HELP!!! motivation needed

Hi there, I need some friends to help motivate me, I started off so well was exercising daily, eating well, I even lost 3 kgs and was feeling great, but have hit a wall and am now going backwards, I really don't know how to get back on track, it's really the eating that's the problem I don't have a problem with exercise.
Can anyone help with this?


  • carloc
    carloc Posts: 135 Member
    Hi Kelly,

    You can add me to your friends. I will try and help you as much as possible. Let's get you going again.
  • fitnsandyfun
    fitnsandyfun Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there, I need some friends to help motivate me, I started off so well was exercising daily, eating well, I even lost 3 kgs and was feeling great, but have hit a wall and am now going backwards, I really don't know how to get back on track, it's really the eating that's the problem I don't have a problem with exercise.
    Can anyone help with this?

    Hello I'm going to sent you friend request :)

    How are you diets like?
    to lose weight its 70% diets and 30% exercise.
    Are you getting all the nutrients your body need?
    I load my plates with lots n lots of veggied and snack on fruits all day but at the same time I do eat proteins like lean chicken breast or almonds . theyre low in fat great for energy booster.

    As a girl who keep losing and gaining weight. I so understand how you feel!
  • sprota813
    sprota813 Posts: 3
    I try to tell myself that nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. Give yourself a small goal. Go drasttic for day or two to skake up your metabolism.
  • hospitalmakeout
    hospitalmakeout Posts: 5 Member
    I need the same kind of motivation! i have to wake up at 6am just to work out!!!!! Add me if you'd like and let's kick our weight loss in the butt!!! (i need to lose my butt, psssh!!! lol!!!)