons of energy. I want that back so bad.
    3) My feet ache every day from carrying around so much extra weight
    4) I want my old clothes back! They are so cute- I miss them.
    5) I have wanted to do a triathlon for over 10 years. I think it's about time that I accomplish this goal.
    6) I want my husband to look at me the same way he did when we first started dating.

    I just started and I have never done anything like this before. I have this feeling that I am going to do really, really well.
  • My reasons are for one I am 30 years old and after eating fast food three times a day for the past four years plus a lot of soda, all that has caught up with me. I am now diabetic I am not going to let it control my life. So I chose to start eating healthy and working out and I see a big difference already in my energy levels and my gut is smaller. I have lost 6 pounds in the past month.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Severe sleep apnea.

    I had a 19" neck,,, couldn't begin to buy a shirt where I could button the collar. So that's maybe what - 2 pounds of fat around the neck? Go to Safeway, buy 2 pounds of liver, strap it on like a choker necklace and then lay down and try to sleep! :noway:

    I never really got to sleep, never really rested. Dead on my feet, falling asleep at the wheel, made me hormonal and weepy, wiped out my libido,,, just bad bad bad. I was a very old 41 year old.

    So - health problems, and I just got tired of being a fat - gross - bald - gray - old (before my time) guy, and I decided to do something about it. And SO SO SO glad I did. For my sake and my wife's. She's a member here too, and down about a ton and looking capital F fine,,, :tongue: .
  • Grate
    Grate Posts: 71
    I hated going to stores and hating every thing I tried on. Also for health reason. I'm 61 years old and retired at the beginning of the year. One of my goals was to lose weight and live a healthier life style. Yes, goals even though retired. I start in April and have 5 more pounds to go. My goodness, I discovered I still have a waist line at 61. How awesome it is to get into size 8 jeans again. I am now lighter then both my girls. I think they hate me. LOL. All you oldies out there, you can do it.
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    I have a couple reasons why I want to get fit and healthy.

    1. My son. He is the whole reason I made this change in the first place. I grew up drinking soda, eating pizza, mac and cheese. I have wonderful parents but they never really cared much about what I ate. =)
    2. I'd like to be in a body I'm comfortable in. I've always had a little belly and buldges on my inner thighs. I'd love to wear a bathing suit one day and not feel totally awful.
    3. I want to be healthy! I want to have the energy to play with my son. I want to hike and climb to the top of a mountain.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    There are a lot of health problems in my family and I finally smartened up as to how to try and avoid them. I have an amazing husband who treats me like gold, so I should look that good as well.
    He and I want to travel once the house is paid for (2 years) and I want to see the world and do evrything I can!
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