Clothes and not seeing myself in a good light

k900 Posts: 140 Member
I am wanting to lose about 15 pounds. Most of the time i don't think i am that big but when i go to buy clothes it's noticeable to me. Clothes never fit me right. It also annoys me that i am a size 9/10 in jeans everywhere except a few stores. It would be nice if all the same size labeled clothing fit the same.

My upper thighs are a bit larger and i have no butt to even that out so pants never seem to fit just right. I don't wear dresses or skirts because i am so insecure about the way i look and i have stretch marks. Any cute top i try on fits but you can see my belly sticking out. I don't want a six pack by any means but mostly flat would be nice in that area.

I see girls who are double my size and i think they are very pretty and they dress well. I just don't get why i can see someone who is larger than me as pretty but i can never see myself that way no matter how hard i try. I am 5'8 and about 164 right now.


  • artist444
    artist444 Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds like we have very similar body types except I'm 5'1 148 and wear 8/10. I too have large thighs and the "flat butt" syndrome, I've come to accept that over the years. I too feel like majority of my shirts show my fat rolls. However my best advice would be is find clothing that accents the characteristics you do like about yourself....maybe your arms, ankles, neckline, chest?? Maybe play up your eye make up or lipstick. I've found that shirts that cut in under the bust cover my stomach a little better. Go ahead and try on a dress or two you may be shocked what you find! Since I do have large thighs I like dresses that hit me at the knee or lower. You are tall so those maxi dresses will look great on you! Also I'm a big fan of bermuda shorts and capris to help conceal my thighs. I've lost about 40 lbs and my body has changed a lot and even though my stomach isn't flat its much smaller and I can work with that. Just stay confident and keep working hard and you will see changes soon. Like many people say on here its 70% mindset. You are beautiful and getting healthy will make you feel that way not matter what the mirror tells you! Hell I feel the sexiest most days after a really hard work out b/c I know I'm making a difference. Flaunt your stuff girl!!
  • michward10
    michward10 Posts: 4 Member
    i'm constantly struggling with my own body image. the best advice i can give you is to try to work out with the intentions of getting stronger and being able to run for longer instead of focusing on losing weight to look better. when i feel down about my body i get up and jog 4 miles. after those 4 miles instead of hating my large thighs for not looking so great in jeans i'm proud of my body for what it can do.

    also, for me i've realized that i'm never going to be 100% happy with my appearance. I've been size 00 through size 8 (108lbs-160) and i've never been 100% happy with my body despite the compliments i've received at every size so now i'm just focusing on being healthy and trying my best to be happy with who i am no matter what the scale says.

    hope this helps