Help! How do I break junk food addiction?



  • trott27
    trott27 Posts: 34
    You found them in the store, picked them off the shelf, put them in your cart, unloaded them from your cart, and paid for them. It wasn't magic.

    I would suggest:

    1) Do not go to the grocery store when you're hungry.
    2) When you go to the grocery store, stay out the cookie aisle. There is nothing but junk in that part of the store.
    3) Look into some clean cookie/treat recipes, and work those into your diet occasionally so you don't feel deprived.

    You're right. I found the cookie wasn't magic.
    I just need to train myself to stay away.
  • trott27
    trott27 Posts: 34
    All of these responses are so helpful!

    I really want to try going cold turkey. I need a no-junk-food mantra to tell myself all day every day! ha
  • jcohio85
    jcohio85 Posts: 43
    When I decided to really buckle down I went into my kitchen and threw everything out that was a vice. It helped a lot. I have been able to avoid buying those things since. It will get better!

    In the mean time I love sugar free pudding, sugar free jello and similar snacks. They satisfy my sweet tooth and they are low in calories.
  • LindseyRoot
    We are in the same boat!! i do very good throughout the day but as soon as i get home if there is a sweet in site..its mine. Last night i had three oreo in like 30 seconds i had to fight myself not to have more, then later (1:30) i had a mini donut...not a ton of sweets but those four lil bites cost me 220 cal! Anyway i am trying something, i really want to have a nice big fat piece of better than sex cake but i am NOT allowing myself to have it unless i reach my goal of loosing four more pounds by the end of my 90 day challenge (27 days left). As long as i accomplish that i get it on on July 9th.
    Basically i have hear this idea from a couple people/online.... If you crave something, set a date to have the item you are craving. If the date comes and you still want it...that is when you get it. Another thing i have heard is when you want something like a cooke...stop...think about it while drinking water...look at the clock...wait 20 min...if you still feel like you need to have the cookie...then have it. I am still working on adding these tips into my routine. It's hard, especially when all my life i have just popped whatever i wanted when i wanted. GOOD LUCK
  • trott27
    trott27 Posts: 34
    We are in the same boat!! i do very good throughout the day but as soon as i get home if there is a sweet in site..its mine. Last night i had three oreo in like 30 seconds i had to fight myself not to have more, then later (1:30) i had a mini donut...not a ton of sweets but those four lil bites cost me 220 cal! Anyway i am trying something, i really want to have a nice big fat piece of better than sex cake but i am NOT allowing myself to have it unless i reach my goal of loosing four more pounds by the end of my 90 day challenge (27 days left). As long as i accomplish that i get it on on July 9th.
    Basically i have hear this idea from a couple people/online.... If you crave something, set a date to have the item you are craving. If the date comes and you still want it...that is when you get it. Another thing i have heard is when you want something like a cooke...stop...think about it while drinking water...look at the clock...wait 20 min...if you still feel like you need to have the cookie...then have it. I am still working on adding these tips into my routine. It's hard, especially when all my life i have just popped whatever i wanted when i wanted. GOOD LUCK

    Setting a date is a good idea! I might try that! Good luck to you too :)
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    I feel you!

    If I bought junk food I'd eat it so fast. The best way I found to stop the problem is to not buy it in the first place. It sounds simple but I know it's hard to resist. I generally don't shop while I'm hungry (I plan out what day I'm going to shop) and I really spend a lot of time thinking about what want/talking myself out of bad purchases. I also do the bargain with myself- don't buy these now and and the end of the week treat yo'self to something awesome.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have this exact same problem, but with chips. I get horrible cravings for them sometimes when something crunchy and salty and void of nutritional value just sounds SO good.
    Just don't buy them. Do you live with anyone? Make them hold you accountable. I find it helps to go to the grocery store with a friend, and they know I don't want to buy chips, so they don't let me. I keep my pantry chip-free (except tortilla chips, because they aren't fun to eat throughout a tv show, and you need them for quesadilla nights), and that helps so much.
  • sandrahermione
    Read a book called slim for life by Jason vale it is all about food addiction and how to break them. I read, understood and lost lots of weight then a big yoyo when junk had me back. I also fail when I get stressed, tired or eat too little fat in my diet, your day reads very clean and your body says help need fat fast eat junk.
    When I exercise hard I get ravenous too. Undo all my good work. No idea how to help but feel your Pain.
  • mythicbubbles
    I'm much the same way. Sweets are my nemesis lots of the time. I tend to go cold turkey, go through a 2 week withdrawl and do quite well for several months. Then those cravings sneak back in, I treat myself here and there and the ball starts rolling downhill towards a nasty binging cycle. I would love to "eat clean" consistently but what has worked better for me recently is eating what's reasonable and sustainable for me. So now I plan reasonable dessert (i.e. plain pumpkin puree, low-fat cool whip, and butterscotch pudding or popcorn with cinnamon and sugar topping). I'm also starting....just starting to accept that this is likely going to be something I'll need to manage to some degree for my lifetime.

    Having someone you can be honest with and truly hold yourself accountable is a huge help as well.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Resist. You're in control, not your mouth.
  • plbrown81
    plbrown81 Posts: 32 Member
    A few suggestions:

    #1 eat more protein! The snacks you listed ARE healthy, but I never saw ANY proteins in there. Low fat cottage cheese, high protein yogurt, protein shakes, etc will all help you feel more full for longer and help break the "I NEED FOOD" binges that lead to eating a dozen + cookies. And protein bars (with over 15g of protein, and less than 30 g of carbs) while not IDEAL can sometimes tame the chocolate cravings with their taste.

    #2 Never go more than 3 hours between meals/snacks. My body lets me know about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours that it's ready for more food. If I get to 3 hours and my stomach's not starting to rumble I know that I ate well the previous meal, but I make sure I eat that next meal anyhow. Its important to keep yourself fueled and ready to go. If you focus on lean proteins, healthy/clean carbs and healthy fats (not necessarily amount of fat, just that it's healthy) you'll find that you feel fuller with less and will stay fuller longer. I personally have to pause after a meal to make sure that it settles before I throw more food in my face (I'm a fast eater). Otherwise I'd just keep eating and eating and eating even though I'm technically full!

    #3 - EAT HEALTHY FATS! If you're only eating protein and veggies, eat a few almonds to help offset your healthy fat needs. Drop some fresh guacamole onto the chicken you're eating, or put a serving of avocado into the salad you're eating. Fat is not your enemy, it will actually help with satiety and make you less desperate to fulfill those caloric needs. In fact, so long as I'm meeting protein and carb needs, I rarely look at fat intake because it should be the healthy type that supports body function (unless it's equivalent to my protein/carb intakes).

    #4 Consider ways you can treat yourself. Some people do a cheat day. Some people do one or two cookies per day. Everyone has a different way of meeting their "sweet cravings". I read somewhere that sugar is about 1000 times more addictive than heroin, so its no wonder we all crave it so much. I have a horrible time resisting pretty much anything sweet that people put in front of me. So I try to go with the cheat day concept, but sometimes I fail too. When I do, I forgive myself and do better the next day!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Get More Sleep.

    " new studies find that a sleepy brain is more drawn to junk food than a well-rested one, and that it’s also less equipped to fend off those unhealthy cravings.

    A growing body of research has associated sleepiness with overeating, which can in turn lead to weight gain and increased risks of diabetes. Part of the problem is that lack of adequate sleep throws the body’s circadian rhythm and metabolic systems out of whack. Now two small new studies, both presented at the SLEEP 2012 conference in Boston, shed further light on the sleep-weight connection: the first study by researchers at Columbia University finds that sleep deprivation affects the way the brain responds to reward — namely junk food. The second study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, finds that sleepiness also appears to hinder the brain’s higher-order functions — like complex decision-making — making sleepy people less able to forgo that middle-of-the-night burger and fries."

    Read more:"
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    You sound like me - a sugar addiction. I had to quit cold turkey. It wasn't easy, but once I got that sugar out of my system, I no longer felt the need to by cookies or candy for my drive home from the grocery store. You might want to try a 14-17 day clense of some sort. I've done both the South Beach Diet and the 17-Day Diet. Both work very well and provide you with good menu items to help you get through. Once the cravings subside, it's still like any addiction, you're going to be tempted and may really want the junk. But you'll have a better chance of sticking to your goals. I just tell myself, "If I don't have the first bite, I won't have any!"
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I would suggest finding recipes for cookies or other sweets you make yourself that are ''clean"or at least better, thats what I do. No, they dont taste the same, but it satisfies the craving.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    There are two usual modes of thought on this. I subscribe to the second, but it comes down to what works for you personally.

    1) Some say any attempt at denying yourself foods you crave will inevitably end with you eating more of them. So it's better to eat small amounts and portion them into your calorie allowance.

    2) Others, myself included, think that for certain people, completely refraining from junk food is the best way. I find that if I eat a small amount of pastry, cookie, ice cream, chocolate etc. then it just primes me to want to eat more and I can't get it out of my head until I do. But the good news is that if you can hold off for a couple of weeks then the cravings for them really do start to drop off. For me there came a point about four weeks in where I realized I was reaching for a carrot stick instead of a cookie at a party - it blew my mind.
  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    make the BEST choices to keep both your state of mind and diet on track.
    cold turkey does NOT work for me long term.
    cal portion food
    40 1 slice Jacobsen's - *Snack Toast- Raspberry
    60 1 snack Jell-O (Jello) - Pudding Snack - Double Chocolate Sugar Free
    60 1 cookie Chips Ahoy - Chocolate Chip Cookies
    90 1 bar Quaker - Chewy 90 Calorie Low Fat Chocolate Chunk
    96 1 pear medium (166g) Fruit - Yellow Bartlett Pear (Medium-166g)
    100 1 package (22g) Snackwell's Yogurt Pretzels 100 Calorie Pack - Yogurt Covered Pretzels
    110 1 apple Generic - Large Gold Delicious Apple
    110 11 crisps Pretzel Crisps - Deli Style
    140 1 square (14 g) .Baker"S - Baker's Semisweet Chocolate Squares
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    If you do decide to try replacing junk foods with better versions of those choices (instead of cutting them out cold turkey) you could try replacing regular cookies with ones by Go Go Quinoa. There's not much sugar in them, there's a bit of protein. They have an orange one and a chocolate chip one too.
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    That's me too!! But what works best for me is Out of Sight Out of Mind. And sometimes when I know I've been good i allow myself a treat, that way I wont binge and feel guilty. Let yourself have A cookie or even two , that way you wont feel like your depriving yourself and then go off the deep which will cause you to feel crazy guilty ultimately. You can do it. If I can do it, you most certainly can. Good luck :wink:
  • trott27
    trott27 Posts: 34
    After reading all of your responses, I'm totally going to up my protein and fat intake...and try going cold turkey. Like a lot of you, if I have one bite I want it all. I really can't control myself, so I think the best option is to not have it at all. Maybe for verry special occasions.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Don't keep it in the house! If you have it, you'll eat it!