A healthy diet that will drop some weight???Help!! >.<

The scale just won't go down :(
Is there any healthy diet that exists out there
that will drop my weight down quick?
If not can you guys give me examples of what
you do eat and what you try to stay away from???


  • mmwerner
    mmwerner Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sorry to here that :(
    I'm guessing you have hit some kind of a plateau, if you change your food diary to PUBLIC I can maybe offer a little more insight as to how you can alter your diet, of course I'm no expert.

    Don't give up girlie!! you can do it! :)
  • lizpire
    lizpire Posts: 6
    Ok I just changed it :)
    Thanks for the help
  • mmwerner
    mmwerner Posts: 22 Member
    From the looks of your food diary, you are hitting your calorie goal for the most part and seem to be on track. I don't want to tell you to do anything unhealthy or detrimental to your body, but the only thing I might suggest is to meet whatever your calorie goal is before you even include the extra calories you get back for exercising and make that all you eat for the day.

    For me personally, I just count the exercise as extra, like the "cherry on top" and usually never eat those extra calories.

    Just a suggestion, Good luck to you!
  • ilovegreg05
    ilovegreg05 Posts: 96 Member
    If you're weight loss has stalled, do more cardio as suggested or lower your calorie intake.

    Another thing to be aware of is: logging EVERY single piece of food that enters your mouth. Small "none tracked" cheats add up!
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    The scale just won't go down :(
    Is there any healthy diet that exists out there
    that will drop my weight down quick?
    If not can you guys give me examples of what
    you do eat and what you try to stay away from???

    Stay away from wheat/breads/pasta.
    Eat meat, veggies, fruits.

    And, most importantly, EXERCISE.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    What you usually eat, just less of it. Combine with more general activity.

    Worked for me.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Ditto to the other posters. What is your exercise routine like? And are you logging EVERYTHING you eat/drink? If you'd like to take a look at my diary for ideas, it's public. I've been losing very steadily and slowly, tracked in my measurements and on the scale, haven't really hit a plateau at all since late January. I've also manually adjusted my calories and macros to suit my needs better.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    Stay away from wheat/breads/pasta.
    Eat meat, veggies, fruits.

    And, most importantly, EXERCISE.

    I don't exercise. (I know, hate hate hate)
    I don't count calories (I know, more hate hate hate).

    Stay away from wheat/breads/pasta/rice.
    Eat meat, veggies, fruits, eggs, milk.
    Cut out anything processed.

    Do this and I promise you will lose weight, and be healthier in the long run.

    Recap: Eat meat, veggies, some fruits and nuts, eggs, WHOLE milk. NO SNACKING ON ****. If you get the munchies have some almonds or cheese. Something filling but not processed or full of sugar or bad fat.

    That's my 2 pennies. :bigsmile:
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    What's your sodium like? I notice that the days I exceed on my sodium, the next day I have gained. So make sure to keep that down, and drink plenty of water!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    My advice to you, and this is what worked for me (lost 121 lbs so far) is you can pretty much eat whatever you want and not have to follow any specific diet as long as you watch your overall calorie count and PREPARE EVERYTHING YOURSELF in your own kitchen using fresh ingredients. If it was prepared in a restaurant or came in a box or a wrapper don't eat it. Substitute ingredients when necessary to reduce calorie count/fat/whatever else needs to be reduced, but beyond that, just keep on eating what you want as long as you're prepared to invest time in the kitchen cooking it yourself.

    That's what I've done and I lost 121 lbs combined with regular exercise (mostly calisthenics and jump rope)

    Bear in mind a few things you will hear people say:

    1. Don't eat breads/pastas
    -I eat whole grain pasta for dinner every night and a 93% lean cheeseburger on a whole grain bun everyday. Also big on cereal.

    2. Stay away from cheeses
    -I put reduced fat cheese on virtually every meat product I cook

    3. Stay away from animal products
    -Cheeseburgers, fish, dairy,chicken, burritos, all staples of my "diet".

    Basically what I'm telling you is this: Don't follow a diet. Eat WHATEVER YOU WANT (within your overall calorie range) and don't listen to anyone who tells you you have to stay away from certain foods completely. Just PREPARE EVERYTHING YOURSELF in your own kitchen from fresh ingredients. As I said above I've lost 121 lbs doing this and exercise so I pretty much laugh in the face of anyone who tells you that you need to cut certain foods entirely from your diet or deprive yourself of anything to lose weight.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Eat less?

    I don't think she should be eating less, but eating more.

    Her calorie goal is at 1250. Tuesday she burnt 434 calories and ate only 1385 calories. Which would come out in the end as only 951 calories.

    Monday, she burnt 667 calories and ate only 1403 calories. Which again, comes to 736.

    I know people would moan about starvation mode and such, but I'm not going to start going on about that. I'm just going to point out that this is definitely not enough calories for your body to function at 100%. You should find out your BMR, log all of your exercise and eat 250 to 500 calories less to lose 0.5 to 1lb a week. Eat back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories back.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    There is no diet that will make you lose weight faster if you are hitting your calorie goal. Unless you're already really close to your goal weight, calories are most important.

    But if you want to lose water weight, avoid processed foods, salty foods and sugars. Most of your food should be meat and vegetables.
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    I've been having this issue too but I just started so I'm going to be patient. I think I need to do more exercising (more variety, more challenging). Maybe that's the issue you're having too? It's really frustrating but sometimes the best thing to do is experiment and try new things. I just switched my % around and am trying to watch my sodium a bit more. We'll see what happens!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Go veg, or at least cut out red meat, soda, and refined sugars.

    BTW, I have dropped almost 10 pounds in a month by cutting out red meat and fowl. Just saying. It's not that hard, either.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Eat less?

    I don't think she should be eating less, but eating more.

    Her calorie goal is at 1250. Tuesday she burnt 434 calories and ate only 1385 calories. Which would come out in the end as only 951 calories.

    Monday, she burnt 667 calories and ate only 1403 calories. Which again, comes to 736.

    I know people would moan about starvation mode and such, but I'm not going to start going on about that. I'm just going to point out that this is definitely not enough calories for your body to function at 100%. You should find out your BMR, log all of your exercise and eat 250 to 500 calories less to lose 0.5 to 1lb a week. Eat back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories back.

    This. ^
  • k8ermarie
    k8ermarie Posts: 204
    Personally, I don't think dropping the weight QUICK will last. For a healthy weight drop and a long lasting weight stability it needs to come off slow. (In my opinion)

    However, I had hit a plateau and I got out from under it by upping my calories. But I am at the GYM 5-6 days a week.

    Also, just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean inches aren't coming off! Did you measure your body when you first started? Start watching those inches. :)

    Good luck to you and just stick with it. Everyone is different and you will find out how to beat that plateau.
  • k8ermarie
    k8ermarie Posts: 204
    What's your sodium like? I notice that the days I exceed on my sodium, the next day I have gained. So make sure to keep that down, and drink plenty of water!

    Good advice in general. I didn't think my sodium would do that. But I do notice that I exceed my sodium a lot. Thanks!
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    I don't see any vegetables in your diet.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    Run your numbers. Choose how active you are. Eat in that range. Weight/resistance training and cardio.Walk and/or run. Make your own food and plan your meals. Lots of meat and veggies. Lots of protein. Lots of water. Stay active. Exercise doesn't just have to be 'scheduled', it can just be choosing to move around instead of sitting on the sofa.

    Ditch any 'trigger' foods like chocolate, chips, biscuits, whatever your hang-up is, or eat them sparingly.

    GIVE IT TIME. If you do the above things and are consistent, there is no reason why you can't lose body fat % and gain muscle.

    Best of luck.

    *EDIT: Oh, and make sure you are logging everything and being honest with yourself. Be realistic with calorie burns and educate yourself on calorie counts in food. Buy a food scale if you need to. Most people grossly underestimate the amount of calories in their food. Portion size is important... figure out whether it works for you to spread your calories out through the day, eat more at night (what I do), or just have three meals a day. Drink water with your food. It helps.
  • ilovegreg05
    ilovegreg05 Posts: 96 Member

    Stay away from wheat/breads/pasta.
    Eat meat, veggies, fruits.

    And, most importantly, EXERCISE.

    Do not listen to this guy^^

    Eat whatever you want. Just make sure it's in moderation and fits into your daily macro-nutrient goals.