Beach Body Princess Challenge weeks 3 and 4

?? what's our goal?

wanna take votes?

something with arms, butts??
lose 3 lbs in 2 weeks?
Lose another inch from the belly?

I need direction! :)


  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    ?? what's our goal?

    wanna take votes?

    something with arms, butts??
    lose 3 lbs in 2 weeks?
    Lose another inch from the belly?

    I need direction! :)
  • ashlaurenn
    I'm in.
    I go on a holiday in 2 weeks so a bit of extra encouragement will be excellent!

    Let s do it!
  • Gabbsio
    Gabbsio Posts: 17
    Count me in!

    Hows it done?
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    Im in too! :happy:
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    I wasn't the originator of the idea, but 2 weeks ago it started, with our first goal to lose an inch from our bellies in 2 weeks.

    yesterday was the end of 2 weeks and we posted our before and after measurements.

    I just like having a place to track my progress in 2 week doses. It was nice to see that I had lost 3lbs and an inch from my "pooch".

    anyone have an idea for a goal for the next 2 weeks? Something in relation to having a better "beach body" by this summer (not sure if we had an end date, July 1?)
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    ok, i was wondering why it had weeks 3 and 4! lol

    what about trying to lose 1/2 inch from each thigh? Not sure if thats realistic or not. Losing 1 inch from belly in 2 weeks is awesome!

    What did you do?
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    I didn't do much extra! I am just starting to lose weight, so I think that helps. I'm sure that once I get closer to my goal, it will be a lot harder.

    I have a stability ball and have been doing more oblique exercises than usual. I also have been running more hills, and running more PERIOD, which my boyfriend says helps tone your core.

    otherwise, I didnt' go gonzo and do anything special. I started trying to do x amt of crunches and olblique crunches and push ups and squats each day, but after 3 days.. it faded away (shame on me!)

    1/2 inch on each thigh is fine with me, don't think I'll get there(my thigs aren't where I gain weight, and I dont' know how else to lose inches there) but anything is fine.. just to have a goal!
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    my thighs are my main concern! I am just so disapointed with myself for letting myself go. I am going to measure tonight and see where i am in 2 weeks. I will try to start walking or running more these next 2 weeks and see if it helps.
  • LonelyPilgrim
    LonelyPilgrim Posts: 255 Member
    Ok, well, here goes!

    Week 3:

    Starting weight 148.6

    thighs: 22 inches each at the very biggest point
  • ashlaurenn
    Yay, this is a good idea..

    start weight: 140

    at work so will look a little weird if i try and measure myself, so will get back to you on that one!

    definitely looking to lose weight on my thighs and hips tho, not stomach so much but a bit of lost love handle would be nice ;)
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I've been in this challenge since the beginning ....... I didn't do as well with the abs so I'm going to continue with that challenge as well as the thighs!!!!!

    Tuesday is my weigh in/measure day so .........

    Weight: 140.0
    At belly button: 31.5"
    2" below belly button: 34.25"
    6" below belly button (hips): 39.5"
    Right thigh: 21.5"
    Left thigh: 21.5"

    I took a picture at the beginning of the challenge - since I didn't make too much difference in the last two weeks I'm going to wait until these next two weeks are over to take another picture.

    Good Luck everyone!!!!
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    ok here are my stats as of 4/30/08

    wt. 126 lbs
    waist 32"
    thighs 22"

    my weight isn't bad but those measurements have to go!! :cry:
    Hope I can do this!!
  • sharon3541
    ok I am in

    Weight 147
    Waist 31
    Hips 39
    Thighs 24

    It all has got to go
  • kimmerlyjo
    kimmerlyjo Posts: 134 Member
    Hey everyone... I talked to the originator of this challange the other day and she was going to start up this weeks challange but hey we all know how things get us distracted... I'm still in it! Did we ever actually post our week two results? I'd like to do all my measurements and get them on here. not sure i did very well seeing as how I kinda fell off the wagon for a few days but i'm right back on it! Did spin class today and the bum is tender :laugh:
  • xmimikinsx
    xmimikinsx Posts: 191
    Hey everyone,
    I posted my lose an inch on your stomach on Monday. If you all look in the motivation discussions threads you'll see it and we can all update our measurements there and find out who the winning Princess was!!!!
    Sorry for not posting weeks 3 & 4 on Monday, I had a birthday to organise but I'm back!!
    It looks like you've got weeks 3 & 4 covered so I'll do another post with ideas and tips and what I'm doing later this week to make sure you're all still in the game!