Uk girl on a mission to wear size 10 dresses



  • cherrypie556
    cherrypie556 Posts: 17 Member
    Can I join you? Im currently a 12-14 and would love to be a perfect size 10. Day 4 today so only just started. I lost 1 1/2 st and then regained 8lb :-(
  • Riskay123
    Riskay123 Posts: 159 Member
    I would love to join also. Am am only on day 4 of my lifestyle change. I am 166cm and I am currently a size 14/16. I got down to a size 10 about 4 years ago but it has slowly crept back on. I felt so good back then when I was walking past a shop window and caught a glimps of myself in the reflection. I am so going to get back there.

    I am in Australia.
  • kadders94
    kadders94 Posts: 1
    I would love to join in, size 10 for university!
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 88 Member
    this is my goal too, im starting to fit size 10 dresses (but they are floaty so im not sure that counts). i want to be a comfortable size 10 jeans :)
  • Wowzas thanks for the quick responses guys! I'm in Guildford and keep seeing far too many slim girls when I go out. It's time I was one of them :)
    Fingers crossed mfp works!!

    Do you go to a gym?

    Nope I usually just run ( marathons and half marathons). I used to be a member of one but ended up cancelling as I'm a nurse and work such a mad shift pattern that I could never get to classes. I might start going again though. I'm terrible as I never strength train.
  • I'm in i'm aiming for a size 12
    ( 5'7" and 80kg at the moment aiming for about 70-73kg)
    also from the UK

    what's your plan?

    Starting to count calories will be interesting. I've never done that before so hoping it works! I love that this site is free :)
  • Wowzas thanks for the quick responses guys! I'm in Guildford and keep seeing far too many slim girls when I go out. It's time I was one of them :)
    Fingers crossed mfp works!!

    You can do it. Dedication is all you need, said Roy Castle.

    If you wanna be the best and you wanna beat the rest? :wink:
  • cherrypie556
    cherrypie556 Posts: 17 Member
    Starting to count calories will be interesting. I've never done that before so hoping it works! I love that this site is free :)

    Im exactly the same, never counted cals before and it's hard! Got just over 300 left for rest of the day and that includes my gained back from exercise :-(
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Count me in! Gone from a 20 to a small 12, can fit into ONE size 10 dress but not mission :)
  • i would but i havent been able to get into a size 10.... ever
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    I would LOVE some more UK friends! Adding you all now! I've got about 10lbs to go!
  • Starting to count calories will be interesting. I've never done that before so hoping it works! I love that this site is free :)

    Im exactly the same, never counted cals before and it's hard! Got just over 300 left for rest of the day and that includes my gained back from exercise :-(

    I think it's definitely going to be an eye opener for me. X
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I'm American, but my goal was also a UK size 10 (US size 6) :)
  • inkandsheep
    inkandsheep Posts: 101 Member
    Me, too!

    I used to be a size 10 a couple of years ago and then started eating too much crap and not exercising enough... and realised I was a big size 12/small size 14, which at 5ft3 looks way too much on me!

    I'd like to be more around the size 8/10 boundary than where I am currently. About 10 more pounds to lose...
  • hwillia1
    hwillia1 Posts: 26 Member
    I can now just get into my size 10 skinny jeans but I wear size 12 dresses.
  • carlywifeybrown
    carlywifeybrown Posts: 42 Member
    Based in Surrey. I'd love to be a size 10, but somehow don't believe it could ever happen. I'm 6ft tall and big boned/broad. I'm aiming for size 12, currently size 14.

    Good luck with your size 10 mission!
  • deborahjr
    deborahjr Posts: 29 Member
    yeahhhh... see my profile... Tallulahs wanna be a size 10!!! It was mine and my friend's mantra.... Topshop 10!!!
  • Yes i'll join you =)
  • I am on my way to size 6...but I was in 10's and 12's a year ago...wanna come to my yard sale? lol (Raleigh, NC)
  • slimchickwannabe
    slimchickwannabe Posts: 4 Member
    Hello I am also based in the UK and have been struggling with my weight since I moved in to my 1st house with my Fiance last year... So I would love to join in!! I'm getting married next September so I would LOVE to be a size 10 for then :-)

    I currently weigh 176lbs and would love to get to 140lbs for my wedding so bring it on :-)
