50 and I'm back for the support

Hi; I'm 50 years old, a mother of 2, a mother in law of 1, a wife of 31 years, and a grandmother of a perfect little granddaughter. I have about 60 lbs. I want to shed. I know the support of MFP is awesome because it has helped me in the past ... well ... I'm Back. Now I'm looking for some friends around my age so we can work together through all the ups and downs of this ride. :flowerforyou:


  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm 51. Been on here since January this year. I decided that I hated the way I look (still do) and it was time to do something about it.... i don't know a cliche, but something just clicked.

    I have really upped my exercise from doing very little apart from walking Molly the dog and have cut down on my portion sizes... there is no way I should be eating the same as my 6'4 husband!!!

    This isn't about being on a diet, it's about being responsible for what you shove in your mouth. This site makes it so much easier for you and the best thing of all is the friends you make.

    Feel free to add me if you don't mind a bit of a nutty pal.

  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    Hi and welcome back to mfp :happy:

    My name is Karen, I am 55 and mum to one daughter of 25 - married for 37 years! I have been overweight since just after I got married but now have some health issues to deal with - high blood pressure since my thirties and diabetes type 2 diet controlled for the past 5 years - so as you can see i have very good reasons for losing weight. :ohwell: I decided many years ago that i would never again go on a diet - and i haven't ... i have just changed my lifestyle for now and for ever - it is the only sure way to get to a reasonable weight for my height 5 feet nothing ... and a reasonable state of health. So this is a great place to be - it gives me the responsibility for myself - if I win or lose it is down to me and no one else - and that is how it should be. I would be happy to accept a friend request if you feel you would like to send one. I wish you every success in your quest for a healthier fitter slimmer you :flowerforyou:
  • 50 and been here for about 7 weeks, have about 60 more lbs to go. This site and working my old man tail off has relly done wonders for not just how my body feels but mind also. Been working with wife (WHO IS ONE OF MY MAIN INSPIRATIONS) and 2 of my 3 kids to keep me motivated. Feel free to add as a friend would be nice talking to someone in my age group.

  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
    Thanks guys. This is great. I love making new friends. My requests have been send :happy:
  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
  • Karen5732
    Karen5732 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi I'm in my 50's and would love to support you on your journey

    Feel free to add me

  • MernyMac
    MernyMac Posts: 37 Member
    Hi...I'm 62 and have only been on here for 6 days....I have over 100 lbs to lose.....Please feel free to add me.....The more the merrier to go on this journey together.
  • goodcoffy
    goodcoffy Posts: 25
    Hi I'm a mom of 3 (19, 11, and 5 yr) and I been here for 15 days, lost 2pounds and I'm creating new habits (good ones). Feel free to add me as your pal.
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, I'm 55 and joined 1 week ago. I like your profile pic "we can do it!"...add me if you'd like. Terri
  • dawnmarie57
    dawnmarie57 Posts: 53 Member
    OK----this is REALLY scarey---look at our weight trackers!!!!!! Anyway, I'm 55 (in Aug), married 36+ yrs., 3 grown kids, one son-in-law, a perfect little grandson who's almost 2 and he's going to be a big brother in Dec. Sort of retired-I take care of him everyday-his Mom's a teacher. He keeps me very busy, and I'm trying to get in better shape so I can keep up with him. I've lost 15 so far and have about 25-30 more to go. This is my first time on this site and I love it. I used to do FitDay, but this one is so much easier to get around on. It's so nice to meet you and I hope we can keep in touch. Good luck on your journey!!!!
  • RCIA
    RCIA Posts: 14
    I too am in my 50s and need to lose weight. I lose and gain I want to keep it off. If you would like to ad me I need all the help I can get too.. I need to lose a lot:/ again/
  • PoohHugs2
    PoohHugs2 Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I am 49, two grown sons, married 27 years, and have been on MFP since January. The weight comes off really slow for me becuase I have an underactive thyroid which works against me.... but slow and steady wins the race. I walk almost daily and do many other outdoor activities. (Love the Niagara region)
  • Glenda0707
    Glenda0707 Posts: 16
    Hi, I am closing in on 51 soon and would love to lose 60-80 lbs and keep it off once and for all! I need friends too, please add me and I will motivate you if you motivate me! Friend me too! :flowerforyou:
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    Add me if you like :smile:
  • denestia
    denestia Posts: 7
    I am your age and would love to support you and get your support!
  • cummik
    cummik Posts: 3 Member
    Add Me too! Today is my 60th birthday so I am leaving the 50's behind - it was a great decade. I have battled weight for most of my adult life and it is time to change for good. I want to have life in years and I am so pleased to have found this web site. So add me to your list. Together we can do this one bite and one step at a time.
  • momof377
    momof377 Posts: 198 Member
    Hi! Welcome back to MFP. I am 52 and I would like to lose another 40 pounds. I am the mother of three grown children and grandmother to 5 (ages 5 and under) with another grandbaby due at Christmas. I need to stay active to keep up with them all and I am finding that eating healthy and exercising most days of the week has helped tremendously. Now, if my body would just cooperate and get me through this perimenopause/menopause wonderful stage of life so I could sleep better, I would have even more energy!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    You are welcome to add me as well. I'm 51 and have been on this site for about a year or so. I'm pretty much at goal, although I'd like to lose a couple pounds before we go on a cruise in a few weeks. I've always struggled with my weight. We have a lot of heart disease and diabetes in our family, so maintaining a healthy weight is a must for me!
    This is a wonderful website and I think you'll find lots of support here. Glad to have you with us!:flowerforyou:
  • Loving2014
    Loving2014 Posts: 99
    Hello! We I would be happy to be a support and friend to you here. I am 56 a mother of five...grandma of 3. Been married to my second husband 14 years this month. I have to biological children and three step kids.
    Recently I was diagnosed with diabetes, so I have to get serious about loosing the weight and exercising. Im from Southern California. Where are you???
