Healthy lunches to bring to work w/ no microwave



  • slammalee
    slammalee Posts: 14 Member
    have you asked if you can get one? They may provide one or you could buy one and leave it there. I bought one for my workplace. Everyone loves it. I got a cheap one at Fred's. Was well worth the expense.

    I was thinking of just buying one and bringing it in without asking anyway.
  • greenkarla
    greenkarla Posts: 15
    I actually really enjoy my sandwiches with hummus, whether it be turkey, chicken, etc. It doesn't have to be kept cold/warm!

    now that it's HOT summer, I have great meals that are in the fridge overnight that I leave in the car during the morning. when I come out at lunch, their toasty warm. :)
    A great lunch idea that can be eaten warm or cold is avocado-chicken-salsa-shredded cheese in a wrap. I recently became gluten-free so now I eat it mixed in Quinoa. I love it!

    Another suggestion to your microwave problem is one of those plug-in coolers. I have one in my vehicle that I set to "cold" during the summer to keep my water bottles and shakes cold. During the winter when Im running around between minor hockey arenas and during work days, I can set it to "hot". You can usually pick one up for around the same price as a microwave, plus you get to use it in your vehicle when you're not at work!! not something you can do with a microwave!!! lol. ((Ps. start your car at lunch time just incase your battery isn't able to hold charge for 8-9hrs. My battery went dead when I once left it plugged in overnight by accident))
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    have you asked if you can get one? They may provide one or you could buy one and leave it there. I bought one for my workplace. Everyone loves it. I got a cheap one at Fred's. Was well worth the expense.

    I was thinking of just buying one and bringing it in without asking anyway.

    my job didn't care they just didn't want to buy one. cheap-o's
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    I have been doing a lot of tuna salad with different combinations of ingredients so I don't get bored. Lots of Greek Yogurt. Sometimes, I'll just get ham or turkey and roll a few slices with cheese and put it in a baggy in the fridge. I always keep a Fit & Active Peanut Butter meal or snack bar in my purse. (Ok, so maybe I keep three in there)
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Cube super firm tofu, toss with some sesame oil and soy sauce, bake at 500 degrees for about 25 minutes stirring partway through.
  • SuperVegan8
    SuperVegan8 Posts: 78 Member
    A few of my cold lunch ideas:

    * Cold pasta dishes can be great;
    * Smooties/shakes;
    * Cous Cous and roast veggie salads or other non common salads (other than the lett, tomato, cucumber variety) are always a nice change too

    Buy a flask. You can still have warm lunches, chillis, stews, soups - heat before you leave home and serve at lunchtime.

    I know its probably summer there (if youre in the US) but its something different for you.
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Instead of bread, I often use dark rye Ryvita cracker breads. Add houmous or one of the lighter pates (such as crab), then some veggies on the side, a few olives and carrots at least. If I'm not looking at a heavy calorie day forget pâté and go with light Brie instead.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    Wasa crackers and slices of chicken or turkey with a little bit of Frank's Hot Sauce is my go to fast lunch right now.
  • gungho66
    gungho66 Posts: 284 Member
    No microwave? Ok, so fish is out of the question. What? Everybody loves the guy who microwaves fish at the office.

    I'm still getting dirty looks from the last time -but mmm mmm it was good!
  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    Maybe try something like dry biscuits, crackers or like salada's (big square cracker things) and then put tuppoings on. ussually I just put some cream cheese with salmon, tuna, turkey or ham but you can also add some salad toppings as well.
  • brutiful
    brutiful Posts: 12
    pasta salads! super versatile (if you can think it, you can do it... italian/thai/mexican/etc), easy to make, and you can choc em full of fresh veggies.
  • SAMSON25
    SAMSON25 Posts: 58 Member
    Aside from everyone else's suggestions of sandwiches and the like, (and NO salads haha) some good snack/meal substitutions that I've found are:

    Larabars (cherry pie, apple pie, pbj, coconut)
    Bear Naked Granola (fruit & nut, vanilla crunch)
    Protein bars
    Fruit - always a good option : )

    I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but hope it helps nonetheless.
  • HausOfTina
    HausOfTina Posts: 92
    I really like to bring apples, applesauce, other fruits... and also dry cereal in a bag with a bottle of water! :) worked for me today! :)
  • Hollie_downunder
    At work i literally live off:

    Canned tuna on crackers - usually Ryvitas
    with cottage cheese
    and baby spinach leaves

    sometimes i just have the cottage cheese ontop without the tuna or vice versa, or canned chicken (sounds gross but if you get 100% chicken breast shredded its surprisingly nice!)

    also laughing cow cheese triangles light - only about 35cals each - and fruit for snacks. sometimes a pack of sugar snap peas also

    Hope you can get some inspriation! :)
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    cottage cheese
    wraps made with low carb tortillas, meat and cheese
    tuna salad w/ crackers
    raw veggies with dip/dressing or salsa
    cold chicken
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 128 Member
    cereal since you have fridge for your milk
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I make quinoa salads, perfect for eating cold. Basically cooked quinoa plus any veggies and some sort of dressing. I make a big batch and pack for a few days.

    The one I had today included black beans, a can of fire roasted tomatoes and corn, plus taco seasoning.
    I also make one with olives, chick peas, cuccumbers and feta cheese with greek dressing.
  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    Microwaves destroy food anyway. Bring a thermos of soup if you want something hot.
  • KRaemondH
    KRaemondH Posts: 120 Member
    I work 3rd shifts at a Hospital so all we have for food options outside of bring my own food is vending machines and take out. Saving money is always a good factor to keep in mind so I pack my own lunches (which is always easier and healthier anyways lol) We don't have a working microwave so these options might help you out too.
    These are must haves in my lunch options. These sizes are basically a zip lock SNACK BAG size filled up. These are just examples
    1 - 2 veggies ex: (Celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, sliced bell peppers, baby carrots)
    1 Serving of whole grain ex: (1 slice of sprouted grain bread, 2 popcorn cakes with popcorn sprinkle seasonings on them, popped potato chips/1 serving)
    1 fruit ex: (medium whole apple, watermelon, orange slices with the rine, frozen grapes, melon of any type)
    Fun snack ex: (square of DARK chocolate to eat with coffee, mini box of raisins, HOME MADE DESSERT so I know whats in it lol)
    My normal main dish is
    - salad of 2 cups lettuce, 2 cups cooked and chilled frozen mixed veggies, some bits of sun dried tomatoes and 1 tbsp dressing. Some cheese can be added too depending on my mood.
    - If I want meat I do 1/2 cup quinoa or brown rice, salsa and grilled chicken breast or ground chicken breast.
    - If I want pasta I'll do a Greek pasta salad with low fat feta crumbles, different chopped veggies, some chicken breast (if I want meat) thin sliced red onions and some pepper vinagerette. You can use low fat or fat free Italian dressing. As much to your liking.
    - egg salad sandwiches with veggie mayo or olive oil pepper mayo with some lettuce and even some turkey bacon!
    Add black beans to anything on here too :)
    These are just some normal things that I take. Maybe that gives you some ideas!