My first 10 pounds!!

KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
Woohoo!!!! Just had to share how excited I am because I am finally sticking with a plan that WORKS!

10 down....

120 to go....


  • biddypat
    Well done. It is so hard to start it going, but once it does the feeling is fantastic.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Congratulations! You're well on your way, keep up the good work.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    Great job!
  • knottylibrarian
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    Awesome! I can't wait until I get to my first 10 pounds lost! Congratulations!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Good job!!! Hang in there and NEVER give up!!!!
    Good for you! What is it that you are doing?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good for you! What is it that you are doing?

    Started working out during my lunch hour at work every day (actually only getting 30 minutes of a workout). I use the ellipitical for cardio days (3x/week)) and then strength training/weights 2x a week(with 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down...either elliptical or stationary bike). Someone gave me a link to a website where I can pick what muscle I want to work out and it'll show me exercises to do with the free weights that'll target that area. Its really cool. I've never used free weights before but its really empowering for me :smile:

    Just generally watching my calorie intake.

    A Normal Day:
    Multigrain flake cereal (Walmart brand...$1.68/box) and yogurt for breakfast, Slimplicity shake for lunch (only 90 calories and it has 10 grams of proteins), and decent food for dinner. (chicken, veggies, rice, mashed potatoes...all in moderation of course) Snacks ALL DAY LONG lol. Light Pringles, applesauce, diced pears, chewy granola bars, popcorn, Lance 4 pack of vanilla creme or Nekot peanut butter crackers after my workout.

    Monday through Friday I'm great at keeping everything in check....I'm horrible on the weekends though...trying to work on that.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I started out that way --- good Mon - Fri, horrible on the weekends. I figured being good 5 days a week was better than no days a week, and truly it was. I still lost weight. Eventually, I got tired of my own sabatauge on the weekends and started doing better. I still don't count calories on weekends, but I mentally monitor what I'm eating better.

    Congrats on the first 10! :drinker:
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    Woohoo!!!! Just had to share how excited I am because I am finally sticking with a plan that WORKS!

    10 down....

    120 to go....

    Great job!:love:
  • calvarado
    That's so great! Congrats!! It just dawned on me that I past the 10 lb mark. All with the fabuloius help of this site. I'm hoping for another 12 or so by Christmas. Man, this time of year is tough, but it's so empowering to be able to pass up bad stuff. Some days are easier. Weekends are so hard! My family is being very helpful and encouraging. Good luck for contiuned success!! I hope the next 10 melt off just as quickly for you! Before you know it, you'll blink and it'll be gone too!
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    Way to go! Keep it up and you'll reach the next 10 in no time! :happy:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Way to go!!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    That is Awesome. The first 10 are the hardest and you got there. You should be very proud. Keep it up!!!
  • Makai
    Makai Posts: 43
    That is so great and truly inspiring me!!! Keep up the good work-cheers!!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    good for you! I hit my first ten last week, and completely understand how exciting that is. Here's to us getting our next ten!!:flowerforyou:
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    YAY!!! Keep up the good work.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Man, I love posts like this! I just got started, and can't imagine how excited I'll be when I can say I've lost 10 pounds! Way to go!!!!!
  • MrForensic
    Monday through Friday I'm great at keeping everything in check....I'm horrible on the weekends though...trying to work on that.

    What works for me on the weekends is not to worry as much. If you get a craving, go for it as a little reward, just dont go overboard. It helps to keep down the cravings during the week to remind yourself about the weekends. But remember, if you eat it, log it.

    Good Job and Good Luck on the rest of your journey
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