Those last 10-15lbs.



  • SunnyFitt
    SunnyFitt Posts: 34 Member
    I hear you! I'm 5lb away from goal (although realistically I think I COULD stand to lose another 7lb on top of that) and the last half a stone or so have driven me BONKERS.

    Loathe as I am to admitting, cutting down my carbs - and I mean all carbs, not just refined ones - has the needle going left after a plateau. It's a bit of a bummer, mind, as I don't want to cut down on carbs for the rest of my life.

    No good advice, I'm afraid. Just sympathy!

    Yeah, I've been thinking that to. Cutting down on my carbs that is. I just HATE IT. I get really moody (angry even) if I don´t get some carbs over the day. But maybe I could try to be even more precise in chosing them and try to half them maybe... Ugh.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I agree look at the variety of what you are eating as well as how many cals etc. Each time I have hit a plateau I have found switching stuff around has worked to 'jump start' my sytem again. I have to be honest with you and say I've been (attempting to) maintain for nearly a year now, and they are also shockingly easy to gain back - I have wobbled up and down the last half stone or so about 3 times in the 10 months since I hit goal :-z

    My goal is/ was 155 at 5.9 by the way - my lowest has been 153, and highest since hitting goal 165.
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    Not sure if it's been mentioned, but maybe look into carb cycling. I know bodybuilders often use it to get lean before a show, might help you cut those last few pounds. I also know that when I switched to low carb a few weeks ago, the weight started falling off again, after being plateaued for weeks with about 30lbs left.
  • cookiefluff
    cookiefluff Posts: 115
    I am always around the 1200-1300 cal) and I work out like... 4 times a week or something. I´m pretty active in my daily routine, do housework, play with kids, bicykle 3.5km to work everyday and back. I just don´t get why the h... this isn´t enough! :-( Any pointers?

    1200-1300???!!! only? and you work out 4 times a week and you're active? hmm... I think you may not be eating enough, check your bmr, daily calorie needs, etc again and make sure you include all your activity/workout details correctly... good luck
  • SunnyFitt
    SunnyFitt Posts: 34 Member
    From your advice it seem like eating back my cals is what I am doing wrong. And I might need some more hard core strength training in my scheduel. I´m going to try to work on this. Let´s see where it gets me.
  • cheerocracy
    cheerocracy Posts: 38 Member
  • leilamarchi
    Eating back your exercise calories? I plateaued when I got to this point, but stopped looking at scale and after a few weeks, I started losing again. Make sure your eating enough, and have your profile set up correct regarding your activity.
    Some people will say eat more to weigh less. This, you may need to consider.
    Yeah, I have been considering this. I just find it really hard to get those calories back. Feel like I´m eating enough already.

    Another thing. Is it important that I eat the calories back the same day I lose them or does like... saving them for extra special days on weekends for example do the same trick?

    This is something I struggle with too - but one thing I know is that each day has its own set of calories, and there's really no rollover. It's SO SO bad for you to limit yourself to something outrageous like 500 calories a day for five days just so you can binge on the weekend.

    You're supposed to NET a certain number of calories based on your weight and loss goals, so you can eat back exercise calories if you're still netting the proper amount when all is said and done.

    Treat each day as its own separate caloric compartment, and make sure you're netting the proper amount of calories (have a minimum of 1200 net calories per day). If you don't, your metabolism will slow way down and trick your body into thinking that you're in a starvation situation, at which point it will conserve every last bit of energy and fat in can, saving up against what it perceives to be lean times, and when your body is saving up like that, it will make you plateau, and anything you eat will go toward weight GAIN until your body can be convinced that you're NOT actually starving and it doesn't NEED to save up every bit of fat because you're NOT actually dying of starvation.

    I would add a cup or two of a dark green vegetable - kale, chard, mustard greens - that way you're getting super nutrition without adding a ton of extra calories and maybe your body will be less inclined to save against hard times.

    The reason this is hard for me is because in order to lose more than a pound a week, I'd have to dip below the 1200 calorie net-mark, and it's not safe for me to do that, so I'm stuck losing weight excruciatingly slowly, but it's better than plateauing or gaining weight because my body thinks I'm starving!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    some food to get those cals in at the end of the day. It all depends on which to choose depending on cals left. These have varying amount of cals in a SMALL PORTION. Bottom line. Try to get to zero calories left or close to it. Always over 1200 and at least eat 1/2 of your exercise cals back if not all:
    mozz string cheese.
    a low sugar protein shake (I like Detour)
    a glass of milk
    protein bar
    rice cake
    a few crackers with some laughing cow cheese
    skinny cow ice cream

    some of these are higher cals than others, it all depends on how many you got left at the end of the day.