Yoga vs. Pilates

I wanted to try a different fitness program and I do zumba like 3-4 days a week. Now, I would like to try yoga and pilates too.
Are yoga and pilates good for weight loss and burning fat? Is it possible for big women to even do yoga or pilates poses?


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Yoga/Pilates are more strength training using body weight and flexibility then actual cardio. I do it to supplement my excersie routine but it doesn't increase your heart rate usually enough that I count it to calories burned. The only exception I have to this is hot yoga which usually does get my heart rate going up close to 120 bpm.
  • cwelch2677
    cwelch2677 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm a big girl and i do yoga and pilates. There are a few poses I can't hold maily because I don't have the upper body strength, but I'm hoping that will improve in time. I'm doing yoga to tone up and strengthen my legs for running.
  • For me, yoga has helped with my upper body strength tramendously. And pilates has been great for my core strength. I highly recommend starting off with a video or two, Bob (from the Biggest Loser) has a great yoga for fatloss video and it is KILLER. I have many pilates videos and all are great, you could probably find some at Target or Walmart. My sister is about 150-200lbs over weight and she has done both pilates and yoga with me many times. Good luck :)
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Yeah you can do it but modify the moves until you are ready, I have to sometimes. I do Plates and its not like Yoga its more intense and like strength training in a way...I see great results from Pilates....The best I think is Cassey From "" and blogilates on youtube, several different workouts : arms, abs, legs, back. yoga is more relaxing and stretchy IMO
  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    I love yoga & pilates. But yeah - it's more a core/strengthening thing. I think "bigger" people can definetely do it. I sure do!! I'm usually the biggest one in my class!! The important thing is that you have a good instructor who will teach you how to modify poses if you aren't up for it. So you still maximize the benefits of being there without just giving up if you can't get all the way into the pose.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    You probably are not going to get the calorie burn you may be looking for from yoga or pilates, but there are many other reasons why they are great forms of exercise. They provide a low impact way to gain strength and flexibility. They are very adaptive, so anyone can do them. They provide you with mental clarity and a strong body awareness. I know that sounds corny, but you will be amazed what focusing on your breath and movement can do for you. As another poster said, if you want to burn more calories try hot yoga or vinyasa yoga (moving rapidly between poses) to get your heart rate up a bit.

    I strongly encourage you to give yoga or pilates a try!
  • demonsoul
    demonsoul Posts: 16 Member
    yoga has actually helped my attitude and finding a inner calm. its just relaxing after a hard days work. im not the best at it, but id say give it a go. big or not. you will probably love it
  • lacrimosia
    lacrimosia Posts: 39
    thanks, everyone! I will try it. I have this yoga dvd from Jillian Michaels that I will try.