Work Challenge to Help with Motivation

My office decided to do a "Biggest Loser" challenge because so many of us want to lose weight. One of the things that I need to work on in my intake so I am using MFP to help me with that. I am the mother of a one year old breastfeed baby, so I have had concerns about dieting too much, but when I weighted in and realized I weight just under what I did when she was born a year ago, I decided that I need to do something for me because if I am not healthy, I am not good for her. :-)


  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    Good luck! I read somewhere that children who are breastfed learn their desires for food later in life from what they get at this stage. So eat healthy! Good luck with the contest, but all the best to making a positive life change
  • YBSlim2
    YBSlim2 Posts: 12 Member
    MichelleAZD - I also had a baby a year ago and I was able to breasfeed for about 6.5 months. My job is also have a weight loss challenge that's based off of the "Biggest Loser". I'm just getting started with my weight loss (well I lost a lot in the first 6 months) but now the last part is the hardest to lose. I learned that I needed to eat more - I know sounds strange... So, now I eat a "balanced" breakfast, then a couple hours later I have a small snack...a couple hours or so later I eat lunch then in another couple hours I have a light snack. My doctor recommended that - she stated that eating smaller meals and snacks will assist in increasing your metabolism...and gives you more energy for the intense workout sessions.

    Like I said... I'm just getting started and I wish you all the luck!
  • Yes, they do supposedly learn many of their tastes from in utero and breastfeeding. Which I feel bad for, because I am the worst picky eater I know. However, my DH is a better eater than me and she seems to have gotten his taste for food. Furtunately, during my pregnancy I craved fruits and veggies (which she loves now), but since nursing, pumping and working have been a stressful combination, I have gone back to stress eating. I know that I needed extra calories for nursing, but I would get them in all the wrong places. It is all that I crave. I am taking a step down process. Using my diary to become better aware of what I am eating and making notes of what I can/should change. For example, I am working on getting rid of my sweet tooth, which is not easy for me without doing some sort of cleanse (can not do that with nursing).

    Thank you for the support and I am hopeful that I will be able to get this weight off!