


  • vixsummer
    vixsummer Posts: 10 Member
    I am a popcorn freak myself. I'm looking into getting an air popper - but maybe I'll try the brown bag method first! I have found a couple of store bought brands that aren't bad either - 30 to 39 cals/cup: Skinny Pop and Half-Naked Popcorn (I like this one best, and it's less cals AND cheaper!). Then I use Target seasoning powders. I even sneak my own bags into the movie theater, because that is truly a weakness for me :) Keep these recipes coming - I love the idea of Old Bay!
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    If you like kettle corn - I have an idea for you.

    Pop the popcorn however you want. I personally like either the air popper (super low in calories but goes stale fast) or on the stove top in a heavy pan (just a few more calories, stays fresher longer).

    I then fill an oil sprayer with sugar free torani salted caramel syrup. Pump that sucker up and spray the popcorn. Low cal kettle corn.

    Oil sprayers are sold on amazon or at kitchen stores. I also do this same thing with vinegar (got the salt/vinegar popcorn idea from another member on MFP - thanks!). Torani has a ton of other flavors (I'm dying to try the sugar free lime with salt on popcorn - yum!) You can also use butter flavored cooking spray for butter flavor.
  • hulietta
    hulietta Posts: 19 Member
    I use this: http://www.target.com/p/nordic-ware-popcorn-popper/-/A-12475561
    I add some olive oil in the bottom, add about 1/3-1/4 cup of popcorn. Pop for about 3 minutes, then add salt. I've been eating it for over a year like that, and the whole family loves it! And it doesn't seem to have any ill effects on my weight loss.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I loooveeeee popcorn. So sad it's not in my diet anymore. My trainer says corn is one of the vegetables to avoid if possible.. because of the high sugar / carb content. :sad:

    Fire your trainer - he can't tell the difference between a vegetable and a grain :/
  • abetterjune
    abetterjune Posts: 219
    I have an air popper as well though I've popped on the stove, on occasion. I prefer the air popped. Lighter, less often burned, too.

    We top with brags amino acids (I keep it in a spray bottle so a few squirts does the trick) and brewers or nutritional yeast. We use about 1 tsp of yeast per cup of pop corn and it's loaded with minerals, has a bit of protein, but relatively low-ish on the carb scale. Tastes buttery, almost cheesy. YUM
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I loooveeeee popcorn. So sad it's not in my diet anymore. My trainer says corn is one of the vegetables to avoid if possible.. because of the high sugar / carb content. :sad:

    Do some more research on your own about this. My chiropractor believes corn to be evil but others will tell you popcorn is a whole grain high fiber wonderful treat.

    Do not eliminate anything because one person said so...figure it out with a little research of your own. It probably won't be hard to find evidence to support that one person, trick is, how easy is it to find equally good arguments that oppose that one person?

    As far as popcorn is concerned...YUMMMMMMM I love it with butter and salt but I have also sprinkled garlic salt and spritzed with spray olive oil

    I'm on a low carb plan right now so lots of things that are perfectly healthy are off limits :( I do enjoy my 'treat' meals now and again though, they just have to be timed right.

    The BEST popcorn IMO? Movie theater. Large Bag. Real butter. White cheddar topping. I have to do this once in awhile otherwise life just isn't worth living LMAO
  • mythicbubbles
    Practice Baytriotism.


    I also like sea salt and dried dill.
  • myraknits
    myraknits Posts: 81 Member
    Nightly popcorn eater here! I love Vic's Lite. MUCH better than air-popped for not a whole lot more cals. and then when I really want to indulge...Whole Foods Herb is aMAZing!!!
    The popcorn I've used in the air popper is so flat in comparison. I've used Orville R and Jiffy. Are there any kernels that puff up huge and taste great?? Do they get bigger in the microwave vs the hot air popper? The just sem so puny compared to the commercial kernels.
  • sunshine0605
    I like mine with spray butter and hidden valley ranch dressing the packets of course very good but do have to check someone said sodium is very high...
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Not got an air popper, and I have yet to find where to get those brown paper bags in the UK to microwave pop my own, so I just go with microwave ones for now, with the least ingredients. I have some 85g bags for about 330 calories a bag. I am not a big popcorn eater, and try to avoid eating too much grain product but it is nice once in a while and better probably than munching a load of ice cream or cookies.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    I eat the 100 calorie bags of pop corn and kettle corn. That way, I stay on track!
  • joanie152
    joanie152 Posts: 159 Member
    The BEST popcorn IMO? Movie theater. Large Bag. Real butter. White cheddar topping. I have to do this once in awhile otherwise life just isn't worth living LMAO

    Movie Theatre Popcorn = 1600 calories.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Though if you aren't shooting for straight up clean eating, get some Orville Reddenbachers Ultimate Butter. The entire popped bag has just under 70 calories and it's amazing.

    DON'T fall for those 100 calorie packs! They are lies! They are these tiny little bags that you pay premium price for! Like I said, you can eat full bags of popcorn for 70-90 calories (the Movie Theater Butter is also very good for this)

    Ummm...Orville Redenbacher's Ultimate Butter popcorn 3.3oz bag has 3 servings in each bag, and each serving is 160 calories. So each bag of popcorn is 480 calories! Not to burst anyone's bubble or anything, but that's a LOT more than 70 calories. I know there's a lot of confusion about serving sizes of microwave popcorn, but each full-size bag contains multiple servings. Read your labels carefully :)
  • SouthernArt77
    SouthernArt77 Posts: 265 Member
    We top with brags amino acids (I keep it in a spray bottle so a few squirts does the trick) and brewers or nutritional yeast. We use about 1 tsp of yeast per cup of pop corn and it's loaded with minerals, has a bit of protein, but relatively low-ish on the carb scale. Tastes buttery, almost cheesy. YUM
    I love nutritional yeast on my popcorn but have never tried Bragg Liquid Aminos with it. Thanks for the idea!
  • nagrom11
    nagrom11 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a big fan of air popped with spray butter, bit of salt, and a decent amount of Sriracha Hot Sauce drizzled on top. It's pretty spicy, but definitely delicious. Not many calories in it, either....

    I'll have to try that Old Bay trick, though - sounds pretty good, too!
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    I love popcorn, but pieces get stuck in my gum and hurts
  • SouthernArt77
    SouthernArt77 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm a big fan of air popped with spray butter, bit of salt, and a decent amount of Sriracha Hot Sauce drizzled on top. It's pretty spicy, but definitely delicious. Not many calories in it, either....
    My husband is addicted to Sriracha sauce. I'll have to tell him about this.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I eat it all the time! I pop kernels in a brown paper bag in the microwave & add my own seasoning. Way cheaper than the store bought microwave stuff and much healthier. I use 1/4c of kernels (serving size on the bag) on the micro's popcorn setting - works great. You can of course use less popcorn & adjust the time - same as the store bought stuff, stay by the microwave & stop it when there's a second or two between pops.

    My usual topping is some coconut oil and a little salt - the coconut gives it a little sweetness and it's a healthier fat that good ol' butter! You could also add hot sauce, parmesan, herbs - whatever!

    I put the kernels in by themselves, no oil or seasonings, just dry, and fold the top of the bag down twice. I add the coconut oil after I dump it in the bowl - this time of year the weather here is hot enough that the oil is already melted. :tongue:
    Hey..everything you said is something new to me. I like the idea. How do you put the kernels and coconut oil inside the brown paper? I mean how do you seal them? And do you use a special brown paper made for popcorn or anything?
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    The BEST popcorn IMO? Movie theater. Large Bag. Real butter. White cheddar topping. I have to do this once in awhile otherwise life just isn't worth living LMAO

    Movie Theatre Popcorn = 1600 calories.

    Your point?
  • myraknits
    myraknits Posts: 81 Member
    love this idea!!
    We top with brags amino acids (I keep it in a spray bottle so a few squirts does the trick) and brewers or nutritional yeast. We use about 1 tsp of yeast per cup of pop corn and it's loaded with minerals, has a bit of protein, but relatively low-ish on the carb scale. Tastes buttery, almost cheesy. YUM
    I love nutritional yeast on my popcorn but have never tried Bragg Liquid Aminos with it. Thanks for the idea!