
:frown: Has anyone out there heard of kettlebell before? I just did a class but I can't find it in the database and I have no clue as what to put if I add it! :embarassed:


  • LibbyM
    LibbyM Posts: 9 Member
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I simply put it as calisthenics, I find it strange it isn't in the database but I suppose each workout is different. The one I did involved doing squats, lunges and pressups with the kettlebells, as well as swings and the like, and using my hrm, I used about 111 calories in 30 minutes at 126Ibs. But I wasn't lifting the heavy ones, only 4 and 6 kg.
  • LibbyM
    LibbyM Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks graelwyn I'll do that for now. Hopefully they will add it ti the database soon. I do love me some kettlebell! :bigsmile:
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    is it a kettlebell class you are taking? If so do you wear a HRM - you can add things to your database and record.

    I added my Cardio Kickboxing class - I wear my HRM to a class every other month to see what my burn is to make sure I am still pushing myself...and will manually record it.

    Things like classes or strength training you have to wear a HRM to get your burn - especially if you are someone who eats back exercsie calories - trying to generalize it you could be way off
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    I wanted to do kettle bells at the gym yesterday. Was warming up before hand on the rowing machine and the trainer went around asking everyone near me if they wanted to do it but me.

    Undaunted I turned up anyway to be told the class was full. What did all the people in it have in common? They were all male.....

    Was so mad....
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    I love using kettlebells in my workouts, they are so versatile. But yeah they are not in the database. I would send them a message in their website feedback forum
  • LibbyM
    LibbyM Posts: 9 Member
    What is a HRM? If it's not too expensive sounds like I might need one! :happy: What a bummer not ot be asked sbout a kettlebell class just because you are a female! We have all female instructers here at work! I think I will send a message to the feedback forum and see if something turns up! :wink:
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    :heart: my kettle bell ~ I log mine as circuit. I figure it's close enough and if anything I would rather under estimate my burn.