New and really trying.


I'm Kelly, I'm 31 and live in Hampshire, England.

I've started a new weight loss journey and am finding it very difficult. I've always yo-yo'd in weight, ever since puberty started. I'm currently 5'1" and 207 lbs.

It's got really bad since having my son, 19 months ago. I had Gestational Diabetes and the whole pregnancy was tough with different problems every month! Luckily everything got better once I'd given birth. I was given the all clear from the diabetes too.
The diabetes really affected me afterwards though. During pregnancy I couldn't give in to any cravings I was having. I was on a ridiculous diet and actually lost weight while pregnant. I was constantly scared of eating things in case I harmed my baby. I was on metformin and insulin for 7 months of the pregnancy and even then - with the insulin - everything I ate affected my blood sugar readings.

Once I got the all clear, I had a massive pig-out. For 19 months. I just ate what I wanted when I wanted. With no thought to the ever increasing size I was becoming. Sure, I knew I was getting bigger, but I felt I deserved my "little treats". It wasn't until 3 weeks ago when we arranged a holiday for September that I realised just how big I'd gotten. I saw some recent pictures of myself and was nearly sick at what I saw. There is no way I want to be like that on holiday.

So now starts my long journey of weight loss. I know I won't look great on holiday, it's only three months away, but I can at least lose something. And I will go from there.

I have lost 10 lbs and 22inches already....but I don't see it in the mirror yet!

I have been exercising - on the Wii (Zumba, Just Dance, Wii Fit) as it's what I feel comfortable doing and with a 19 month old and working evenings, I don't get to go to the gym etc. I usually do 3 times a week at the moment as I'm building myself up gradually. I know I've done well on this as before I could only manage 5 minutes of I'm on 20 minutes so I'm obviously getting fitter. I do a physical-ish job too so the weight I'm not losing I think is probably turning to muscle? Which is heavier than fat.

I've just ordered the 30 Day Shred and wondered if anyone has had any success with it? I want to get fitter as well as lose weight.

I get so confused about carbs, fat, sugar etc. Some people say fat is better than carbs, others the opposite. I guess I just need to concentrate on lowering my calories first and then focus on carbs and fat etc.

Thanks for reading :)


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Welcome Kelly!

    I had gestational diabetes while pregnant too. I only gained 2 lbs that whole pregnancy. Sure, the baby was growing, but I was disappearing lol.

    Once I got off the diet, that's what happened to me. Grant it, that was 5 years ago LOL but better late than never. Well, and I've yo yo'd a time a two in between there.

    I hope to keep it off this time too. 10 lbs and 22 inches is wonderful!!!!!! Great job!

    What a great story you had. I wish you all the best luck in the world (well, maybe not all, I really need some for myself, too)
  • luvmy2labs
    luvmy2labs Posts: 4 Member
    I'm going on vacation at the end of August and want to be a bit lighter by then too. I know how you feel!!

    I like MFP because you can see everything when you log your food. Calories as well as fat/carbs/protein etc. I think it will really help you with the fat and carb confusion.

    Add me if you'd like some support during your journey :-)
  • HideNGeek
    HideNGeek Posts: 136 Member
    Welcome to MFP, there's always someone on here who can offer support, advice, encouragement, after all, we're all on here for the same thing. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to :)
  • JinksE21
    JinksE21 Posts: 77 Member
    Kelly, you are doing great so far! 10 pounds and 22 inches? That's great! Unfortunately, weight-loss doesn't work as fast as weight-gain! :grumble: But it sounds like you are on the right path to success! Please feel free to add me as a buddy so we can work through this journey together.
