Pregnant in America



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You have GOT to be kidding me! Do you honestly think major surgery isn't PAINFUL?? Unless you are paying for your own healthcare ceasaerean delivery is NEVER elective!!!

    EDIT: I actually stopped reading at your first paragraph. If you have had a VBAC, then how the HELL can you sit here and say that women elect surgery because it is less painful than childbirth? Don't you remember how different the recoveries were?

    And another thing... who says women are being bullied? If someone tells you, you can do A but there is risk that you or your baby could die or you can do B which we are much more confident that the risk to you and your baby is significantly less, then what would you choose?

    My C-section was not for an pain tolerance reason. It was emotional. I elected to have a C-sect because I was placing my son for adoption. If I would have had a normal delivery, I would have backed out.

    I'm really surprised they let you elect a C-section for that reason. When I had my kids, it wasn't elective. Maybe that is where my confusion comes in. But, I honestly don't think there are women who would elect surgery as an alternative to the pain of natural childbirth. The pain of C-section lasts much longer, years in some cases, and can cause other issues. My last C-section resulted in endometriosis which is a lifetime of pain. I would never have elected to do C-sections if I didn't think that it was best for the safety of me and my children. I trusted my doctor's judgment and I don't think I should be crucified because of it. That is why topics like this are so sensitive to me. It seems like in our modern society that mothers get blamed for far more than they really deserve.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I think the C-Section rate is high because of 3 things:
    1. Fear of getting sued over complications of a prolonged labor and delivery
    2. Health insurance standards (just guessing here)
    3. Convenience for the doctor

    4. Keeps things tighter. Nawwimsayin?
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    With any medical interference you have to assist in labor & delivery.. there are risk.

    You get an epidural, your odds go up of needing poticin to help stalled labor from your body not feeling the contractions.

    You get pitocin, your odds of having a c-section increase from your body not responding fast enough, or how it's expected.

    They break your water for you, rather than spontaneous.. they tell you if you don't deliver within 24 hours of that, your risk of infection goes up.

    While these things can be the difference of life or death in needed situations.. they seemed to be used a lot when there isn't a medical need for them.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    :laugh: :laugh:

  • jnagy9886
    jnagy9886 Posts: 48 Member
    Some people should just keep their thoughts to themselves. And one other thing...its nobody else's business whether a person does or does not have a c-section.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I think there is a rising trend in allowing the patient to chose a c-section and that is a problem. C-sections are major surgery and should be used in situations that medically call for them- pre-eclampsia, rapidly rising blood pressure, a baby that did not turn properly, breathing/heart rate issues etc...

    I don't think doctors are opting for c-sections because of their fear of getting sued. I am a plaintiff's medical malpractice attorney. There are more complications associated with major surgery- no matter how routine, than there are with natural childbirth.

    I had a c-section with my twins for medical reasons- twin A was breech and would not turn. I had a natural birth with my oldest. I would choose natural birth over surgery any day of the week- for pain considerations, recovery period and risk.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    I had a VBAC and was urged by my doctors that I needed to have a c-section. My daughter was born healthy. I was fine. What would you choose? I'd choose the same route if not even a home birth for my next child.
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    I watched this documentary a few weeks ago. Definitely convinced me I want natural and drugless. I will be in a hospital, but I don't agree with c-sections for scheduling purposes!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    to the op ::coughcoughBS!coughcough::

    all right here are my unfortunaite stories (TMI WARNING)
    baby #1 my water broke on wensday, went to hospital, got sent home from said hospital because i wasnt "progressing" as fast as they liked. thursday ....was unpleasent, friday went back to same hospital at 2 am, was FINNALY admited. i told them i did not want a pit drip after i had "read up on" dilivery prosedures and was imedatly give pitocin:mad: and told that since they had started it it could not be stoped..wich is a bunch of BS. refused epidural(they kept asking me to get one) for 6 hours, then the doc came in and "manualy" dialated me, so oh yeah i got an epidural then and it was FRIGGIN AWSOME,at about 8 or 9 it was the big time and.......4 1/2 %@&()(@&$*@&$*@$ hours later they(standing room by only now since it was a teaching hospital) tried forsepts, and a vacume, the head doc finnaly agread with me that #1 was not coming out and i could get a c-sec. !!!yeah!! 1 hour later i get to see(not hold) my 9lbs #1 ill save the c-sec details, as they are WAY TMI,:laugh: altho instead of the doc saying "grats its a ____" i got "MY GOD THAT A BIG HEAD!!, hey tell _____ to come see this kids head...." :laugh:
    after i get home my c-sec gets infected and bursts before i can get back in to see my doc, and takes about 3 months to heal....

    baby#2 new doc realy realy realy wanted me to scedual a c-sec, i said no. everything was going awsome! like omfg awsome natural, barely any pain with the contractions awsome, then the nurse was ordered to give me a pill that if i had not been a vbac would have just soften my cervics, how ever in vbac's when your given this it causes your scar to open and you run the risk of death... so, we never got to hear from that doc again, and the head of labor and dilivery personaly apologized to us. we ended up haveing to have the c-sec any way because #2 turned and was coming out butt first. this time i got to hold my baby right after tho!! and once again i got infected and took for ever to heal.

    my point is that only after you have a "difficult" pregnacy or dilivery do they start to push for a c-sec, but oh yeah they push and push you to get an epidural, pitocin and the like. AND IN NO WAY IS ANY TYPE OF CHILDBIRTH TOTALY PAINLESS!
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    to the op ::coughcoughBS!coughcough::

    What exactly are you BSing?
  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    You have GOT to be kidding me! Do you honestly think major surgery isn't PAINFUL?? Unless you are paying for your own healthcare ceasaerean delivery is NEVER elective!!!

    EDIT: I actually stopped reading at your first paragraph. If you have had a VBAC, then how the HELL can you sit here and say that women elect surgery because it is less painful than childbirth? Don't you remember how different the recoveries were?

    And another thing... who says women are being bullied? If someone tells you, you can do A but there is risk that you or your baby could die or you can do B which we are much more confident that the risk to you and your baby is significantly less, then what would you choose?

    My C-section was not for an pain tolerance reason. It was emotional. I elected to have a C-sect because I was placing my son for adoption. If I would have had a normal delivery, I would have backed out.

    I'm really surprised they let you elect a C-section for that reason. When I had my kids, it wasn't elective. Maybe that is where my confusion comes in. But, I honestly don't think there are women who would elect surgery as an alternative to the pain of natural childbirth. The pain of C-section lasts much longer, years in some cases, and can cause other issues. My last C-section resulted in endometriosis which is a lifetime of pain. I would never have elected to do C-sections if I didn't think that it was best for the safety of me and my children. I trusted my doctor's judgment and I don't think I should be crucified because of it. That is why topics like this are so sensitive to me. It seems like in our modern society that mothers get blamed for far more than they really deserve.

    My sister's sister-in-law (her husbands brothers wife) elected to have a c section when they were living in CA. She did not want labor so they scheduled a c-section a week before her due date...oh and gave her a little tummy tuck while they were in there.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    to the op ::coughcoughBS!coughcough::

    What exactly are you BSing?

    So why are we letting these health care providers bully us into elective surgery so that 1.) They can make more money. And 2.) They can "get our deliveries over sooner."
    1) 9xs' out of 10 the one that puts in the order for it, is not the one that dose the surgery. and the vast majority of them are "EMERGANCY" C-SEC OR ARE SCEDUALED BECAUSE OF HIGH RISK TO THE MOTHER AND OR CHILD, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY.

    2) after youve been in labore for 1+ days the SOONER THE BETTER

    3) and in my opinon the only "elective" sergeries have to do with the word "plastic"
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    to the op ::coughcoughBS!coughcough::

    Alright here are my unfortunate stories (TMI WARNING):

    Baby #1: My water broke on Wednesday, I went to the hospital, I got sent home from said hospital because I wasn't "progressing" as quickly as they would have liked. Thursday ....was unpleasent, Friday I went back to the same hospital at 2 am, I was FINALLY admitted. I told them I did not want a pitocin drip after I had "read up on" delivery procedures and was immedatly given pitocin. I was very mad and was told that since they had started it, it could not be stopped..which is a bunch of BS. I refused the epidural (they kept asking me to get one) for 6 hours, then the doctor came in and "manually" dialated me, so, oh yeah and I got an epidural then and it was FRIGGIN AWESOME, at about 8 or 9 it was the big time and.......4 1/2 %@&()(@&$*@&$*@$ hours later they (standing room only now since it was a teaching hospital) tried forceps, and a vacuum, the head doctor finally agread with me that the baby, #1: was not coming out and, #2: I could have a cesarean. !!!Yeah!!! 1 hour later I got to see (but not hold) my 9 pound baby. I'll save the c-section details, as they are WAY TMI, LOL Although, instead of the doctor saying "great it's a ____", I got "MY GOD THAT'S A BIG HEAD!!, Hey tell _____ to come see this kids head...." LOL

    After I get home my incision gets infected and bursts before I can get back in to see my doctor, and it takes about 3 months to heal....

    Baby#2: I have a new doc that really wanted me to schedule a cesarean, but I said no. Everything was going awesome! Like, OMFG awesome: natural, barely any pain with the contractions: awesome! Then the nurse was ordered to give me a pill that if I had not been a vbac would have only softened my cervix, however in vbac's when you're given this it causes your scar to open and you run the risk of death... So, we never got to hear from that doctor again and the head of labor and delivery personally apologized to us. We ended up having to have the cesarean anyway because the baby had turned and was coming out butt first. This time i got to hold my baby right after though!! And, once again, I got an infection and it took forever to heal.

    My point is that only after you have a "difficult" pregnacy or delivery do they start to push for a c-section, but, oh yeah, they do push and push you to get an epidural, pitocin and the like. AND IN NO WAY IS ANY TYPE OF CHILDBIRTH TOTALY PAINLESS!

    Now that everyone can actually read what you attempted to say, here are my points.....NO doctor or nurse can administer any type of medication without your agreement. It is illegal and they can be sued for malpractice. How did they "force" you to get an epidural?? You have to sit up, in a certain position, and be completely still....if you didn't want it, they couldn't have made you do those things. Secondly, many doctors actually push for first-born cesarean's because it is easier on THEM (the doctor's). Could your incision have possibly gotten infected because you didn't take care of it properly? Just a thought.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member

    My sister's sister-in-law (her husbands brothers wife) elected to have a c section when they were living in CA. She did not want labor so they scheduled a c-section a week before her due date...oh and gave her a little tummy tuck while they were in there.

    Why in the world, would they do a tummy tuck right after birth? I mean, it takes 6 weeks for your uterus to shrink back down to prepregncy size. Seems that would complicate the healing process.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    to the op ::coughcoughBS!coughcough::

    What exactly are you BSing?

    So why are we letting these health care providers bully us into elective surgery so that 1.) They can make more money. And 2.) They can "get our deliveries over sooner."
    1) 9xs' out of 10 the one that puts in the order for it, is not the one that dose the surgery. and the vast majority of them are "EMERGANCY" C-SEC OR ARE SCEDUALED BECAUSE OF HIGH RISK TO THE MOTHER AND OR CHILD, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY.

    2) after youve been in labore for 1+ days the SOONER THE BETTER

    3) and in my opinon the only "elective" sergeries have to do with the word "plastic"

    Where in hell do you get your information??? None of those 3 points are factual, AT ALL! Maybe you should do some research before you input your opinion and attempt to pass them along as facts.
  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    1. Do you have any proof of the amount of doctors offering "elective" c-sections?? Do you know exactly what an elective c-section is?? It is a c-section in a non-emergent situation. This could mean that mom is one of the rare ones (and yes, it's incredibly rare) who is asking for one or mom has a health issue warranting one or baby has a health issue warranting one.

    2. The 15% cited by the WHO was retracted. There is no golden number that we are to be shooting for. Do you know what happens when a doctor/hospital/"midwife"/CNM/L&D nurse shoots for the lowest amount of c-sections while pushing for all vaginal deliveries??? Babies die or are brain damaged. Sad, but incredibly true. I do know women who had nurses in a hospital that SAW decels but denied mom a c-section and the babies are now dead. The homebirth crowd and their poorly undertrained and uneducated midwives try their darndest to prevent c-sections and transfers. What happens?? Oh, that's right, DEATH. Once your baby dies, that's it, no do-overs and it flipping sucks. I can promise that we would choose one hundred c-sections over our babies being gone.

    3. Pregnant in America and it's buddy BOBB are propaganda. The only people who buy it are those who cannot do the research for themselves and actually read the studies out there totally disproving these doCRAPumentaries.

    Sorry, but the entire OP was BS!
  • mommy7
    mommy7 Posts: 153
    And please tell me how much more money doctors make off of c-sections vs vaginal deliveries. It couldn't possibly be that, I don't know, c-sections take more time and resources than vaginal deliveries. Things like the OR, the supplies, the extra doctors, extra care for mom, more pain meds/anesthesia, possible extra care and supplies for baby- they could be a factor.

    And no, doctors aren't slicing and dicing women to hurry them up. There is a reason doctors don't push for moms to labor for days. This is, yet another, death topic. Do you know how many women and babies die because mom doesn't have access to the wonderful medical facilities and care that we do??? When mothers labor for days, babies do die, mothers die. Mothers deal with PPH, which also can kill them. Preventing death should be a good thing, but then again, I guess you can move to a third world country and take your chances.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    my c section was by no means "elective" and if I hadent have had it my daughter would have died