New Body November Week 1 (Anyone Welcome)



  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    I just bought the dvd today in the store and I haven't had the gut to try it but I will soon! I think she can really kick our butts!
  • I agree! Hopefully we'll start around the same time and be able to keep each other going!
  • AButler any weight loss is a good one don't forget that. I have been wanting to try that DVD as well. Hope everyone was able to resist the Halloween candy. It was hard. I have two boys who racked up last night at least my 2month old can't trick or treat yet. LOL:laugh: Everyone make sure to drink your recommended water as well. It really helps to flush your system out. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    since I don't hand out candy anymore (it upsets my dogs with all the people, I have really old dogs) I was able to stay away from all the candy, but I'm not much of a candy eater anyway but that darn candy corn that my mom always has around. The weekend was a good one, I checked out that DVD this morning and OMG its so going to kick butt, I'm already sore! I'm going to hit the gym too tonight after work so all is great!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Me too, need some motivation, I've gained 20 lb's in the last year, and need to start with that, but mostly stop the yo-yo-ing. My husband and I are both shooting for 10 lbs. lost in Novemeber, the first 10 is always the easiest, right?

    I'm going to rehydrate myself today, not a lot of water this weekend, too much alcohol (parties, not typical for me, Halloween), candy, crappy food, not feeling too well today. Making homemade veggie soup, going to eat very healthfully, had eggs/toast/cantaloup/kefir for breakfast. Going to start marathon training again, for 1/2 marathon in January, and then on to a spring. Really need to lose the weight and get running again, been a real slacker! No more!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I've been on this site for quite sometime now, but have completely lost motivation :cry: I'd like to join, I can get my first weigh tomorrow morning. Good luck everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    I weighed in this morning at the same *SIgh*, but I have been really good at avoiding the Halloween goodies since Friday. I split two small pieces of chocolate with my daughter on Sat, and had a fun sized M&M while watching a movie yesterday.

    But I feel like I'm getting the mindless snacking under control this week, and I was this close to getting up and working out this morning.:explode:
  • Stormchaser- Let me know how that DVD is. I think I am going to go get it myself.

    Angiebangie- you can do this, my husband and I are doing this together as well.

    Sarabear- we are here for you. let us know how your weigh in goes and anytime you need to vent you right ahead. We will do our best to keep pushing you toward your goals.

    Cynder- that is a big step, getting the mindless snacking under control. Many people don't realize they are even doing it. You can always lose weight but you need to change your habits and your outlook on things before the weight will stay off for good. That is why some people yo-yo so much, because they didn't change their habits, they just tried new ones that helped them lose weight and when they lost the weight they dropped the new habits and continued with the old ones.

    Everyone is doing great, keep it up.
  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    Good Morning All! Well I got up this morning and did the 30 day shred and well lets just say it really does a workout for ya. My legs still feel like jelly and my arms are getting back to normal feeling too, and I didn't use the hand weights. However I need to do some rearranging before I do it again. I need to move it downstairs where things won't fall off the wall during the cardio (that was the problem this am). I think that this DVD is going to kick start things for the better, I look forward to using it more! Just thought I'd pass the little info along!

    It really will work if you keep with it!
  • rachelle21
    rachelle21 Posts: 3 Member
    :happy: i would love to join! Better late than never! i have got to get thru the holidays with no gain but a loss!!!!!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Okay I did weigh today and I'm 274.2
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Did well yesterday, even eating out (w/ wine), I have standing dinner Mondays w/ a neighbor. Went for 2 mile walk after w/ dogs. I was down 4 lbs. today (ALL water weight from the crappy weekend), and feel good. Husband down 3+ lbs. too. Today, so far, so good, but tired, no motivation to go running yet.
  • Stormchaser--- awesome! My DVD should be in any day now. Keep the updates coming! I am happy you are ahead of me so now I can know what to expect! haha
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Hi. I weighed in for a loss of 2 lbs this week. I do have one weird issue for you girls. I have always been overweight, but I never felt overweight. I was for the most part comfortable with who I was. All of a sudden over the last few weeks, I feel like I am a mammoth. I feel blubbery and gross. I am totaly self consious about everything. I am embarassed to talk to people at work, and have lost ALL self confidence that I had. I am not sure why all of a sudden I am feeling this way. Has anyone else had this problem? Today I was so embarrased, and felt bad that I had chicken strips and fries for lunch!! Sorry to load on you guys...I just wanted to see if anyone has had something like this?
  • Stormchaser- that dvd sounds like something I need. I am planning on going to Target and getting today or tomorrow. I have been doing my pilates dvd's and working out on my total gym. Keep it up. If it hurts then it means its working.

    rachelle21- welcome, the more the merrier. We do our weigh in on Sat mornings but if you have your own day that you prefer that is fine as well. Keep ups posted on your progress and ask any questions you have or vent. I'm sure there is someone here that can help.

    angiebangie- good job on the 4 pounds. yeah it's water weight but it always feels good to kickstart your system and flush out all that junk. You'll get your motivation to run. It is good that your walking.

    tahmed- good job on the 2 pound loss. I personally can't say that I understand how you feel in that situation. I have always felt I was overweight even when I was a kid even though I really wasn't. I look back on pictures of me in highschool and I can't believe how stupid I was to think I was overweight when i was really fit. I did sports and everything but still had a self confidence issue. Has anything happened recently that could have caused this sudden self confidence loss. It is real hard to start on a weight loss program and your doing good then you eat something bad and fell horrible for doing it. But you know what, we are all human and things happen and you move on. The real goal is not just weight loss but life gain. We have to learn to live our lives healthy and have confidence in ourselves. You sound like a strong woman to me and something is trying to break your strength but don't let it. And if you need help or need to vent please do so as much as you wish. I'm sure everyone else here will help the best they can.

  • TracyJean2012
    TracyJean2012 Posts: 517 Member
    Amanda----don't give up I have gone through days like that, I know its hard but you can do this and WE are all here for you!

    I have started doing this little thing every morning and its helps to get you back to where you want to be. I stand in front of my bathroom mirror and I look myself straight in the eye and say "you are a beautiful person" I so know its hard to get back the self esteme (sorry mispelled) I had LOTS of trouble with that after my divorce but I'm starting to get back to where I want to be. That and go do one thing that makes you feel pretty, may I suggest a pedicure to left your spirits.........

    On another subject does anyone get the magazine Food and Family from Kraft Foods? That mag is great for meals that are low in calories and it gives great ideas for sides and they are so simple with the ingredients and they are supper cheap!
  • Just wanted to get to know the group a little better. If you don't want to answer that is fine.
    Wanting to know where everyone is from, age, starting weight and something interesting about yourself. Also name one thing you like/love about yourself, this helps boost self confidence.

    I am from Warner Robins, Ga. I'm 28, will be 29 in December. My starting weight is 227 lbs. I served 8 years in the Air Force and I like my clear complexion. I never have to wear makeup to cover anything. I also love my sense of humor, laughing is so fun and it burns calories :laugh:
  • Amanda--- I have no explanation for why you would suddenly feel this way. Did something happen?

    Keep your head up, and definitely DO NOT isolate yourself from your friends and coworkers. If you let people in, you may be surprised by how much support they have to offer you.

    & I agree with stormchaser. Positive affirmations can really help you out! Also, hitting the gym always builds my confidence. While there, I am always saying to myself, "Do you want to be happy? YES. Healthy? YES. Feel good? YES. Look good? YES." I know it is cheesy, but it helps me get through the workout, and I feel so strong when I leave the gym.
  • My grandpa was in the Air Force, and my brother just joined! He is in mecial school and wants to practice military medicine. I also have a cousin and brother-in-law who were in the Air Force. Right on!

    Well I am from Houston, Texas and I am 21 years old. I am a full time college student majoring in accounting, and I plan to attend law school after graduation. I have a 3 month old nephew who is fantastic!! He is definitely my favorite person in the world. One thing I love about myself is my determination---- I love to kick butt at school and in the gym. I also have a lot lot lot of empathy for others and am very compassionate. I like that about myself even if I often care too much.
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    :bigsmile: Yay! Found motivation to run, it was hiding under the bed! :tongue: 3 miles in the woods w/ my doggie, beautiful!

    Is there anyway to start a new thread daily so by the end of the first week we're not hashing through like 200 posts??? Maybe like: New Body November Week 1/day 1 etc.??? If not, that's okay, just get frustrated sometimes!
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