Im a little discouraged....and new

I know I should probably not expect much after 10 days, but geez....3/4 of a pound? My husband and I have decided to do the South Beach diet, to help regulate our food, and of course he had dropped a pant size already and me? not!
Exercise is not the problem...I spin 4 x per week (1 hr class), and part of a circuit training class 2 x per week (45 min), and then i do a yoga class 1 x per week (80 min). I also walk the dog and get out about 10 -15 miles per week.
Food....staying around 1200 per day, net.
No carbs, no sugar, no weight loss. I only have about 20 total to lose, and he has about 30. We are fit, but the over 50 thing is getting to me.
Any suggestions?


  • figueres3
    figueres3 Posts: 104 Member
    Keep at it! Don't get discouraged!
  • SulisVioletWings
    Maybe with all the exercise you are doing, and eating only 1200 calories your body has hit starvation mode? Maybe you need to eat more calories? Just a thought. Good luck and don't give up till you have found what works for you!:flowerforyou:
  • ajg925
    ajg925 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a little discouraged too- I did so well for the first few weeks, but now I can't stay on track with the diet or the exercise! I am sure I have gained weight, but am afraid to even weigh myself.

    any tips to staying on track!

    I wish I had the energy you did to participate in all that group exercise!!
    Good luck to you- I think the calorie thing might be the issue. You probably need more.
  • saracostellow
    Yeah, it sounds like you aren't eating enough.
  • jowily
    jowily Posts: 189 Member
    Well...1200 calories - net - what does that mean? If it means eating exercise calories...then I am not sure that is too little, but it if doesn't include exercise calories...then you certainly aren't eating enough.

    Also - you mention exercise...most of your exercise is aerobic...what about strength training? What are you doing to build your muscles - which helps burn calories more effectively than aerobic exercise.

    Good luck!
  • chellebelle315

    Here are a couple of my favorites posts on this process, but a couple of thoughts

    1) if you only have 20 lbs to lose, and are already fairly fit and athletic, 3/4 of a lb in ten days is actually pretty awesome. (Celebrate the good stuff)
    2) have you checked your measurements? (Your body shape might be changing more than your actual weight)
    3) consider adding some strength training to all the cardio you're doing. Building muscle mass will be a good way to slim and tone overall.
    4) I'd do a little more research about the kind of diet that might be best for you at your age and fitness level. Maybe some of the things you're cutting out with the South Beach Diet might be things your body really needs.
    5) I think some people may have read your post wrong-- if 1200 is your net intake meaning, you eat your exercise calories, then you're in good shape. If you're only eating 1200 calories, and doing all that cardio, you probably aren't eating enough.

    There's my two cents....stick with it! You'll see results. congrats on that first 3/4 of a lb :flowerforyou:
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    No carbs, no sugar, no weight loss.

    Maybe you should eat "some" carbs... I've always heard that cutting out food groups doesn't really do the body good!
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    1) if you only have 20 lbs to lose, and are already fairly fit and athletic, 3/4 of a lb in ten days is actually pretty awesome. (Celebrate the good stuff)

    I agree...I take any weight loss I get...and am happy with it!!! Even .1 lb is good in my book. Slowly but surely!
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi TCEast,

    Don't get discouraged it has taken me 2 months to lose 8 lbs. I do cardio 45-60minutes 5 to 6 days a week. I lift 3 days a week. When you have 20 lbs or less to lose it takes longer.You can check my food diary if it helps. Good luck you will lose inches. There have been 2 weeks when I have lost only half a pound then suddenly I will 2 lbs in one week. Average weight loss is 4 lbs a month.

  • TCEast1234
    Thank you, you make some excellent points. The circuit training class 2 x a week, is with weights and machines. We just do rotations from machine to machine at the gym. And the instructor changes the routine each week. So I think i am getting the muscle building needed. I think you may be right, that I am at the stage where it will come off slowly. But it is so discouraging to hear my husband talk about how fast it is working for him, and he works out as much as I do.
    And yes that is NET calories, after the exercise is added back in.
    ANd....YES....I think the South Beach is not right for me. I remember going on Atkins a while back and actually GAINED weight. I don't do well with that much protien.
    I looked at my food lists for the last 10 days, and the snacks are what is killing me. I would rather grab an apple or banana, and I am grabbing almonds/peanuts/peanut butter...all high calorie snacks.
    But it is not so much the calories, which are is the type of foods that may be the problem.

    I will keep at it, maybe this week will be better!

    Thank you
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    But it is so discouraging to hear my husband talk about how fast it is working for him, and he works out as much as I do. typically lose weight faster/easier than women. Sucks...but true!