Pregnant and counting

I'm still trying my best to eat healthy and count calories though this pregnancy...
I'm set on not gaining too much weight-but I was told by my doctor I should only gain about 10 lbs

What are some good ideas to keep you going and fueled while pregnant? The only thing that seems to fill me is carbs(which are high cal right)
I don't want to under do it but I don't want to over do it either


  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Ive never been pregnant but I've found on days when I have the hungry horrors that if I really load my plate up with veggies at lunch and dinner with a side of lean protein that tends to help keep me full (Im talking 2-3 cups vegetables)
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Try to eat healthy- stuff like fresh fruits and veg are great. When I got hungry I would eat saltine crackers in order to hold myself over but I really focused on eating the fresh stuff. Watermelon kept me going and also apples.

    I would also listen to your body. If you are hungry then try to eat something healthy for you and your baby not just whatever happens to be available. On that note, make sure you can actually eat- food aversions are sucky and they do control what you want just as bad as cravings.

    You are eating for two so make sure it's nutritious not just filling, and don't overdo it (you are eating for two as in you and a babe not two of you :D)
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    I'm a Certified Nurse Midwife, and I tell my patients to eat a lot protein and calcium. Set your calories at maintenance and try to stay as close to your macros as possible. If you are only in the first trimester, don't worry too much if you just can't stomach certain foods. Eat what you can. But try to get in lots of lean meats, low fat dairy, peanut butter, eggs. Good healthy fats and protein. And keep exercising! At least a brisk walk for 30 minutes 5 days a week. Or keep doing what you have been doing if it is not too strenuous. Good luck!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I have seen a few ladies on here pregnant. If I were you, I would figure out your TDEE ( then add 500 calories to that. I remember reading something when I was pregnant that the body needs 500 more for baby.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I've been eating about 2000a day(upped 600 from my weight loss calories). I'm officially half way-I lost 10 lbs first trimester-but I've now gained that all back...
    I'm trying to stop eating junk and I am keeping active..
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I was eating a lot of carbs in the beginning as well, but after my nausea went away, I really tried focusing more on fruits and veggies and eatting HEALTHY. Junk food is not gonna give your baby the right kind of nutrients and your body need as much nutrients right now cause your baby takes so much from you. Eat lots of protein and calcium. and I agree, watch you macros. I am not a saint when it comes to macros, I tend to go over, BUT I AM paying attention to it and try doing better. Also you only need 300 extra calories. So in your first trimester, eat maintenance , second tri bump it up 100cals and 3rd tri bump up 200extra calories. There is also a group on here "fabulous, fit, and pregnant" check it out. :))
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't count while pregnant at all unless it was just to keep track of macros. What are you going to do if you've hit your calories for the day and you're still hungry? Just starve? It's not just you anymore.

    If you eat moderately and healthy you won't gain too much weight, but it's so important to eat if you're hungry while pregnant. Baby needs so much from you to grow correctly.

    Edit: The standard might be 500 extra calories while pregnant, but maybe YOUR baby needs 700 or 800 (or 200). Why even risk it? Just eat healthy food when you're hungry and stop when you're not.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    You only need about 300 extra calories more than your TDEE to grow a baby. 500 more for breastfeeding.
  • chrissy1474
    chrissy1474 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you - I just lost all the weight from baby #1 and found out #2 was on the way! My first trimester I remained at maintenance and just increased about 250 calories when I hit my second trimester (what they gave me for gain 1/2 lb a week). I'm tracking to make sure I'm eating the right foods and having small frequent meals to keep my blood sugar even. I had gestational diabetes the first time, and while you can't prevent it, I'm hoping to keep it in check if I get it again via diet control. The biggest issue I'm having right now is sugar control (go figure) because I am loving fruits! At least it's not cakes and cookies! Good luck to you!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't count while pregnant at all unless it was just to keep track of macros. What are you going to do if you've hit your calories for the day and you're still hungry? Just starve? It's not just you anymore.

    If you eat moderately and healthy you won't gain too much weight, but it's so important to eat if you're hungry while pregnant. Baby needs so much from you to grow correctly.

    Edit: The standard might be 500 extra calories while pregnant, but maybe YOUR baby needs 700 or 800 (or 200). Why even risk it? Just eat healthy food when you're hungry and stop when you're not.

    500 calories extra is incorrect. 700-800 will have her gain weight like crazy. 300 extra is the recommended extra calories for your baby. I WOULD keep tracking. Why stop now? It will be easier to stay in the habit after you have the baby. I track EVERYDAY, I am at a healthy weight gain.
    P.S. In your first tri you really aren't suppose to gain more than 5lbs and during your 2nd and 3rd half a pound a week. IF your gaining more, than take a look at your diary and add more fruits and veggies. I was gaining weight fast at first too, but then I realized I was eating way too much bread and I have cut that out. I have added a lot of healthy alternatives and now my weight seems to be stabilizing. good luck
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm 6 weeks pregnant myself (just found out yesterday), and my doctor recommended 2,000 calories per day with lots of whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and lean fully-cooked meats. He said that I can do a little more, but you only need 100-300 extra calories per day for pregnancy.

    I actually think this is a good thing to count. I don't think it's necessary to just eat what you want while pregnant. It's possible to manage your weight reasonably and maintain a healthy pregnancy, and I plan on doing that myself throughout this process.
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I lost weight with all my pregnancies due to hyperemisis gravidarum. I would say eat what you can keep down.

    I hope you have a great pregnancy and a healthy little guy or girl. :flowerforyou: