Help! How do I break junk food addiction?

Everyone always says losing weight is 80% diet and 20% fitness. And I want to be healthy and eat clean, but it seems like I always manage to blow it. Let’s take yesterday, for example. I had a smoothie for breakfast (spinach, blueberries, egg whites, flax seed, and a banana). I packed all of my snacks and lunch for work (snack 1: 1/4c pistachios, 1c blueberries, 1/2c strawberries; lunch: sushi; snack 2: apple, 2tbsp natural peanut butter). I drank a lot of water (8cups at work) and I felt really good. I was really proud of myself…and then I ran to the grocery store to grab a few things for dinner. I was making turkey chili and I needed kidney beans. Somehow I ended up buying cookies – I ate 8 of them last night and then 5 this morning (and then I finally threw the rest in the trash).
I want to eat clean and be healthy, but I always end up doing things like this. I honestly feel like sugar/junk is my addiction. How do I control it? How do I break this addiction? What have you guys done?
Any responses would help A LOT.
Thank you!


  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    that's meeee! I love sweets and stuff, but I find that if you stick to not eating them , after a while you don't crave them much anymore.
    It all starts in the grocery store, what about just avoiding that aisle? just go in what u went for and leave
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    when you find out the answer to that, let me know :)
  • EllenBe
    EllenBe Posts: 31
    I'm the same! I find that allowing myself some sort of sweet 'bad' food a day, but staying within cals, helps stop the cravings and prevents me going way overboard and ruining things. Things like frozen yoghurt instead of icecream and weight watchers cake slices are my fave, they're generally low fat and satisfy the sweet craving :)
  • Krazy_Kat
    Krazy_Kat Posts: 212
    Are you eating enough, I used to go on binges when I wasn't eating enough. I agree allow a bit of junk food a day, one cookie is better than 10
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Somehow I ended up buying cookies

    You found them in the store, picked them off the shelf, put them in your cart, unloaded them from your cart, and paid for them. It wasn't magic.

    I would suggest:

    1) Do not go to the grocery store when you're hungry.
    2) When you go to the grocery store, stay out the cookie aisle. There is nothing but junk in that part of the store.
    3) Look into some clean cookie/treat recipes, and work those into your diet occasionally so you don't feel deprived.
  • js370
    js370 Posts: 140
    Are you eating enough, I used to go on binges when I wasn't eating enough.

    ^---This is what I was thinking too.
  • Sounds like the story of my life. I LOVE food and I am just started this week NOT eating sweets. So far so good, but weekends are hardest for me. Good luck!
  • beezerphd
    beezerphd Posts: 136 Member
    I just went cold turkey. I never really thought about it and filled myself with other things instead. Try swapping out sweets and biscuits for something like a peanut butter sandwich, but not your sugar filled PB. Look for natural peanut butter if possible on Brown bread. Rice cakes and Cottage cheese is another good snack alternative.

    Good luck
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Recognize the binge when it is happening. Then break it with an apple.

    So if I had a loaf of banana-nutella bread, and say I was on my 3rd slice -- I'd make myself eat an apple. That is usually enough to break the binge and I can then throw the banana bread away (not save it because I will just keep eating it tomorrow).

    Designate something as your devoted binge breaker. It could be an apple, or a 1mile walk, or 50 pushups, or a bowl of oatmeal. But whatever it is, you MUST carry through with it once you recognize a binge.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    You stop eating it and go thru DETOX and WITHDRAWL. Sad, but it works.
  • pfdn
    pfdn Posts: 8
    Watch the file/documentary "supersize me" :-D You'll see what junk food makes to you. ;-)
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Iv'e always done this.... but I still lose weight, IMO I'm gonna do the clean food thing once I'm at goal, unless I hit a plateau and NEED to change, I love junk food always have, I now love exercise too... it works for me for now, AND a little of what you fancy does you good.

    A diet is a way of life not a life sentence, so why punish yourself.

    PEACE & good luck x
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I am very interested in reading the replies! I think so many of us are in the same boat! I just posted yesterday that I felt lazy when I do that? I work so hard at so many things and so many areas in my life, but why is it the junk food in the afternoon ruins my work more days than I want to admit!

    I did my food log yesterday and just worked SO hard at working with my "mind" to not eat too many snacks yesterday afternoon and I actually did it! I just MADE myself think about not eating it....

    good luck
  • mccollumse
    mccollumse Posts: 84 Member
    It is so tough to resist the temptation......and to stop. I can relate.

    I've been drinking a lot of fat free hot chocolate (20 cal a cup) and sugar free popsicles (or two or three). Feels like a treat without a bunch of damage.
  • Bandie77
    Bandie77 Posts: 11
    You threw away COOKIES??? <blink...blink>
    Seriously though..this is the story of my life.
    Eat GREAT all day, run to the store.. ANY kind of store and find a temptation...... and give in!

    Obviously, we cant avoid the grocery store, but i guess we CAN avoid those aisles that we know are triggers for us? Right? RIGHT??
    No.. we can!
    I havent been down the chip/soda aisle in about a year.!!!!

    Also think about all the wasted money from throwing out cookies!!
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I have three ways of dealing with cravings. The first is if I buy it, say thin mints during girl scout cookie season, I only eat a serving and count it as part of my daily calories. This sets a good example with the kids too as they only get a serving and learn from an early age not to just binge on the whole box. Second I keep sugar free alternatives in the house in case of cravings, example and my favorites are sugar free popsicles, jello and pudding. Third I don't sweat the small stuff; if I over eat my calories one day because of a dessert I just couldn't avoid, I remember that tomorrows a new day and revisit my goals.

    In the case of your cookies going in the trash I might have chosen to divide the remaining cookies up into single or half serving baggies and use them as a treat on low calorie days. If however it was an issue of not being able to control myself I would have done the same thing and tossed them. In truth my weakness food is chips and salsa, if I eat one I can't stop, so basically I never pick up that first chip unless I know I have the calories to spend on a binge.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    I second that. I have to let myself have some but not go crazy. I do individually packed treats so I can easily keep myself at one ice cream bars. Or I'll wait for cake to be on sale(individual slices for $1) and then get 2 and the whole family(4) splits them. I keep a lindt chocolate bar in the house for when I need chocolate but I only have one square (47 cals). But I've got to let myself have a treat or I couldn't keep with it.

    Oreos are the devil though. We can't have those in the house! I'm craving them right now so I'll probably buy a pack and take them to our next playdate and let the kiddos much on them ;-)
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Don't shop when your hungary. shopping online for delivery that way all the baked bread delicous smells can't distract you .... I know avoid the aisle with my trigger foods that's the only way (for me) not to be tempted.
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    I am the same way. I am a major cake addict. I can turn away ice cream and cookies, but at the sight of cake I simply crumble. I would suggest to not go to the store while you are hungry or just all together stay away from that aisle. Out of sight, out of mind.
  • I was the same and even worse with fizzy drinks like cola etc. i just tried really hard and for the first 3-5 days it felt like hell and so did I, but after 8-10 days i felt great and no longer have the cravings for sweets and fizzy drinks anymore.

    I found that having a peice of fruit helped my sugar cravings too.

    The odd cookie here and there wont hurt tho..... as long as you share :tongue: