Zumba Exhilarate

Sooooooooooooooooo, I saw the infomercial and dived right in. Anyone have success so far? Also, I bought the weighted sticks so I don't have to wait to move on. Initially I bought the Wii version, but I'm taking it back to Wally World after I saw the infomerical because I'm pretty sure it won't compare.

Anyway, let the success stories ROLL!!! (Please and thank you.) :wink:


  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I do umba once in a while. I too have the cd set. It is fun and time flies.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I LOVE zumba. One of my goals is to actually become an instructor. I've lost about 6 inches off my waist, two around each arm and two around my thighs in less than a year.
  • bkknights
    bkknights Posts: 93 Member
    I bought it from Ebay about two months ago and have been sitting on it. I just started saturday night. Did Activate last night, I liked it!! I hope I can stick with it. I want a flat belly like those gals!!
  • bkknights
    bkknights Posts: 93 Member
    I should also add tha I did do the Step by Step about 4 times when I first got it. Then my excuses got in the way. I work the PM shift and think I might try doing it when I get home. I know its late but there are no other distractions then :)
  • JBorg039
    JBorg039 Posts: 24
    I've got this version - http://www.fatcuda.com/fitness/reviews/zumba-fitness-total-body-transformation-system-dvd-set-review/, I have to agree with you it's the best workout I have ever tried.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I have it. No offense - worse $150 I spent. Have had it for a year. I've started and stopped 2x. It gets super boring and there is only one DVD I like. 10 songs. It's the beginners. The advanced one is like hip-hop-ish running around and stuff. I'm a classically trained ballerina so I don't like street moves, lol and this has a lot of it, I think. I love that I can whip it out whenever, but real classes are much better. I did lose 5 lbs though haha.