Some advice please...

Hi there beautiful people
I have lost around 9lbs in 2weeks which is a lot but now I reached a plateau. I need to kick start it. On a daily bases I have 1340 cals to use and by the end of the night I still have average 100 -150 cals left. I don't exersise much as at the moment I have an infection but I go walking as much as I can even for an hour and use my pedometer which I gain calories and I don't use. I lost that much weight because I stopped eating sweets biscuits and bread all together. On a daily basis my breakfast is cereal. Anything I need to do to change so I kick start my body?

Thank you in advance.


  • Think its to early to call it a plateau just yet.....i did something similar but i put mine down to being a woman....lost 6lb first week, got my period and then didnt lose a single ounce for another 3 weeks then i lost another 2 lb.....i find it tends to be a bit like that, if its not ttom its ovulation time, so i just roll with the punches keep on track and eventually it moves on the scale, one thine to remember though is you must eat enough!!! Do a search for 'eat more to lose weight' and you will get some great information
    hang in there
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    You're not giving it enough time hun. Just keep doing what you're doing, try to reach your calorie goal each day, move as much as you can and remember, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon! :happy:

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    I agree, two weeks is to early to call it a plateau. You will lose a lot the first two weeks and then taper off a bit. Stay focused.
  • wrecktechno
    wrecktechno Posts: 145 Member
    Eggs or protein for breakfast, not cereal. Most cereals are all sugar.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    I'm guessing that your 9 lbs. was mostly water. I lost similarly when I cut back on carbs. As the others said, it's probably not a plateau. Try not to let the scale upset you. Stay the course and you will see results.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    A plateau is no weight change for a month or more...

    But when I do hit a plateau heres what I do:

    - Change my food
    - Change my workouts
    - Track my sodium
    - What ever I am doing with my workout calories... I change it. If I am eating all of them, I only eat some. If I am eating none then I eat some.

    Note : most websites are famous for over calculaing exercise calories. So do count one all of the workout calories to be correct.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    How many times a day are you eating.
    I am still taking in basically the same calories but, instead of three meals a day, I am eating five smaller ones. It helped a little bit but, a little is better then none at all.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I don't think it is a plateau. You are just starting out. Remember us ladies have a certain time of the month to deal with. I always seem to weigh a few pounds more or don't show any change at all. But the next week I will show a loss again. You need to tell yourself it isn't all about the pounds as well. What you may not be losing in weight you may be in inches. Hang in there and stay strong! Slow and Steady wins the race.
  • doh8302
    doh8302 Posts: 9
    I agree with other posts. I don't go by a scale weight but how my clothes and more specifically how my belt feels. If I can do it up at a smaller hole good for me. I tend to retain alot of water which accounts for alot of weight but the belt is still smaller so it's all good in my eyes.
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    I think what you are going through is normal.... most people drop quite a bit quickly the first couple of weeks, like your 9lbs in 2 weeks, which is great but it doesn't stay like that. Keep doing what you are doing and when you are able start incorporating more exercise and develop a routine. Also, try switching up your breakfast to eggs, fresh fruit, yogurt, etc.