Do i suffer from an ED (Binge Eating Disorder)

This is a serious question. I know a doctor would better be able to diagnose me but he's over 30 miles away. I'm not asking for a diagnosis, simply opinions. If i am a sufferer, i have it under control, thanks to MFP and obsessively counting calories.

I stumbled across the symptoms today and I'm kind of freaked out at how much it sounds like me:

Eating more rapidly than normal:
I've never been able to eat slowly when angry or upset. I don't even get the chance to taste the food.

Eating until feeling uncomfortably full:
I do this a lot... Once I ate to the point i literally threw up.

Eating large amounts of food when not hungry either:
Sometimes I'll eat just because someone else is and it makes me crave it.

Eating alone due to being embarrassed by how much is being consumed:
YES!! Even shopping is hell for me. I get too upset when people see me with food. Though i always put that down to the fact I've social anxiety caused by body dysmorphia.

Feeling depressed, disgusted, or guilty after overeating:
To the point i feel disgustingly fat & suicidal, yes.

Inability to stop or control the behaviour with food:
I wouldn't say inability to control it, but there's been times I've struggled. Emotional eatings a big thing for me. I'd eat until i'm calm. I seem to have the mentality that ice-cream, chocolate & pizza cure everything (except obesity obviously..)

Also, when I've gone over my calories, i give up on counting for that day and eat a LOT!


  • Mariabellantoni
    Mariabellantoni Posts: 26 Member
    I read you post and felt like I was reading something I wrote. You are describing my life, I have been at this for so long but find I am my own worst enemy. I have some great support with my MFP friends and I am trying slowly but I do fall and slowly pick myself back up. I work hard at it everyday and take it one day at a time, it is a life style change. feel free to add me and we can support each other and conquer this binge eating.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Bumping this for you. I don't really know. Honestly, it does sound like it could be if what you're saying is true, but I also know that self-diagnosis is dangerous business. I think you really need to see that doctor. If you do have binge eating disorder, treatment is a necessity, so you'll need to see him anyway. If you don't, it will be good to get that worry off your mind. Make an appointment for a week or two from now, whenever you can clear your schedule, and go.
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    It could possibly be true .. but what more important is the fact that you have the ability to overcome it. Just for the mere fact that you realize that you have these issues with food is grounds for you to start taking control back. Trust me, I have alot of these "symptoms" as well, and I've thought for a long time that I am a binge eater as well. While it may seem comforting to put a label on it, when I considered myself a binge eater, it made me feel bad for myself. Like I had some kind of illness that I was succumbing to. The real truth is we all have issues that can pinpointed to some type of disorder ... nobodys perfect! But it is how we handle it and take on the responsibility of diagnosis.

    If you truly believe you have this disorder, then own it and accept it. If you feel like you want to change, break out the ol' pen and paper and make concrete solutions to your problems. Make rules for your eating (this is what I had to do!). Limit yourself to stop eating after 7:30pm; or say when you go out with friends, you will make the conscious effort to not eat just because they are eating. Take a minute to be "inside your body" ... listen to your stomach .. does it ache? Is it full? Is it satisfied? If you ARE hungry, then eat. If not, sit there with a cup of water and sip continuously until everyone else is finished eating .. either you'll become full from all the water ... or you wont have to watch everyone eat because you'll be running to the bathroom!!!

    The point is, you know you have a problem with food. But its YOUR problem. YOU can change it .. YOU dont NEED to have it be a problem anymore. YOU CONTROL YOU. And THATS inspiring! Good luck! =)