breakfast foods

I usually start my day with either a 2 egg omelet with diced ham and cheese or a fruit smoothie.

Is this enough to start my day with? I need to keep this meal around 30g carbs. Any suggestions?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Does it taste good?
    Does it keep you full?
    If so, it's a good breakfast :smile:

    I'm a serious carb eater so my breakfasts are usually porridge and fruit or a poached egg on toast..... but I did make a yummy brekky (that happens to be low carb) on the weekend:

    Baked eggs with chorizo:
    Pan fry some mushrooms with garlic and chorizo (or ham if you want less cals). Add in any other veggies you have hanging around (like spring onion, diced capsicum etc). Toss in some fresh tomato or passata or tinned tomato - to make it like a thick pasta sauce.
    Put this into a little oven proof dish, make a couple of dents in the mixture and break in two eggs.
    Sprinkle a litte bit of cheese on top and bake it in a hot oven for about 10 mins, or until the eggs are set.

    With my ingredients it came out at just over 300 cals/serve with 21g of protein and 7g carbs.

    It does take longer than an omelette, but you could make the sauce ahead of time or use left over pasta sauce and it would be much quicker for a weekday morning.
    Delicious! My version was about
  • jared767
    jared767 Posts: 76
    I'm not an expert. But I believe that you almost got everything there. You have protein, fiber, fat,and carbs. That's a good way to start your day. That's also the kind of breakfast that i usually have and I feel good about it.